Estimation of EE and RES Potential in District Heating Boiler Houses

Short descrpition

The objectives of the project were to carry out an energy audit of two heating plants in Kyrgyzstan and to develop economically feasible measures for fuel savings through increased energy efficiency and integration of renewable energy sources. For both heating plants different measures could be identified that lead together to an annual fuel saving of approximately 35% and 55% respectively. The expected payback period of investments is less than 4 years. The project results were presented to the operator of the two heating stations and the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.




Supported by the EU INOGATE program within the project "Support to Energy Market Integration and Sustainable Energy in the NIS (SEMISE)"

Cooperation partner

  • EU INOGATE Programme Office (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • Science Academy of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • Bischkekteploenergo (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)