Our Guideline

Reliable in routine and open to future-oriented innovations

First and foremost, administration means administrative competence. This competence is needed in many ways to ensure that the complex organization that is the University of Kassel, with around 3,500 employees, 23,000 students and a budget of approximately €300 million, functions smoothly and that the Faculties and university committees are optimally supported in the implementation of their development goals. Research, teaching and knowledge transfer must be administered in multidimensional contexts in order to meet legal standards, be plannable, feasible, transparent and 'customer-friendly'.

"Reliable in routine and open to future-oriented innovations" - this is the guideline for the daily actions of specialists and managers in the administration.

What is meant by this is that the administration operates with an enabling, active attitude, in compliance with prescribed state legal norms, internal university regulations and within the scope of its resource and technical possibilities. Our aim is to ensure that administrative processes meet the requirements of the university as well as those of employees, students, academics and external partners as closely as possible from an individual 'customer' perspective. Therefore we continuously review processes, organizational structures and technologies to determine whether they meet this requirement. In change projects, we continuously design and test innovations that strengthen our institutional capacity to act and increase user-friendliness. When designing administrative processes and digitizing them, we will continue to use our participatory approach to bring together specialist expertise with the requirements of the Faculty.

Dr. Oliver Fromm, Provost University of Kassel

Reliable in routine and open to future-oriented innovations.

Dr. Oliver Fromm, Provost University of Kassel

Here you will find an overview of the most important projects currently being worked on with this objective in the administration.