Research Committee (KomFor)

The Research Committee supports the Presidential Board in matters of research funding, research development and research evaluation.

It submits proposals to the Presidential Board for the distribution of funds from the Central Research Funding (ZFF) and proposes procedural rules for the evaluation of equipment requests in accordance with § 62 para. 3 HHG.

Office of the Research Committee
Mönchebergstr. 19
34125 Kassel

Bettina Müller
Secretariat Research and Graduate Support Office
Phone +49 561 804-2208
Fax +49 561 804-2226

Meeting dates SoSe 2024

May 16, 2024
June 06, 2024
June 27, 2024
July 04, 2024

Members of the Research Committee

Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael Wachendorf, Vice President Research. Supervision: Dr. Katrin Steinack

  • Prof. Dr. Hubertus Büschel
    Modern and Contemporary History (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Mirjam Ebersbach
    Developmental Psychology (Faculty of Human Sciences)
  • Sophie Eltzner
    Student Member (Faculty of Human Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Hornuff
    Theory and Practice of Design (University of the Arts)
  • Prof. Dr. Heike Klussmann
    Visual Arts / Research Platform Bau Kunst Erfinden
    (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning)
  • Prof. Dr. Ilse Müllner
    Catholic Theology / Old Testament (Faculty of Humanities)
  • Dr. Sarah Oeste-Reiß
    Information Systems (Faculty of Economics and Management)
  • Dr. Hannu Turba
    Social Policy (Faculty of Human Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziegler
    Empirical Economic Research (Faculty of Economics and Management)

Composition of the Commission Research as of 01.06.2020 according to Presidential Decision P/47 of 15.05.2020.

  • Dr. Christian Bruns
    Organic Agriculture and Plant Production (Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Dirk Hinrichs
    Animal Breeding (Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. David Laner
    Resource Management and Solid Waste Engineering (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  • PD. Dr. Susanne Neupert
    Animal Physiology (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Niendorf
    Metallic Materials (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pietschnig
    Chemical Hybrid Materials (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Olaf Stursberg
    Control and System Theory (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Composition of the Research Commission as of 01.06.2020 according to Presidential Decision P/47 of 15.05.2020.

Invitations of the Research Committee

Please refer to the committee schedule for meeting dates.