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The Equal Opportunity Committee (GKom) provides advice and support on gender and diversity issues to the Presidential Board, the University Senate, the Women's and Equality Officer, and the University committees responsible for equal opportunity issues.
Case administration
Hanna Mause
Phone: +49 561 804 3469
The Information Management Committee, chaired by the University’s Chief Information Officer, advises and supports the Presidential Board concerning the strategic development of the University’s IT infrastructure and IT services.
Case administration
Dr. Reinhard Gerhold
Phone: +49 561 804 2462
The University of Kassel has established an Ethics Committee, which reviews planned research projects from an ethical point of view. In addition, the committee evaluates research risks relevant to safety. The committee supports researchers of all faculties and the School of Art and Design (except for the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences, which have established their own ethics committees).
Office of the University Ethics Committee
Mönchebergstr. 19
34125 Kassel
(Until 12/2020 Committee for the Allocation of Funds to Improve the Quality of Study Conditions and Teaching - VKomQSL)
The University Committee on Student Affairs prepares proposals to the Presidential Board regarding the allocation of project funding to improve the quality of study conditions and teaching, based on the relevant regulations and established procedures for these funds.
Case administration:
University Comittee on Student Affairs
Ute Gottschling
Mönchebergstraße 19
34125 Kassel
The Internationalization Committee is a committee established by the University Senate and focuses on all relevant issues concerning internationalization at the University of Kassel.
The Senate Committee on Academic Affairs is responsible for the preparation of recommendations for the Senate regarding study and examination regulations. Furthermore, the committee acts as Evaluation Committee in accordance with § 5 of the University’s regulations for evaluation.
Committee for the Safeguarding of Good Scientific and Artistic / Creative Practice
The Committee for the Safeguarding of Good Scientific and Artistic / Creative Practice is responsible for reviewing suspected scientific misconduct in accordance with the regulations of the "Guidelines for Ensuring Good Research Practice at the University of Kassel".