Quality development of the examination system and coordination of examination regulations

The knowledge and competencies taught during the course of study and the examinations that must be passed in order to obtain a degree are specified in examination regulations.

In this context, the examination regulations and a well-functioning examination system are of great importance, especially since the changeover to the bachelor's and master's system with its examinations during studies, both for teachers and examination offices as well as for students. This requires compliance with legal-administrative and service-related quality standards. The Department of Studies and Teaching is responsible for coordinating the approval process and the review of the content of new examination regulations as well as the networking of the various stakeholders (students, teachers, departments, examination offices / examination secretariats / examination offices, administration and ITS) for quality development in examination administration.

This website offers assistance for:

Examination regulations

Examination offices, examination secretariats, examination offices


Christian Schaub

Coordination of Examination Regulations and Quality Development Examination

Phone +49 561 804-1866

Examination offices, examination secretariats and examination offices of the departments

Lisa Becker

Case administration of approval procedures and accreditation

Phone +49 561 804-2777