Abgeschlossene Projekte Regelungstechnik
- AutoGrünBeton - Autoadaptiver Lernprozess zur Optimierung der Recyclingbetonproduktion
- EEpBeton
- Digital Twin of Injection Molding (DIM)
- Automatische Kalibrierung komplexer Sensorsysteme am Beispiel mikromagnetischer Materialcharakterisierungsverfahren
- Fault detection and isolation in process plants using Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Prognose des Randschichtzustandes für die robuste Regelung eines Drehprozesses unter Einsatz von in-process Messtechnik und datengetriebener Softsensorik
- Digitalization in Material Technology
- Experiment Design for the Identification of locally affine multi models
- Methods for automated model structure selection for the identification of dynamic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models
- Methods for automated model structure selection for the identification of dynamic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models
- On identification of mechatronic actuators with friction in motor vehicles
- Methods for task allocation and cooperation in mobile multi-robot systems
- On identification of mechatronic actuators with friction in motor vehicles
- Classification-based Online Fault Recognition
- Analysis of large and coupled systems with methodes of complex networks
- Fuzzy modeling of nonlinear uncertain dynamic systems
- Methods for dynamic modeling of nonlinear mechatronic systems
- Early detection and decision support for critical situations in the production environment