Publications since 2009

Peer-reviewed journals

A. Ricoeur, K. Zarjov, F. Paysan, T. Witulski, E. BreitbarthCrack deflection and crack paths in anisotropic aluminum alloy AA7010-T7452: Uncertainties and stochastic aspectsEngineering Fracture Mechanics 312 (2024), 110626 (20pp)
L. Behlen, D. Wallenta, A. RicoeurDoes the capacitor analogy model in fracture mechanics of elastic dielectrics constitute an appropriate approximation?Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 29 (2024), 2316-2347
A. Schlosser, L. Behlen, A. RicoeurElectrostatic body forces in cracked dielectrics and their implication on Maxwell stress tensorsContinuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 36 (2024), 877-890
S. Lange, A. Warkentin, A. RicoeurScale transition and residual fields in modeling of polycrystalline ferroelectrics based on the internal energy potential and a Voigt-Reuss approximationEuropean Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 103 (2024), 105161 (19pp)
K. Schmitz, A. RicoeurTheoretical and computational aspects of configurational forces in three-dimensional crack problemsInternational Journal of Solids and Structures 282 (2023), 112456 (11pp)
R. Wakili, S. Lange, A. RicoeurFEM-CM as a hybrid approach for multiscale modeling and simulation of ferroelectric boundary value problemsComputational Mechanics 72 (2023), 1295-1313
A. Warkentin, L. Behlen, A. RicoeurModel-based investigations of ferroelectric energy harvesting with regard to an improvement of life span and operabilitySmart Materials and Structures 32 (2023), 035028 (19pp)
J. Hou, J. Lv, A. Ricoeur, Y. Hu, H. Zuo, Y. Chen, Q. LiThe M-integral in fracture and damage mechanics: a review of developments and applicationsEngineering Fracture Mechanics 273 (2022), 108741 (36pp)
A. Ricoeur, F. Lindner, K. ZarjovStochastic aspects of crack deflection and crack path prediction in short fiber reinforced polymer matrix compositesEuropean Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 95 (2022), 104598 (14pp)
J. Scheel, D. Wallenta, A. RicoeurA critical review on the complex potentials in linear elastic fracture mechanicsJournal of Elasticity 147 (2022), 291-308
S. Lange, A. RicoeurMultiscale modeling of ferroelectrics with stochastic grain size distributionJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 33 (2022), 1773-1786
P. O. Judt, A. RicoeurAn auxiliary crack approach for efficient approximate crack tip loading analysesInternational Journal of Fracture 232 (2021), 213-220
A. Ricoeur, M. WingenA monolithic approach toward coupled electrodynamic-thermomechanical problems with regard to weak formulationsActa Mechanica 234 (2023), 3-16
Z. Wang, A. RicoeurPrediction of crack paths in ferroelectrics with anisotropic fracture toughnessTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 114 (2021), 103031 (9pp)
L. Behlen, A. Warkentin, A. Ricoeur.Exploiting ferroelectric and ferroelastic effects in piezoelectric energy harvesting: theoretical studies and parameter optimizationSmart Materials and Structures 30 (2021), 035031 (18pp)
J. Scheel, A. Schlosser, A. Ricoeur.The J-integral for mixed-mode loaded cracks with cohesive zonesInternational Journal of Fracture 227 (2021), 79-94
R. Boukellif, A. Ricoeur, M. OxeParameter identification of crack-like notches in aluminum plates based on strain gauge dataStructural Health Monitoring 20 (2021), 3227-3238
Z. Wang, A. RicoeurThe influence of electric loading on crack paths in ferroelectricsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 142 (2020), 104043 (14pp)
A. Warkentin, A. RicoeurA semi-analytical scale bridging approach towards polycrystalline ferroelectrics with mutual nonlinear caloric-electromechanical couplingsInternational Journal of Solids and Structures 200-201 (2020), 286-296
R. Boukellif, A. RicoeurIdentification of crack parameters and stress intensity factors in finite and semi-infinite plates solving inverse problems of linear elasticity

