Information for teachers

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Teaching assignment

Step by step to the conclusion of the contract

Teaching assignment: More Infos

Commissioning procedure for substitute and visiting professors and guest lecturers/researchers

In order to provide the departments with the planning security required for semester preparations at an early stage, a corresponding semester plan for substitute and Guest professors is drawn up for each summer semester and each winter semester and discussed by the President's Office in advance.

Applications from the departments must be submitted to the President by May 10th of each year for the winter semester and by November 10th of each year for the summer semester. The application must be accompanied by a justification stating whether the application is for a substitute or visiting professorship.

When applying for a substitute professorship, it must be noted that the vacant - non-represented - professorships of a department are taken into account when allocating teaching assignment funds. An amount of € 7,500 per year (€ 3,750 per semester) is allocated per vacant professorship.

Substitute professorships serve to fill a vacant Professor position in research, teaching, student advising and examinations. A substitute professorship can be used if the tasks cannot be fulfilled by the existing staff or by teaching assignments.

Those appointed to a deputy professorship must fulfill the recruitment requirements in accordance with Section 62 of the Hessian Higher Education Act.

The appointment of a deputy professor can be made for a maximum of 4 semesters. The appointment is usually made for the lecture period of a semester.

The teaching obligation assumed corresponds to that of a professor in accordance with the applicable teaching obligation ordinance at universities in the state.

The visiting professorships serve to supplement the range of courses on offer. The appointees must fulfill the employment requirements in accordance with Section 62 of the Hessian Higher Education Act. The appointment is usually for the lecture period of a semester.

The teaching obligations assumed correspond to those of a professor in accordance with the applicable teaching obligation regulations at universities in the state.

The Presidential Board provides funding for foreign guest lecturers/researchers. Applications must be submitted to the Department for Development Planning, Internationalization and International Cooperation. Once they have been reviewed, the nominated persons will be contacted and invited to the University of Kassel. The prerequisite is that the guest lecturer/researcher is involved in teaching for at least 6 semester hours per week for the duration of the stay.

Applications to the ICDD
Applications for visiting professorships for teaching and research stays at the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) with funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) should be submitted to the ICDD. After appropriate examination, the nominated persons will be invited. It should be noted in advance that employment at the University of Kassel can only take place with the issue of a corresponding visa with a work permit as a visiting researcher. The issue of a visa must be clarified with a German mission abroad before entering Germany.

Guest lectures" may only be invoiced for lectures/workshops and similar events by academics and guest lecturers who are not members of the University of Kassel.

Employees of the University of Kassel may not charge fees for "guest lectures" at their own university. Services rendered by an employee of the University of Kassel in addition to teaching duties or the existing employment contract can only be paid out as previously applied for and approved overtime or additional work via the employee's remuneration account.

The following form must be completed for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by "non-university" persons.

  1. The fee should include the total amount of all costs incurred (no individual receipts). For costs over € 300.00, all original receipts must be attached.
  2. The form must be signed by the authorized cost center (department head or dean's office).
  3. Costs are reimbursed via a cost center (state funds) or via an order number (third-party funds). If the funding comes from third-party funds, this must be clarified in advance with the third-party funding body; if necessary, a letter of invitation from the University of Kassel must be submitted.

In the event that the department has reserved a hotel room for the guest, there are 2 options:

  1. The guest pays in advance (pays the hotel bill) and submits the original bill and receipt to the department. A reimbursement form must be completed there and signed by the cost center manager.
  2. The hotel sends the invoice directly to the department. The invoice must then be forwarded to the Department of Human Resources and Organization with the cost center and the correct signature of the cost center manager together with the guest lecture form.

Contact persons in the Human Resources and Organization Department

Official or personnel matters of Professors

If you have any questions, please contact your responsible administrator. Please use the contact address from the correspondence.

Substitute and visiting professorships

Dennis Reinold
Phone: +49 561 804-1965

Teaching assignmentsFB
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, Allg. Hochschulsport, Int. Studienzentrum, RSS, SCL, ZfL, Abt. II, UKT

Melani Brnabic-Schäfer
Phone: +49 561 804-7460

Dominika Musick
Phone: +49 561 804-7054

Teaching assignments
FB 10, FB 11, KHS

Sarah Khod
Phone: +49 561 804-2183