

Falkenreck, C.K., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., Seitz, M., Bonten, C., 2025. Degradation of regenerated cellulose fiber-reinforced bio-polyamide in hydrothermal environment. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 188, 108584.
Marl, S., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2025. Mullins effect of foamed liquid silicone elastomers. Journal of Cellular Plastics TBD.


Von Boyneburgk, C., Zarges, J.-C., Seim, W., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Investigation of Dynamic-Cyclic, Dynamic-Impact, and Timber-Construction-Relevant Characteristics of Wood-Textile Composites. Journal of Composites Science 8, 454.
Reit, M., Krug, N., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Evaluation of the Activation Energy for Pyrolytic Degradation of Poly‐L‐Lactide (PLA) During Artificially Accelerated Aging. Biopolymers 116, e23642.
Marl, S., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Influence of various Additives in the Thermoplastic on the Adhesion of LSR-Thermoplastic Composites. Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe 77, 56–61.
Marl, S., Ni, X., Hornig, T.A., Spieker, C., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., Fister, M., 2024. Correlations between the Aging Behavior and Finite Element Method Simulation of Three Silicone Elastomers. Materials 17, 3961.
Goetjes, V., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Differentiation between Hydrolytic and Thermo-Oxidative Degradation of Poly(lactic acid) and Poly(lactic acid)/Starch Composites in Warm and Humid Environments. Materials 17, 3683.
Von Boyneburgk, C., Oikonomou, D., Seim, W., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Mechanical Analysis and Simulation of Wood Textile Composites. Journal of Composites Science 8, 190.
Oikonomou, D., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Injection‐Molded Thermoplastic Foam Structures. Advanced Engineering Materials 26, 2400634 .
Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2024. UVC Irradiation as a Surface Treatment of Polycarbonate to Generate Adhesion to Liquid Silicone Rubber in an Overmolding Process. Polymers 16, 1141.
Knoll, J., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Analysis of the Similarity between Injection Molding Simulation and Experiment. Polymers 16, 1265.
Hofmann, T., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2024. High Consistency Silicone Rubber Foams. Polymers 16, 1181.
Güzel, K., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Quantitative analysis of the effect of foam morphology on the quasi-static and cyclic-dynamic tensile properties. International Journal of Fatigue 183, 108236.
Rehmer, A., Klute, M., Heim, H.-P., Kroll, A., 2024. Chapter 4 - A Digital Twin for part quality prediction and control in plastic injection molding. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Reit, M., Heim, H.-P., Zarges, J.-C., 2024. Correlation between the activation energy of PLA respectively PLA/starch composites and mechanical properties with regard to differ accelerated aging conditions. Biopolymers 115, e23571.
Hofmann, T., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Influence of the crosslinking speed and crosslinking type on the foam properties of waterbasedhigh consistency silicone rubber foam,. SPE FOAMS 2024.
Krug, N., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Influence of ethylene oxide and gamma irradiation sterilization processes on the degradation behaviour of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in the course of artificially accelerated aging. Polymer Testing 132, 108362.
Knoll, J., Heim, H.-P., 2024. Analysis of the Machine-Specific Behavior of Injection Molding Machines. Polymers 16(1), 54.


Falkenreck, C.K., Korthals, H., Goetjes, V., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Textile Waste Becomes Plastic Composites. Plastics Insights = Kunststoffe International 113, 62–65.
Klute, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Ein digitaler Zwilling des Spritzgießprozesses ermöglicht die störungsfreie Rezyklatverarbeitung. Kunststoffe 56–59.
Goetjes, V., Falkenreck, C.K., Pfanzer, S., Heim, H.-P., 2023. How durable are Biopolymers?. Plastics Insights = Kunststoffe International 10/2023, 90–92.
Nikousaleh, M.A., Riemann, N., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2023. MK-Spritzguss mit Flüssigsilikonkautschuk(LSR) und Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol (ABS) für die Medizintechnik. Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe 5, 2–6.