Acta Mechanica 231 (2020), 795-813

A. Avakian, A. RicoeurNumerical simulation of multiferroic composites: prediction of magnetoelectric coupling and damageContinuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 32 (2020), 1455-1472
R. Boukellif, A. RicoeurDetection of notches and cracks based on the monitoring of local strain and the solution of inverse problemsMaterial Design & Processing Communications (2019), doi 10.1002/mdp2.103 (7pp)
P. Judt, J.-C. Zarges, M. Feldmann, A. Ricoeur, H.-P. HeimDeflecting mode-I cracks in anisotropic materialsMechanics of Materials 136 (2019), 103060 (13 pp)
J. Scheel, A. RicoeurA comprehensive interpretation of the J-integral for cohesive interface cracks and interactions with matrix cracksTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 100 (2019), 281-288
A. Ricoeur, P. Judt, B. PifferA new type of flat-bar specimen for non-proportional mixed-mode crack tip loading under uniaxial tensionEngineering Fracture Mechanics 209 (2019), 382-391
A. Ricoeur, S. LangeConstitutive modeling of polycrystalline multiconstituent and multiphase ferroic materials based on a condensed approach

Archive of Applied Mechanics 89 (2019), 973-994

M. Wingen, A. RicoeurCaloric aspects of nonlinear ferroelectric constitutive behavior: modeling and simulationContinuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 31 (2019), 549-568
M. Kahlmeyer, A. Winkel, J. Scheel, I. Melnyk, A. Müller, A. Fery, A. Ricoeur, S. BöhmMicroencapsulated markers for damage detection in adhesive jointsThe Journal of Adhesion 94 (2018), 767-783
P.O. Judt, J.-C. Zarges, A. Ricoeur, H.-P. HeimAnisotropic fracture properties and crack path prediction in glass and cellulose fiber reinforced composites.Engineering Fracture Mechanics 188 (2018), 344-360
Z. Wang, A. RicoeurNumerical crack path prediction under mixed-mode loading in 1D quasicrystalsTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 90 (2017), 122-132

A. Avakian, A. Ricoeur

An extended constitutive model for nonlinear reversible ferromagnetic behavior under magnetomechanical multiaxial loading conditionsJournal of Applied Physics 121 (2017), 053901 (9pp)
A. Ricoeur, E. MerkelElectrodynamic-mechanical boundary value problems and gauge transformations in dielectrics with constitutive magnetoelectric couplingApplied Mathematical Modelling 41 (2017), 419-430
Z. Wang, J. Scheel, A. RicoeurMixed-mode crack tip loading and crack deflection in 1D quasicrystalsApplied Physics A 122 (2016), 1041 (12pp)
J. Gundlach, D. Henneberg, J. Scheel, A. RicoeurMicroscale-motivated continuum damage simulations of brittle ceramics under thermomechanical loading

Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 7 (2016), 145-154

L. Zhang, D. Wu, W. Xu, L. Yang, A. Ricoeur, Z. Wang, Y. GaoGreen's functions of one-dimensional quasicrystal bi-material with piezoelectric effect

Physics Letters A 380 (2016), 3222-3228

E. Merkel, A. RicoeurEffective properties of cracked piezoelectrics with non-trivial crack face boundary conditionsArchives of Applied Mechanics 86 (2016), 1325-1340
R. Gellmann, A. RicoeurContinuum damage model for ferroelectric materials and its application to multilayer actuatorsSmart Materials and Structures 25 (2016), 055045 (12pp)
A. Avakian, A. RicoeurConstitutive modeling of nonlinear reversible and irreversible ferromagnetic behaviors and application to multiferroic compositesJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(18) (2016), 2536-2554
P.O. Judt, A. RicoeurA new application of M- and L-integrals for the numerical loading analysis of two interacting cracksJournal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 96 (2016), 24-36

