Security and Safety on Campus

Emergency numbers

Please save the following important emergency numbers on your mobile phone:

Emergencies on campus:
+49 561 804-2222

Campus security
+49 561 804-2040

For all other types of matters (Service Desk):
+49 561 804-7777

House law and criminal matters
+49 561 804-3242

Service Desk ITS
+49 561 804-5678

The University of Kassel takes precautions to ensure a safe and secure campus environment for all students, faculty and staff.

However, the university is open to the public and strangers can easily enter the campus – as anywhere in the world, people can become a victim of a criminal offence. In order for students and staff to feel safe and secure on campus, we have gathered the following information regarding campus security.

Se­cur­ity staff mem­bers

Se­cur­ity staff mem­bers

Our staff and the staff members of our external security provider work as hard as they can to make the campuses of the University of Kassel as safe as possible. Internal and external security personnel are in charge of campus security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in order to improve security on campus by conducting foot and vehicle patrols or simply by maintaining a presence.

In the event of an emergency, the security guards are available 24/7 at 2222 (on-campus emergency number).

Please also contact the security staff members if you feel uncomfortable in a potentially dangerous situation that negatively affects your personal feeling of safety. If you feel unsafe at any time on campus, especially after dark or in the winter months, also dial the above mentioned number to get an escort to another location on campus or be walked to your car.

Please dial 7777 or write a ticket to the Service Desk to report any unsafe conditions, defective lamps or missing streetlamps in dark areas or if you have any security-related questions or improvements to propose.

If you have any questions regarding general security on university premises, the security options for office equipment, security issues in connection with events, after key losses or detected break-ins and thefts, please contact the Infrastructural Facility Management department.

Own safety precautions

Which safety precautions should I take?

Please avoid walking alone on campus after dark and try to always walk with at least one other person or in groups. Avoid secluded and dimly-lit areas and stay on well-lit, regular traveled walks and pathways. Stay away from shrubbery, bushes and dark alleyways. If you have no one to walk with, call the security guard at 7777 or 2040 to escort you to your vehicle, for example.

Always lock your office door when you leave, even if it is for a short time.

Secure valuables in a locked compartment.

Address strangers (for example in the hallways) politely and ask if you can help them (“Entschuldigung, kann ich Ihnen helfen?”)

Never leave the doors to the hallways or the connecting doors open.

If your office is on the ground floor, please take appropriate measures to keep people from looking into your office (use curtains or blinds).

Please get acquainted with the university’s safety and security regulations (fire safety regulations, emergency phone locations on campus, etc.)

Alarming situations

What to do if I witness a criminal offence or any sort of alarming situation?
If you feel threatened, witness a dangerous or alarming incident or if you find yourself in a violent or potentially risky situation on campus, contact the campus security personnel at 2222. Security guards are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

Of course, you can also dial the emergency number 110 to directly contact the police. In this case, please also inform the security guards’ office at 2222 about the incident afterwards.

The emergency phones that are mounted on green poles are also located throughout the central campus at Holländischer Platz. Please don’t hesitate to use them!

In case of theft-related offences, criminal damage to university property or damage to your personal property, please directly contact the Info Point or the office of campus security at Holländischer Platz (phone: 2040).

Emergency phones

Campusplan / Emergency phones
campus at Holländischer Platz / Emergency phones

Emergency phones are located on the central campus at Holländischer Platz and directly connect to campus security staff in case of an emergency. When the emergency button is pushed, the emergency poles blink, which draws more attention on the potential high-risk area. Please click on the link below to see a map of the campus at Holländischer Platz with its seven emergency phones. The red circles indicate our emergency phones, while the blue circles indicate the location of telephones boxes.

Description of the exact emergency phone locations

  • One emergency pole is located at the end of Georg-Forster-Straße, on the left-hand side in front of the main entrance to the underground garage.
  • One emergency pole is located between Gießhaus/Faculty 15, Mönchebergstraße 3 (Institute of Materials Engineering) and Faculty 14, Mönchebergstraße 7 (at the back) and the rear entrance of Gießhaus (caretaking services).
  • Another emergency pole is located at the back of the library (cobbled path) close to the rear entrance of the underground garage und the ramp to the library.
  • On the opposite side an emergency pole is located at the back of the building in Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3 close to (on the opposite side of) the labs and the truck access route.
  • A further emergency pole is located in Nora-Platiel-Straße 5 (passage to Arnold Bode-Straße, Faculty of Social Sciences).
  • One emergency is located in the backyard in Nora-Platiel-Straße 1 (near the passage to Henschelstraße).

Case of theft-related offences

In case of theft-related offences, criminal damage to university property or damage to your personal property, please contact the Infratechnical Services Department (IGM).

Please use the Form "Diebstahlmeldung" incase of theft-related offences.

Outside of office hours please dial 7777 or write a ticket to the Service Desk. In the event of an emergency on campus, contact the campus security personnel at 2222.

In case of an emergency or if you witness a dangerous or alarming situation, dial the emergency number 110.

Infratechnical Services Department

Michaela Bierkandt

Phone +49 561 804-3242
Fax +49 561 804-3333

Infratechnical Services Department

Frank Oschkinis

Phone +49 561 804-2266
Fax +49 561 804-3333

Campus security (Infopoint at campus Holländischer Platz)

Henschelstraße 2 / Infopoint
Phone 49561804-2040
Emergeny call +49 561 804-2222