Ni, X., Fister, M., Spieker, C., Marl, S., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Messung des Kompressionsmoduls von Silikon-Werkstoffen mittels eines entwickelten volumetrischen Kompressionsversuchs  Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 76, 39–43.
Japins, G., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., Pape, J., 2023. Direct Injection Molding Competitiveness Study. Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 6/2023, 29–33.
Goetjes, V., Falkenreck, C.K., Pfanzer, S., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Wie beständig sind Biopolymere? Kunststoffe 10/2023, 128–131.
Hofmann, T., Dörner, M., Chalgham, K.W.A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Innovative Simulationsmethode zur Abbildung von Vernetzungsreaktionen bei der Extrusion von Silikonkautschuk. Kautschuk-Gummi-Kunststoffe 11/2023, 1–6.
Klute, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Mehr Rezyklat  dank digitalem Zwilling. Kunststoffe 11/2023, 56–59.
Falkenreck, C.K., Korthals, H., Goetjes, V., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Aus Textilabfällen werden Kunststoffverbunde. Kunststoffe 2023, 64–67.
Marl, S., Hartung, M., Klier, K., Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Improvement of the Cell Structure of Water‐Foamed Liquid Silicone Rubber. Advanced Engineering Materials 26, 2201898.
Wiegel, K., Schlink, A., Eckel, E., Ayeb, M., Brabetz, L., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Algorithm for fast evaluation of in-plane fiber orientation in reinforced plastics using light microscopy images. Communications Materials 4(1), 74.
Nikousaleh, M.A., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2023. MC-Injection Molding with Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) for Medical Technology. Polymers 15(19), 3972.
Goetjes, V., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Resistance of poly(lactic acid)/starch composites to weathering effects. Journal of Applied Polymer Science TBD.
Von Boyneburgk, C., Goetjes, V., Horn, M.M., 2023. Sustainable plastic alternatives- PLA blends with materials from unused biomess. Center for interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT) 14, 5–7.
Krug, N., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Influence of Ethylene Oxide and Gamma Irradiation Sterilization Processes on the Properties of Poly-L-Lactic-Acid (PLLA) Materials. Polymers 15, 3461.
Zarges, J.-C., Schlink, A., Lins, F., Essinger, J., Sommer, S., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Influence of Different Hot Runner-Systems in the Injection Molding Process on the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Regenerated Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene. Polymers 15, 1924.
Heim, H.-P., Lins, F., Kahl, C., Zarges, J.-C., 2023. Modification of Polyamide 66 for a Media-Tight Hybrid Composite with Aluminum. Polymers 15, 1800.
Wolff, S., Rüppel, A., Rida, H.A., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Emission and Mechanical Properties of Glass and Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Bio-Polyamide Composites. Polymers 15, 2603.
Güzel, K., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2023. In-situ full-field deformation analysis of injection-molded microcellular polycarbonate according to foam morphology patterns. Polymer Testing 124, 108102.
Von Boyneburgk, C., Zarges, J.-C., Kuhl, D., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Mechanical Characterization and Simulation of Wood Textile Composites (WTC) supported by Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Composites Part C: Open Access Volume 11, 100370.
Johannes, C., Lins, F., Meyer, M.S., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. The Influence of Thermal and Mechanical Stress on the Electrical Conductivity of ITO-Coated Polycarbonate Films. Polymers 15, 2543.
Oikonomou, D., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Analysis and Validation of Varied Simulation Parameters in the Context of Thermoplastic Foams and Special Injection Molding Processes, Special Issue: Research on Polymer Simulation, Modeling and Computation. Polymers 15, 2119.
Johannes, C., Macher, S., Niklaus, L., Schott, M., Hillmer, H., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Flexible Electrochromic Device on Polycarbonate Substrate with PEDOT:PSS and Color-Neutral TiO2 as Ion Storage Layer. Polymers 15, 1982.
Knoll, J., Reit, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Parameter recommendation for injection molding based on similarity analysis of injection molded parts. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 95, 171–182.
Knoll, J., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Evaluation of the injection molding process behavior during start-up and after parameter changes using dynamic time warping correspondences. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 95, 183–203.