S. Lange,

A. Ricoeur

High cycle fatigue damage and life time prediction for tetragonal ferroelectrics under electromechanical loading.International Journal of Solids and Structures 80 (2016), 181-192
P.O. Judt, A. RicoeurCrack growth simulation of multiple cracks systems applying remote contour interaction integralsTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 75 (2015), 78-88
A. Avakian, R. Gellmann, A. RicoeurNonlinear modeling and finite element simulation of magnetoelectric coupling and residual stress in multiferroic compositesActa Mechanica 226(8) (2015), 2789-2806
P.O. Judt, A. RicoeurCrack path predictions and experiments in plane structures considering anisotropic properties and material interfacesFrattura et Integrità Strutturale 34 (2015), 208-215

S. Lange,

A. Ricoeur

A condensed microelectromechanical approach for modeling tetragonal ferroelectricsInternational Journal of Solids and Structures 54 (2015), 100-110
P. O. Judt, A. Ricoeur, G. LinekCrack path prediction in rolled aluminum plates with fracture toughness orthotropy and experimental validationEngineering Fracture Mechanics 138 (2015), 33-48
A. Ricoeur, R. Gellmann, Z. WangInfluence of inclined electric fields on the effective fracture toughness of piezoelectric ceramicsActa Mechanica 226 (2015), 491-503
P.O. Judt, A. RicoeurConsistent application of path-independent interaction integrals to arbitrary curved crack facesArchives of Applied Mechanics 85 (2015), 13-27
Y. Gao, A. Ricoeur, L.-L. Zhang, L.-Z. YangCrack solutions and weight functions for plane problems in three-dimensional quasicrystalsArchives of Applied Mechanics 84 (2014), 1103-1115
D. Henneberg, A. RicoeurNumerical two-scale simulations of damage evolution at refractory materialsJournal of the Ceramic Science and Technology 5(2) (2014), 83-92
R. Boukellif, A. RicoeurParameter identification for cracks in elastic plate structures based on remote strain fieldsInternational Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2014), 2123-2132
L.-Z. Yang, A. Ricoeur, F.-M. He, Y. GaoFinite size specimens with cracks of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystalsChinese Physics B 23 (2014), 056102 (10pp)
P.O. Judt, A. RicoeurAccurate loading analyses of curved cracks under mixed-mode conditions applying the J-integralInternational Journal of Fracture 182 (2013), 53-66
D. Henneberg, A. Ricoeur, P. JudtMultiscale modeling for the simulation of damage processes at refractory materials under thermal shockComputational Materials Science 70 (2013), 187-195
R. Gellmann, A. RicoeurExtended semi-analytical investigations of crack growth resistance behavior in ferroelectric materialsActa Mechanica 223 (2012), 2357-2368
Y. Gao, A. RicoeurThree-dimensional analysis of a spheroidal inclusion in a two-dimensional quasicrystal bodyPhilosophical Magazine 92 (2012), 4334-4353

D. Henneberg, A. Ricoeur

Multiscale modeling for the simulation of damage processes at refractory materials under thermal shock

Refractories Worldforum, 4 (2012), 165 -168

Y. Gao, A. Ricoeur

The refined theory of plane problems for one-dimensional quasi-crystalline bodies

Journal of Applied Mechanics 79 (2012), 011004 (7pp)

R. Gellmann,

A. Ricoeur

Some new aspects of boundary conditions at cracks in piezoelectrics

Archives of Applied Mechanics 82 (2012), 841-852

A. Al-Baldawi,

L. Schreiber

Viscoelastic-plastic modeling and experimental investigation of three different batches of 51CrV4 steel

