Steering Committee & Academic Board

- Dr. Mengistu Urge has worked for Haramaya University for over 30 years
- Research interests: Animal Science fields, mainly focusing on Animal Nutrition and Stress Physiology

- Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic, Studies and Planning (CESP) and Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies (CISLS), is with the School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- Research Focus: Political Economy of Development, with particular reference to Labour, Agriculture, Natural Resources, Public Finance, Education, and History of Economic Thought
- Research Cluster: Cluster 2 - Partnership in the global economy (agriculture and finance)

Professor at the Centre for Informal Sector & Labour Studies, School of Social Sciences
- Research Focus: Contemporary history of adivasi livelihoods, labour and resistance, women and labour, environmental and labour history

- Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- Research Focus: The political economy of economic transformation in an era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
- Research Cluster: Cluster 2 - Partnership in the global economy (agriculture)

- Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Political and International Studies
- Research Focus: development (particularly post-development theory), the politics of NGO work, service-learning and community engagement, higher education transformation and decolonisation, and race and privilege. These seemingly eclectic research interests are loosely held together by a general preoccupation with the question of whether and how the relatively privileged can contribute to struggles for social justice.
- Research Cluster: Partnership in knowledge production (Eurocentrism and alternative knowledge)

Université des Sciences Appliquées du Développement
Burkina Faso
- Pan-African Institute for Development West Africa and Sahel Region (IPD/AOS)
- Research Focus: Social and economic appropriation of new technologies for development; Social and solidarity economy, job creation potential for young people and levers of organic agriculture, Cooperative or cooperative-type organizations, common interest groupings, decentralized financial systems, village tontine, mutual health insurance companies
- Research Cluster: Cluster 1 - Partnerships in development cooperation (access, empowerment and deeper participation)

- Faculté d’Ethnologie
- Research Focus: Social sciences, Political philosophy, Humanitarian, NGOs, International aid and assistance
- Research Cluster: Cluster 1 - Partnership in development cooperation (accountability)

Prof. Dr. Jhon Picard Byron
Université d'Etat Haiti
- Research Focus: Ethnology and history of political ideas

- Associate Professor and the Dean of the School for Development Studies
- Research focus: informal economy organising, gender and rural women’s livelihoods, decent work along agricultural value chains

- Dean of School for Development Studies, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Environment, Governance and Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr Mehrdad Arabestani
University of Tehran
- Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Tehran

- Associate Professor, Department of Social Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Research focus: urban and regional planning, industrial development, social policy
- Research Cluster: Cluster 1 - Partnership in development cooperation

- Professor, University of Kara

- Senior research fellow at Sir Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies
- Research focus: Problems of racial power in development and freedom, and rurality and social changein modern world systems and Caribbean societies
- Current research interests: The Moral Economy of Markets and Debt; Food insecurity and the Political Economy of Food Systems; Globalization, Agrarian Change and Rural Futures; Climate Change, vulnerability and ‘rural resilience’ in small island states; Caribbean Poiesis and Africana Critical Theory; Economic Philosophy and Growth Theory; Decolonial Theory, Praxis and Poethics
- Research cluster: Cluster 2 - Partnership in the global economy (agriculture, finance and energy), Cluster 3 - Partnership in knowledge production (Eurocentrism and alternative knowledge)

- Professor, Wits Department of Sociology - Globalization and Labour Relations in the Global South
- Research Focus: Labour, Ecological Marxism and Happiness/Wellbeing/Ecosocialism Studies
- Research Cluster: Cluster 3 - Partnership in knowledge production (alternative knowledge)

- Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand, editor of the Democratic Marxism Series, principal investigator for the Emancipatory Futures Studies in the Anthropocene project
- Research Focus: Civilisational Crisis, Empire, African political economy, South African International Relations, Transnational Systemic Alternatives and Emancipatory Futures

- Executive Director of the GPN, Head of the section Development and Postcolonial Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences

- A social anthropologist by training and a development activist who has lived and worked with indigenous people and Dalit communities in India.
- He is currently the Executive Director of ActionAid Association.

Projects Coordinator at ActionAid International Uganda

- Executive Director at Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation

Fitzroy Floyd
Catherine Hall Community Development Committee

- Director of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg
- A dual Recipient of the 2018 Goldman Environmental Prize


Dieynaba Sagnan
Enda Graf Sahel

Mamadou Kobar
Enda Graf Sahel

Taye Endashaw Gebrewold
Hararghe Catholic Secretartiat

Raoul Vital
Institut Culturel Karl Lévêque

Képler Aurélien
Institut Culturel Karl Lévêque
- Coordinator of an program of inter-organizational exchange and systematization of experiences at Institut Culturel Karl Lévêque (ICKL), Haiti

- President of Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers and a member of the World Farmers Organization - Women Committee

- One of the founders of Kalpavriksh, an Indian environmental NGO
- Coordinate Kalpavriksh's programme on Alternatives

- A member of Kalpavriksh since 1984
- She is a trained special educator and has worked with children with multiple disabilities in Delhi for 10 years. Her main engagement at Kalpavriksh has been in the field of environment education for children.

- Program coordinator for Kalpavriksh’s Documentation and Outreach center, and edits its newsletter entitled People in Conservation

- Head of the public relations department at medico international
- Research areas: global health and compensation debates, international trade relations and raw materials

- Currently works at the Policy and Global Challenges department of MISEREOR, the German Catholic Bishops’ Organization for Development Cooperation
- His focus is on the translation of critical, alternative concepts of economy and well-being into more aggregate, practical or political means of organizing an economy, such as policy and regulation, models of business and taxation, or the like

- Head of Programmes at Third World Network-Africa
- Over 20 years of experience in international economic and trade policy, law, negotiations and advocacy; multilateral, regional and bilateral

- Co-founder and Principal of the Slashroots Foundation supporting strategy, research, and implementation