M.S. Sustainable International Agriculture
<link https: www.uni-kassel.de fb11agrar studiengaenge master-sustainable-international-agriculture.html>The M.S. Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA) program is a joint venture of two German Universities namely, the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen (Organic Agricultural Sciences) and the University of Göttingen (Agricultural Sciences).
The SIA study program aims to contribute to the sustainable production of agricultural commodities and food security at specific locations and in an international context. After completing the SIA program students will be enabled to understand the ecological interactions of natural and agrarian systems in a global context, acquire up-to-date knowledge in natural and socio-economic sciences, obtain social and methodical skills, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in an international context concerning (organic) agriculture, and be able to participate in the world-wide development of resource-efficient agricultural production.
All SIA modules are taught in English. The study programme is internationally oriented and offers three possibilities for specialization: International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics, International Organic Agriculture or Tropical Agriculture.