TECHNICAL MECHANICS 31(1), (2011), 1-14

Y. Gao, A. Ricoeur

Three-dimensional Green's functions for two-dimensional quasicrystal bimaterials

Proceedings of the Royal Society A 467 (2011), 2622-2642

Y. Gao, A. Ricoeur,

L. L. Zhang

Plane problems of cubic quasicrystal media with an elliptic hole or a crack

Physics Letters A 375 (2011), 2775-2781

D. Baker,

A. Ricoeur,

M. Kuna

Sensor concept based on piezoelectric PVDF-films for the structural health monitoring of fatigue crack growth

Structural Durability and Health Monitoring 7 (2011), 1-22

Y. Gao,

A. Ricoeur

The refined theory of one-dimensional quasicrystals in thick plate structures

Journal of Applied Mechanics 78 (2011), 031021 (7pp)

A. Ricoeur

Electrostatic tractions at crack faces taking into account full piezoelectric field coupling

Key Engineering Materials 452 (2011), 681-684

Q. Li,

A. Ricoeur,

M. Kuna

Coulomb traction on a penny-shaped crack in a three dimensional piezoelectric body

Archives of Applied Mechanics 81 (2011), 685-700

Y. Gao,

A. Ricoeur

Green's functions for infinite bi-material planes of cubic quasicrystals with imperfect interface

Physics Letters A 374 (2010), 4354-4358

D. Baker,

A. Ricoeur,

M. Kuna

A sensor concept based on piezoelectric PVDF films for the measurement of fracture-mechanical stress quantities

MP Materials Testing 52 (2010), 292-299

Q. Li,

A. Ricoeur,

M.Enderlein, M. Kuna

Evaluation of electromechanical coupling effect by microstructural modeling of domain switching in ferroelectrics

Mechanics Research Communications 37 (2010), 332-336

A. Ricoeur,

M. Kuna

Electrostatic tractions at crack faces and their influence on the fracture mechanics of piezoelectrics

International Journal of Fracture 157 (2009), 3-12

A. Ricoeur,

M. Kuna

Electrostatic tractons at dielectric interfaces and their implication for crack boundary conditions

Mechanics Research Communications 36 (2009), 330-335

Conference and Book Contributions (selection)

A. Warkentin, A. RicoeurA multiscale modeling approach on modeling visco-ferroelectric self-heating in ferroelectricsEccomas Proceedia SMART (2023), 2019-2026
L. Behlen, D. Wallenta, A. RicoeurImplications of crack face conditions in fracture mechanics of dielectrics emanating from closed form solutionsEccomas Proceedia SMART (2023), 1-10
A. Warkentin, A. RicoeurHybrid modeling of viscoelastic and switching-induced heating in ferroelectricsProc. Appl. Math. Mech. 22:1 (2022), e202200212 (6pp)
A. Schlosser, A. RicoeurElectrostatic body forces and their implications for cracksProc. Appl. Math. Mech. 22:1 (2022), e202200148 (6pp)
A. Warkentin, A. RicoeurExperimental investigations of viscoelastic and ferroelectric heating in PZT-5HProc. Appl. Math. Mech. 20 (2021)
J. Scheel, A. Ricoeur, M. KrupkaCalculation of stress intensity factors with an analytical enrichment of the modified crack closure integralProcedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019), 268-273
R. Boukellif, A. Ricoeur.Crack parameter identification in elastic plate structures based on remote strain fields and solution of inverse problems.Handbook of Research for Fluid and Solid Mechanics (Asli et al. Eds.), AAP and CRC Press (2018), 255-260.
A. Ricoeur, A. Avakian, S. Lange.Microstructured multiferroic materials: modeling approaches towards efficiency and durability.Advanced Structures Materials Vol. 80 (H. Altenbach et al. Eds.), Springer (2018), 297-328.
R. Boukellif, A. Ricoeur.Identification of crack positions and crack loading quantities from strain gauge data by inverse problem solution.Procedia Structural Integrity 13 (2018), 85-90
P. Judt, A. RicoeurConfigurational forces in fracture mechanics: a comprehensive concept of crack initiation and growthProc. Appl. Math. Mech. 18 (2018)
P. Judt, A. RicoeurApplication of material forces and path independent integrals to the prediction of crack initiation and crack pathsProcedia Structural Integrity 13 (2018), 155-160
P. Judt, A. RicoeurPrediction of initiation of cracks at notches applying material forces.Proc. of Crack Paths 2018
P. Uckermann, S. Lange, A. Ricoeur.

