Dipl.-Sozw. Harald Schomburg - CV

Berufsweg/ Curriculum Vitae

1982 - 2012 Senior researcher at the University of Kassel, International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER-Kassel)
  Consultant: (empirical research methods, specially methods of data analysis) for the researchers in the institute
  Lecturer: Introductions in methods of data analysis with SPSS; Seminars in methods of multivariate data analysis for advanced students at the University of Kassel and the University of Goettingen Several workshops on methodology of tracer studies.
1980-1982 Researcher at the Sociological Research Institute (SOFI), Göttingen Projects: Research project "Youth and Crisis", review of the research literature Research project "Education and Employment", coding, data processing, statistical analysis
1979-1980 Studentenwerk Göttingen
  Conducting a survey "Social situation of students in Göttingen,different activities for public relations University
1977-1979 Tutorial assistance
  Different tasks in the context of teaching