Analyse und Erschließung des Marktes für solare Prozesswärme in Deutschland

Short description

In the framework of  this project, founded by the German ministry, scientific support for applied solar process heat systems and for the development of the german market is conducted. The main elements of this project are the analyses, preparation and further development of technical requirements and the development of suitable designs for efficient solar process heat systems. Additionally the identification of approprite applications, that allow a fast market penetration and the preparation of means to prevent failures in the design phase and implementation phase as well as the training of relevant market players are part of the project. Finally the monitoring and scientific support for three selected solar process heat systems will be done.  


09/2013 to 08/2016


Supported by Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Förderkennziffer: 03MAP286

Cooperation partner

  • BAFA - Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control
  • KfW - reconstruction loan corporation