Modeling of electromechanically induced phase transitions in lead zirconate titanate (PZT) based on the condensed method

Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 18 (2018)
J. Scheel, A. Ricoeur.Weak and strong bi-material interfaces and their influence on propagating cracks in plane elastic structures.Procedia Structural Integrity 5 (2017), 255-262
P. Judt, A. RicoeurCrack path predictions in anisotropic structures considering residual stresses.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17 (2017), 247-248
P. Judt, J.-C. Zarges, A. Ricoeur, H.-P. Heim.Crack path predictions in fiber reinforced composites.Procedia Structural Integrity 5 (2017), 769-776
P. Judt, A. Ricoeur, S. Saalfeld, B. Scholtes.Simulation of crack paths in anisotropic structures with residual stresses and non-proportional loading.DVM Report 249 (2017), 217-226

P. Judt, A. Ricoeur.

Numerical investigations in structures with imperfect material interfaces and cracks.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16 (2016), 143-144
A. Avakian, A. RicoeurFE simulation of multiferroic composites applying physically and phenomenologically motivated constitutive modelsMaterials Today: Proceedings 3 (2016), 567-571.

A. Ricoeur,

S. Lange, R. Gellmann.

Modeling Approaches to Predict Damage Evolution and Life Time of Brittle Ferroelectrics.In: Recent Trends in Fracture and Damage Mechanics; G. Hütter, L. Zybell (Eds.); 257-282, (2015).

A. Avakian,

A. Ricoeur

Phenomenological and physically motivated constitutive models for ferromagnetic and magnetostrictive materials.7th ECCOMAS, SMART 2015 (2015), 1-13.

S. Lange,

A. Ricoeur

Mechanical degradation and lifetime prediction of tetragonal ferroelectrics under cyclic electromechanical loading.7th ECCOMAS, SMART 2015 (2015), 1-16

A. Avakian,

A. Ricoeur

Nonlinear numerical simulation of ferroelectric-ferromagnetic multifunctional composites.

Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15 (2015), 377-378

S. Lange,

A. Ricoeur

A constitutive and damage model for high cycle fatigue of tetragonal ferroelectrics.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15 (2015), 397-398

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Global approaches for accurate loading analyses and crack path predictions at single and two-cracks systems.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15 (2015), 135-136

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Crack path predictions and experiments in plane structures considering anisotropic properties and material interfaces.Proc. of CP 2015, Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 34 (2015), 208-215.

A. Avakian,

R. Gellmann,

A. Ricoeur

Nonlinear ferroelectric-ferromagnetic behavior of multiferroic composites.Proc. of the Second seminar on the mechanics of multifunctional materials Vol. 12 (2014), 3-6.

S. Lange,

A. Ricoeur
A condensed approach to modeling and analysis of tetragonal and rhombohedral ferroelectrics.Proc. of the Second seminar on the mechanics of multifunctional materials Vol. 12 (2014), 65-68

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur,

G. Linek

Crack paths at multiple-crack systems in anisotropic structures: simulation and experiment.Proc. of ECF 20, Procedia Materials Science Vol. 3 (2014), 2122-2127.

R. Boukellif,

A. Ricoeur

Numerical and experimental investigation of crack parameter identification in elastic plate structures based on remote strain fields.Proc. of ECF 20, Procedia Materials Science Vol. 3 (2014), 2128-2133

R. Gellmann,

A. Ricoeur

Nonlinear Constitutive Model and Finite Element Analysis of Damage Processes in Ferroelectrics.Proc. of ECF 20, Procedia Materials Science Vol. 3 (2014), 2117-212.

