SFB-Retreat (Oct, 4th-7th)
Our internal SFB-Retreat will take place from October 4th to 7th, 2022 at Welcome Hotel Bad Arolsen.
Link to the event location: Welcome Hotel Bad Arolsen
We are planning to offer a number of social events during the retreat to tailor for different insterests and to keep the groups smaller.
For more information on possible socialising events, please find links below. Please specify one or two events, in which you are most insterested in, in the registration form, so we can plan accordingly.
- Arolsen Archives (LINK)
- Residence Schloss (LINK)
- Wanderung (Route tba)
- Mac Birdies Adventure Golf (LINK)
To register please fill out the REGISTRATION FORM
Preliminary Program

Please note that this is a preliminary programm and there may be changes!