Falkenreck, C.K., Gemmeke, N., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Influence of Accelerated Aging on the Fiber–Matrix Adhesion of Regenerated Cellulose Fiber-Reinforced Bio-Polyamide, Special Issue: Advances in Cellulose-Based Polymers and Composites. Polymers 15, 1606.
Goetjes, V., von Boyneburgk, C., Heim, H.-P., Horn, M.M., 2023. Influence of Chitosan and Grape Seed Extract on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of PLA Blends, Special Issue: Environmentally Friendly Bio-Based Polymeric Materials. Polymers 15, 1570.
Schleiting, M., Klier, K., Wiemer, N., Wetzel, A., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., Middendorf, B., 2023. Fibre pullout behaviour of fibre-reinforced UHPC with TPE-coated fibres. Construction and Building Materials 376, 131043.
Johannes, C., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Weathering of a Polyurethane-Based Gel Electrolyte, Special Issue: Advances in Polymer-Based Electrochromic Devices. Polymers 15(6), 1448.
Bogedale, L., Doerfel, S., Schrodt, A., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Online Prediction of Molded Part Quality in the Injection Molding Process Using High-Resolution Time Series, Special Issue: Frontiers in Injection Molding of Polymers. Polymers 15(4), 978.
Bogedale, L., Schrodt, A., Heim, H.-P., 2023. Time Series Data for Process Monitoring in Injection Molding: A quantitative study of the benefits of a high sample rate. International Polymer Processing 38, 167–174.


Klute, M., Piontek, A., Heim, H.-P., Kabasci, S., 2022. Effects of blending poly(lactic acid) and thermoplastic polyester polyurethanes on the mechanical and adhesive properties in two-component injection molding. International Polymer Processing 2022, TBD.
Land, P., Krumpholz, T., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Comparison of fibre reorientation of short-and long-fibre reinforced polypropylene by injection molding with a rotating mold core. International Polymer Processing NN.
Hartung, M., 2022. Polyketonesas a new hard component in thermoplastic/LSR composites, Silicone Elastomers World Summit, 1st December 2022, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Nikousaleh, M., 2022. Experimental and Simulative Investigation of 2C Injection Molding of Thermoplastics with low Heat Deflection Temperature and LSR Using Dynamic Temperature Control, 2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology, 5-6 September 2022, Achen, Germany.
Rüppel, A., Wolff, S., Heim, H.-P., 2022. The impact of accelerated aging on the mechanical and thermal properties and VOC emission of polypropylene composites reinforced with glass fibers. International Polymer Processing NN.
Rüppel, A., Wolff, S., Oldemeier, J.P., Schöppner, V., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Influence of Processing Glass-Fiber Filled Plastics on Different Twin-Screw Extruders and Varying Screw Designs on Fiber Length and Particle Distribution. Polymers 2022, 3113.
Kahl, C., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Influence of fiber volume in hybrid short glass/cellulose reinforced thermoplastic compounds. Polymers 2022, 3929.
Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Adhesion of liquid silicone rubber (LSR) polypropylene (PP) composites after storage tests. Polymer Testing TBD.
Kahl, C., Bagnucki, J., Zarges, J.-C., 2022. Demonstration of Hybrid Effect in Single Fiber Pull-Out Tests for Glass/Cellulose-Reinforced Polypropylene with Different Fiber–Matrix Adhesions. Polymers 14, 2517. 10.3390/polym14132517
Eckel, E., Wiegel, K., Schlink, A., Ayeb, M., Brabetz, L., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Determination of Local Electrical Properties Using a Potential Field Measurement for Electrically Conductive Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics with Metal Contact Pins Joined via Injection Molding. Polymers 14, TBD.
Johannes, C., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Polyurethane-Based Gel Electrolyte for Application in Flexible Electrochromic Devices. Polymers 14, 2636.
Von Boyneburgk, C., Silbermann, S., Schweiger, L., Zarges, J.-C., Klussmann, H., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Holzdesign trifft Kunststofftechnik. Kunststoffe 2022, TBD.