S. Lange,

A. Ricoeur

A condensed microelectromechanical constitutive and damage model for tetragonal ferroelectrics.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14 (2014), 479-480

R. Gellmann,

A. Ricoeur

Damage model for ferroelectric materials and its applications to multilayer actuators.Proc. Appl. Math. mech, 14 (2014), 477-478.

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Numerical crack path prediction considering orthotropic effects and experimental verification.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14 (2014), 127-128

A. Avakian,

A. Ricoeur

Enhancement of magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic composites via FEM simulation.Proc. of ASEM 13 (2013), 3969-3978

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Efficient simulation of crack growth in multiple-crack systems considering internal boundaries and interfaces.Advances in Fracture Research, Proc. of ICF 13, Beijing, China (2013).

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Accurate calculation of stress intensity factors for strongly curved cracks applying path-independent integrals.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 13 (2013), 79-80

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Quasi-static simulation of crack growth in elastic materials considering internal boundaries and interfaces.Proc. of FDM 11, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 525-526 (2013), 181-184

P. Judt,

A. Ricoeur

Crack growth in elastic materials with internal boundaries and interfaces.Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 12 (2012), 159-160

A. Ricoeur, R. Boukellif

Monitoring fatigue crack growth in plate structures based on remote strain fields and the solution of multi-parametric inverse problems.

Proc. of ASEM 11 (2011), 2111-2116

A. Ricoeur, R. Gellmann

An extended model for electrostatic tractions at crack faces in piezoelectrics

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7647 (2011)

M. Kuna,

A. Ricoeur (Eds.).

Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modeling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials.

Springer IUTAM Bookseries (2011), ISBN 978-90-481-9887-0.

D. Henneberg, A. Ricoeur

Multiscale Modelling for the simulation of damage processes at thermal shock

Newsletter of the SPP 1418 (2/2010)

A. Ricoeur,

D. Baker,

M. Kuna

In-situ determination of stress intensity factors for the prediction of fatigue crack growth using piezoelectric polymer coatings.


Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 7647 (2010)

A. Ricoeur,

D. Baker,

M. Kuna

In-situ determination of stress intensity factors for the prediction of fatigue crack growth using piezoelectric polymer coatings

ACMA 2010, International Symposium on Aircraft Materials (2010)

A. Al-Baldawi,

L. Schreiber, O. Wünsch

Experimental investigation, viscoelstic-plastic modeling and parameter identification for different batches of 51CrV4Steel

Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10 (2010), 273-274



J. Scheel978-3-7376-1121-3
A. SchlosserBeanspruchung und Wachstum von Rissen in elastischen Kompositen mit magnetoelektrischer Kopplung978-3-7376-1126-8
M. WingenCalorics in ferroelectric materials - from variational formulation to modeling and simulation978-3-7376-1006-3
Z. WangFracture mechanics analysis and simulations in piezoelectric quasicrystals and electromechanical crack growth experiments978-3-7376-0989-0
P. JudtNumerical stress analysis of cracks and calculation of crack paths using path-independent conservation integrals978-3-7376-0368-3
A. AvakianPhysical nonlinear modeling and numerical simulation of structural and functional magnetoelectric composite materials978-3-7376-0544-1
S. LangeInvestigation of the constitutive behavior of ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and multiferroic solids under multiaxial multiphysics loading based on condensed models978-3-7376-0342-3
D. Henneberg

Damage mechanics finite element modeling to improve thermal shock resistance and residual strength of refractory ceramic structures

R. GellmannFracture and damage mechanics models of tetragonal ferroelectrics and finite element analysis of a multilayer actuator978-3-7376-5031-1
R. BoukellifIdentification of crack parameters in disks by inverse solution of elastic boundary value problems978-3-7376-5018-2
M. OxeExperimental and numerical investigations on the design of joined hybrid lightweight structures under impact loading978-3-86219-594-7