Themen für Abschlussarbeiten

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Liste von Themenvorschlägen für Abschlussarbeiten

Drivers of steel scrap generation and the potential to increase volume and quality
Operational concepts for new steel minimills in Europe (greenfield vs. incumbents)
Country case studies for the transformation of the steel industry
How can the trend to direct reduced iron affect iron ore markets?
Future automotive steel demand and the recyclability of steel parts in electric vehicles - steel quality requirements in manufacturing and scrap quality in waste treatment
The petrochemical industry and political strategies in the gas crisis of 2022/23, and insights into the resilience of the production system
What are the typical challenges for chemical parks in terms of energy transition and defossilisation? A typology of chemical parks in Europe
How can chemical parks make the transition to defossilisation? Case Study
The future of refinery-petchem integration in Europe in the context of electric mobility and a cirular economy