Marl, S., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Liquid Silicone Rubber Foamed with Thermoplastic Expandable Microspheres. Materials 15, 3779.
Rehmer, A., Klute, M., Kroll, A., Heim, H.-P., 2022. An internal dynamics approach to predicting batch-end product quality in plastic injection molding with Recurrent Neural Networks, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 2022 Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Trieste, Italy, S. 1427–1432.
Güzel, K., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Effect of Cell Morphology on Flexural Behavior of Injection-Molded Microcellular Polycarbonate. Materials 15, 3634.
Jakob, F., Gothe, M., Gansiniec, F., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Investigation of the adhesive strength in a combined compaction and back-injection process to produce back-injected self-reinforced composites (SRCs) International Polymer Processing. International Polymer Processing 1–12.
Kahl, C., Schlink, A., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Pultruded Hybrid Reinforced Compounds with Glass/Cellulose Fibers in a Polybutylene Terephthalate Matrix: Property Investigation. Polymers 14, 1149.
Marl, S., Giesen, R.-U., Klier, K., Hartung, M., Rüppel, A., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Flüssigsilikon ohne Fremdstoffe schäumen. Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe 75, 30–34.
Goetjes, V., Gemmeke, N., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Biokunststoffe und deren Beständigkeit. Kunststoff Innovation 1, 30–33.
Zurawik, R., Volke, J., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2022. Comparison of Real and Simulated Fiber Orientations in Injection Molded Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide by X-ray Microtomography. Polymers 14, 29.
Heim, H.-P., Jakob, F., Pollmeier, J., 2022. Influences on the mechanical properties of SRCs in a combined compacting and back injecting process. International Polymer Processing 37, 141–151.


Marl, S., Rüppel, A., Hartung, M., Klier, K., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Liquid Silicone Rubber foams made with water as blowing agent. Advanced Engineering Materials 24, 2100382.
Heim, H.-P., Schmitt, J., Zarges, J.-C., Richter, R., Deuse, J., 2021. Digitaler Zwilling in der Kunststofftechnik - Lebensdaueroptimierte Herstellung technischer Bauteile durch Einsatz datengetriebener Methoden. Industrie Management 2021, 17–20.
Hartung, M., Nikousaleh, M.A., Riemann, N., Giesen, R.-U., 2021. Hart trifft auf weich in einem Guss: Einmalartikel aus Thermoplasten und Silikonen. FUTURE MANUFACTURING 24–25.
Hartung, M., Nikousaleh, M.A., Giesen, R.-U., 2021. 2K-Spritzgießen mit variothermer Temperierung von Werkzeugeinsätzen, SKZ Siliconelastomere, Würzburg.
Jakob, F., Pollmeier, J., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Process influences in the combined compacting and back-injection process to produce back-injected self-reinforced composites (SRCs) - analysis via multiple regression modelling. International Polymer Processing 36, 608–619.
Nikousaleh, M.A., Riemann, N., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Mehrkomponenten-Spritzgießen von TP/LSR-Verbunden „Herstellung von medizintechnischen Multifunktionsteilen“. wt Werkstattstechnik online 111, 440–445. 10.37544/1436-4980-2021-06-84
Wolff, S., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Odor and Emission Characteristics of cellulose Bio-Polyamide Compounds, in: Universität Kassel, F.K. (Hrsg.), 23rd Conference Odour and Emission of Plastic Materials. Kassel / Germany, S. TBD.
Japins, G., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Entwicklung der direktverarbeitenden Fertigung für medizinische Einwegprodukte „Direktcompoundierung für die Medizintechnik“. WT Werkstattstechnik online 111, 435–439. 10.37544/1436-4980-2021-06-79
Akindoyo, J.O., Beg, M.D.H., Ghazali, S.B., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., Mariatti, M., 2021. Synergized high-load bearing bone replacement composite from poly(lactic acid) reinforced with hydroxyapatite/glass fiber hybrid filler-Mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties. Polymer Composites 42, 57–69.
