Energiewende Nordhessen - Technische und ökonomische Verknüpfung des regionalen Strom- und Wärmemarktes

Short description

Stadtwerke Union Nordhessen (SUN), the Institute of Decentralized Energy Technologies (IDE) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) investigate how the transformation of the energy system in the SUN-region (consisting of the three more rural counties Kassel, Schwalm-Eder and Werra-Meissner and the independent city Kassel) can be designed. Central issues in the project, as the heat supply can be provided from renewable in the future and how flexibility options of heat supply can be used to generate electricity load coverage.


04.2013 - 10.2013


Supported by Stadtwerke Kassel


Energiewende Nordhessen


Frauenhofer IWES