Entwicklung und Vermessung einer Vorhangfassade mit integrierten Vollglaskollektoren und ergänzender Systemtechnik zur Sanierung von Bestandsgebäuden (SonnEn+ Fassade)
Short description
Modern building facades on administrative buildings and headquarters of companies and local authorities are above all: They should look good. They represent in a special way the company's face to the outside. At the same time an issue gets more and more important in companies and authorities: the environmental and climate protection.
Moreover, Germany is with a new rate of 1.1% influenced by the existing buildings. To the political objectives to reduce CO2 - emissions and increase to achieve the supply share of renewable energies in the heat and power supply, the building renovation has an outstanding function to.
In the refurbishment of commercial buildings, it is particularly important that the work processes are not disturbed by the reorganization measures, otherwise the cost of rehabilitation are also driven up by loss of earnings.
These considerations led the consortium of companies listed in these product idea:
- A SonnEn+Fassade is to be set easily from the outside before the existing building.
- Through efficient thermal insulation and a high-quality three-disc glazing, the energy requirement is reduced.
- The SonnEn+Fassade contains solar thermal collectors which provide heat for the building heating and domestic hot water supply in an extremely environmentally friendly way.
- The whole is brought together in an architecturally high quality design and an efficient overall system
The Department of Solar and Systems Engineering was responsible for the scientific monitoring of the project.
2009 - 2010
Supported by Hessen Agentur in the framework of the LOEWE - Landes-offensice for development science economic excellence
Cooperation partner
- Heinrich Lamparter Stahlbau GmbH & Co. KG (Konsortialführer)
- Energy Glas GmbH, FSAVE Solartechnik GmbH