Mrzljak, S., Delp, A., Schlink, A., Zarges, J.-C., Hülsbusch, D., Heim, H.-P., Walther, F., 2021. Constant Temperature Approach for the Assessment of Injection Molding Parameter Influence on the Fatigue Behavior of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6. Polymers 13, 1569.
Akindoyo, J.O., Beg, M.D.H., Ghazali, S.B., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., Mariatti, M., 2021. Simultaneous impact modified and chain extended glass fiber reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites - Mechanical, thermal, crystallization and dynamic mechanical performance. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138, 49752.
Volke, J., Finkeldey, F., Zarges, J.-C., Wiederkehr, P., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Schneller zum optimalen Betriebspunkt. Kunststoffe 4, 32–35.
Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Influence of cyclic loads on the fiber-matrix-interaction of cellulose and glass fibers in polypropylene. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 149, 1–12.
Güzel, K., 2021. Findings of Research and Development. Foammelt - Success with low pressure, ENGEL Firma, virtual.
Erdmann, R., Kabasci, S., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Thermal Properties of Plasticized Cellulose Acetate and Its β-Relaxation Phenomenon. Polymers 13, 1–14.
Güzel, K., 2021. Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Entwicklung, Foammelt - Mit wenig Druck zum Erfolg, ENGEL Firma, Virtual.
Kahl, C., Gemmeke, N., Bagnucki, J., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Investigations on fiber-matrix properties of heat-treated and UV-treated regenerated cellulose fibers. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 26.
Jakob, F., Pollmeier, J., Bisevac, S., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Modification of self-reinforced composites (SRCs) via film-stacking process. International Polymer Processing TBD.
Volke, J., Finkeldey, F., Zarges, J.-C., Wiederkehr, P., Heim, H.-P., 2021. Quicker Evaluation of the Optimum Operating Point. Kunststoffe International 3, 24–27.


Wübbeke, A., Schöppner, V., Paul, A., Tiemann, M., Austermeier, L., Fitze, M., Chen, M., Jakob, F., Heim, H.-P., Wu, T., Niendorf, T., Röhricht, M.-L., Schmidt, M., 2020. Long- and Short-Term Tensile Strength and Morphology of Joined Beta- Nucleated Polypropylene Parts, in: Society of Plastic Engineers (Hrsg.), SPE ANTEC 2020: the Annual Technical Conference for Plastic Professionals : online, 30 March-5 May 2020. Curran Associates, Inc., Red Hook, NY, S. 487–491.
Güzel, K., Klute, M., Kurgan, N., Heim, H.-P., 2020. Influence of the Degree of Crystallinity and the Surface Free Energy on the Adhesion Properties of Different PLA/PBS Blends in Multicomponent Injection Molding. The 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society.
Finkeldey, F., Knoll, J., Zarges, J.-C., Heim, H.-P., Wiederkehr, P., 2020. Learning quality characteristics for plastic injection molding processes using a combination of simulated and measured data. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60, 134–143.
Zarges, J.-C., Sälzer, P., Heim, H.-P., 2020. Correlation of fiber orientation and fiber-matrix-interaction of injectionmolded polypropylene cellulose fiber composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 139, TBD.
Beg, M.D.H., Islam, M.R., Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., 2020. Comparative analysis of the properties: Microcrystalline cellulose fiber polyamide composites filled with ethylene copolymer and olefin elastomer. Polymers and Polymer Composites 28, 242–251.
Heim, H.-P., Mieth, F., Schlink, A., Wiegel, K., Brabetz, L., 2020. Joining of Contact Pins and Conductive Compounds via Injection Molding -- Influence of the Flow Situation on the Electrical Contact Resistance. International Polymer Processing 35, 184–192.


Schlitt, C., Hartung, M., Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2019. UV Pre-Treatment for Polycarbonate for Bonding LSR in a Multi-Component Injection Molding Process. International Polymer Processing: The Journal of the Polymer Processing Society 34, 30–36.
Jakob, F., Mieth, F., Heim, H.-P., Marten, S., 2019. Characterization of Anisotropic Properties of Hot Compacted Self-Reinforced Composites (SRCs) via Thermal Diffusivity Measurement. International Polymer Processing 2019, 532–540.
