SFB ELCH Summer School 2023 (Sept 5th - 8th)
This year's Summer School will take place during September 5th - 8th in the Welcome Hotel Bad Arolsen.
Speaker & Topics
Share Transportation: We organized a bus transfer: from Kassel, "Bahnhof Wilhelmshöhe", to Bad Arolsen, Welcome Hotel on Tuesday, 05.09. which leaves at 11:00 a.m.
and from Bad Arolsen, Welcome Hotel, to Kassel, "Bahnhof Wilhelmshöhe" on Friday 08.09. which leaves around 14:00
We will try to pick up travelers from Frankfurt, Marburg and Hamburg and guest from further away as well if arriving in time at the train station Kassel Bahnhof Wilhelmshöhe.
We have booked bus with sufficient size, so everyone who stated interest during the registration is be able to join!
Gathering point for the bus: We will meet at the "Fernbusbahnhof Kassel" in the direct vicinity of the train station "Kassel, Bahnhof Wilhelmshöhe": Leave the train station in direction of the local public transportation, immediately turn right and go till there is an opening in the station building which leads to its backside, see picture.

Individual Travel
Address of the Hotel:
Welcome Hotel Bad Arolsen
Königin-Emma-Straße 10
34454 Bad Arolsen
You will reach Bad Arolsen train station via regional trains from all directions (incl. Kassel). Bad Arolsen Welcome Hotel is 2 km walk from the Bad Arolsen train station.
See the route of the walk.
Local Taxi companys:
Taxi Schaake +49 (0) 5691 5800
Taxi Siersack +49 (0) 5691 1313
The main costs for accomodation, meals and room rent / conference fee will get paid globally for all participants from the central SFB account. Please take a little bit of extra money with you because we will not take over costs for certain drinks during the meals and in the afternoon.
The travel costs can be paid out of the SFB-project-accounts. These costs will get reimbursed as "Workshop"-costs for every participant out of the global means with the current/next "call for funds".
Although we pay the main costs centrally, you have to register your travel with your local travel department to be ensured during the trip. ("Dienstreiseantrag")