DFG-Project "ReqET"

Quality assurance in the evaluation of virtual prototypes through the use of eye movement measurements to optimize customer requirement analysis [ReqET].

The research project "Quality assurance in the evaluation of virtual prototypes through the use of eye movement measurements to optimize customer requirement analysis" is funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation). The aim of the research project is to carry out customer requirement analyses on virtual prototypes and to use eye tracking to increase the precision, richness and resilience of the results compared to conventional approaches. Through (partially) automated evaluations, customer requirement analyses can be objectified and significantly accelerated. The quality of survey methods is assured by automated behavioral observations during observation and interaction with the prototypes. The abbreviation ReqET stands for customer requirementson the one hand and eye-trackingon the other.

The most important facts at a glance

Project duration:
October 2023 - September 2025

Eye-tracking, customer requirements analysis, virtual prototypes, quality management, product development

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