Ricoeur, A., Judt, P., Zarges, J.-C., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2019. Deflecting mode-I cracks in anisotropic materials. Mechanics of Materials 103060 (13pp).
Scheffler, B., Wetzel, A., Sälzer, P., Middendorf, B., 2019. Regenerated cellulosic fibers to enhance the stability under cyclic thermal stress. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau / Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures 114, 674–682.
Moritzer, E., Hirsch, A., Heim, H.-P., Cherif, C., Truemper, W., 2019. Plastic droplet welding: bond strength between plastic freeforming structures and continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites. Welding in the World 63, 867–873.
Tromm, M., Shaayegan, V., Wang, S., Heim, H.-P., Park, C.B., 2019. Investigation of the mold-filling phenomenon in high-pressure foam injection molding and its effects on the cellular structure in expanded foams. The international Journal for the Science and Technology of Polymers and Biopolymers 160, 43–52.
Akindoyo, J.O., Beg, M.D.H., Ghazali, S.B., Alam, A.K.M.M., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., 2019. Synergized poly(lactic acid)-hydroxyapatite composites: Biocompatibility study. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136, 47400.
Akindoyo, J.O., Beg, M.D.H., Ghazali, S.B., Heim, H.-P., Mariatti, M., Feldmann, M., 2019. Oxidative induction and performance of oil palm fiber reinforced polypropylene composites - Effects of coupling agent and UV stabilizer. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 125, 105577.
Gemmeke, N., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2019. Processing and characterization of engineering biocomposites based on polybutylenterephthalat (PBT) and polytrimethylentherephthalat (PTT) with regenerated cellulose fibers modified with maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene as a processing agent. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 118, 327–335.
Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Marl, S., Heim, H.-P., 2019. LSR-Schaum hergestellt im Spritzgießverfahren. GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe 72, 314–317.
Hartung, M., Nikousaleh, M., Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2019. UV Surface Treatment of Polycarbonate for Adhesion Improvement to Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR). Journal of Plastics Technology 15, 189–209.
Weber, J., Heim, H.-P., 2019. A Closer Look at the Bonding Capacity of Thick Metal-Plastic Hybrids. International Polymer Processing 34, 91–99.
Marl, S., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2019. Flexible Foams made of Liquid Silicone Rubber and expandable Microspheres, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the SPE FOAMS 2019 International Conference on Advances in Foam Materials & Technology, Valladolid, Spain, 2–3 October 2019. SPE-Inspiring Plastics Professionals, Valladolid, Spanien, S. TBD.
Marl, S., Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2019. LSR foam produced by injection molding. Rubber Fibres Plastics International 14, 228–231.


Ries, A., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Properties, process combinations and application potentials of self-reinforced thermoplastic composites, Fachtagung Faszination Hybrider Leichtbau,  Wolfsburg.
Feldmann, M., Böhm, S., Kohl, D., Heim, H.-P., von Boyneburgk, C., 2018. Characterization of wood-based multi-material systems under dynamic impact stress, Wood Material Science and Engineering.
Judt, P., Zarges, J.-C., Ricoeur, A., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Anisotropic fracture properties and crack path prediction in glass and cellulose fiber reinforced composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 188, 344–360.
Sälzer, P., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Correlation between Processing and Mechanical Properties of Composites with Organic Fillers, 34th Polymer Processing Society, Taipei,Taiwan.
Akindoyo, J.O., Beg, M.D.H., Ghazali, S.B., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., 2018. Impact modified PLA-hydroxyapatite composites - Thermo-mechanical properties. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 107, 326–333.
Schlitt, C., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., Rüppel, A., 2018. UV Pre-treatment for Polycarbonate for Bonding LSR in a Multi-Component Injection Molding Process. Journal of Plastics Technology / Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 15, 189–209.
Fehling, E., Krooß, P., Wetzel, A., Middendorf, B., Niendorf, T., Heim, H.-P., Seim, W., 2018. Mikrofaserbewehrter Hochleistungsbeton, Patent, DE102018107926A1.
Von Boyneburgk, C., Sälzer, P., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Characteristics of Self-Reinforced Polymer-Veneer-Composites under Impact Load, Poster. 34th International Conference of Polymer Processing Society, Taipei,Taiwan.
Klute, M., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Biobasierte Alternativen für Hart-Weich-Verbindungen. Kunststoffe 75–79.
Klute, M., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Bio-Based Alternatives for Hard-Soft Connections. Kunststoffe international 40–44.
Rüppel, A., Jähnig, D., Giesen, R.-U., Vajen, K., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Innovative Materials for Novel Concepts for Internal Heat Exchangers. International Polymer Processing 453–459.
Gemmeke, N., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Naturally non flammabale. Kunststoffe international 108, 51–54.
Schlitt, C.U., Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Rüppel, A., Heim, H.-P., Walther, T., 2018. Haftungsrisiken gemindert. UVC-Licht verbessert durch Oberflächenaktivierung die Haftung zwischen PC und Silikon. Kunststoffe 108, 142–147.
Zarges, J.-C., Kaufhold, C., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Single fiber pull-out test of regenerated cellulose fibers in polypropylene: An energetic evaluation. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 105, 19–27.
Tromm, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Schaum nach Maß-Eine Prozessvariante des Schaumspritzgießens eröffnet neue Leichtbaupotenziale. Kunststoffe 108, 56–61.
Beg, M.D.H., Islam, M.R., Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., Akindoyo, J.O., 2018. Characterization of polyamide 6.10 composites incorporated with microcrystalline cellulose fiber: Effects of fiber loading and impact modifier. Advances in Polymer Technology 37, 3412.
Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. The Adhesion of LSR and different Polypropylene-Types after Storage Tests, in: - (Hrsg.), International Silicone Conference. Ohio, Cuyahoga, S. TBD.
Sälzer, P., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Wood-Polypropylene Composites: Influence of Processing on the Particle Shape and Size in Correlation with the Mechanical Properties Using Dynamic Image Analysis. International Polymer Processing 33, 677–687.
Kahl, C., Feldmann, M., Sälzer, P., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Advanced short fiber composites with hybrid reinforcement and selective fiber-matrix-adhesion based on polypropylene: Characterization of mechanical properties and fiber orientation using high-resolution X-ray tomography. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 111, 54–61.
Gemmeke, N., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Naturally Non-Flammable: PBT Compounds Modified with Natural Fiber Reinforcement as Flame Retardant. Kunststoffe international 51–54.
Zarges, J.-C., 2018. Charakterisierung des Bruchverhaltens von Polypropylen - Celluloseregeneratfaser - Verbunden. Kassel University Press GmbH, Kassel.
Fuchs, J., Feldmann, M., Assmann, C., Vorwerg, W., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Cross-Linked Hydrophobic Starch Granules in Blends with PLA. International Polymer Processing 33, 89–95.
Schweiger, L., Conradi, J., Alexander, T., 2018. Beeinflussung der Aufmerksamkeit durch alternierende Aufgaben auf mobilen und stationären IT-Geräten, GfA, Dortmund : Frühjahrskongress 2018, Frankfurt a. M., Beitrag B.7.2.
Gemmeke, N., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Natürlich nicht brennbar. Kunststoffe 108, 77–80.
Feldmann, M., 2018. Biokunststoffe und Bioverbundwerkstoffe – Impulsvortrag, Sitzung des PA Kunststoffe der Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V., Fürth.
Heim, H.-P., Giesen, R.-U., Rüppel, A., Hartung, M., Verheyen, F., 2018. Verbunde aus PC oder PP mit LSR sind marktreif. Thermoplast-Silikon-Verbunde im Mehrkomponentenspritzguss herstellen. Plastverarbeiter 13, 40–44.
Rüppel, A., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2018. Langzeitbeständigkeit der Silikatisierung und der Einfluss auf die Haftungseigenschaften zwischen Flüssigsilikonkautschuk-Thermoplastverbunden. Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 2018, 20–25.


Zarges, J.-C., Minkley, D., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., 2017. Fracture toughness of injection molded, man-made cellulose fiber reinforced polypropylene. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 98, 147–158.
Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Langzeitbeständigkeit der Silikatisierung und der Einfluss auf die Haftungseigenschaften zwischen LSR-Thermoplast-Verbunden, in: - (Hrsg.), Werkstoffwoche. Dresden, S. TBD.
Rüppel, A., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Hart-Weich-Verbunde aus LSR und mit UV-Licht aktivierten Polycarbonaten. GAK-Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe 70, 648–651.
Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. The Adhesion of LSR Thermoplastic Composites after Storage Tests, Antec 2017. Anaheim.
Akindoyo, J.O., Beg, M.D.H., Ghazali, S.B., Heim, H.-P., Feldmann, M., 2017. Effects of surface modification on dispersion, mechanical, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of injection molded PLA-hydroxyapatite composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1–37.
Giesen, R.-U., Rüppel, A., Verheyen, F., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Modifikation von Festsilikonen mit Kieselsäuren, DGM Fachausschuss Polymerwerkstoffe, Dresden.
Mieth, F., Verheyen, F., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. The Extrusion Process of High Consistency Silicone Rubber, Silicone Elastomer World Summit, München.
Fuchs, J., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Compounds aus vernetzter Stärke,  Möglichkeiten und Potenziale eines Tausendsassas, Potsdam.
Judt, P., Ricoeur, A., Zarges, J.-C., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen und Risswachstum in heterogenen anisotropen Werkstoffen, Werkstoffwoche 2017, Dresden.
Kahl, C., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Advanced short fiber composites with hybrid reinforcement based on glass and cellulose fibers: Effect of coupling agent on mechanical properties, Polymer Processing Society, Dresden.
Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Rüppel, A., Heim, H.-P., 2017. UV Pre-treatment of Thermoplast Components for LSR - Thermoplastic Parts, LSR 2017, Anaheim, USA.
Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Rüppel, A., Heim, H.-P., 2017. UV-Vorbehandlung für Thermoplaste für das MK-Spritzgießen mit Flüssigsilikon (LSR), 12. ThGOT Thementage Grenz- und Oberflächentechnik, Zeulenroda/Thüringen.
Tromm, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Thermoplast-Schaumspritzgießverfahren pull and foam. Schlussbericht IGF-Vorhaben Nr. 18254 N/1.
Sauer, V., Wolff, S., Schweiger, L., 2017. Electroencephalography (EEG) supported Olfactometry - Current Methods and Future Applications, 19th Conference Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials, Kassel, Deutschland.
Kahl, C., Schnieders, J., Heim, H.-P., Sauer, V., 2017. Integration of Electrochromic Devices in Plastic Parts by Injection Moulding , Polymer Processing Society, Dresden.
Trütner, M., Jennerich, M., Wetzel, A., Burghardt, T., Heim, H.-P., Sträter, O., Middendorf, B., 2017. Safe Structural Bonding of Ultra-High Performance Concrete. Adhesion Adhesives & Sealants 14, 20–23.
Heim, H.-P., Jarka, S., Geck, J.-M., 2017. Flexible Assembly Machine Combines Multiple Plastics Joining Processes. Assembly 60, 46–51.
Bacaicoa Garcia, I., Lütje, M., Sälzer, P., Umbach, C., Brückner-Foit, A., Heim, H.-P., Middendorf, B., 2017. Comparative investigation of two-dimensional imaging methods and X-ray tomography in the characterization of microstructure. MP: Materialprüfung / Materials Testing 59, 829–836.
Zarges, J.-C., Feldmann, M., 2017. Fatigue behavior of short fiber bio-based composites for engineering applications, 33rd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Cancun.
Geck, J.-M., Heim, H.-P., Fischer, W., 2017. Flexibles Kunststofffügezentrum für Reibschweißverfahren/Flexible plastics joining centre for friction welding procedures. Joining Plastics. Fügen von Kunststoffen 180–185.
Gemmeke, N., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. PBT and Bio-based PTT reinforced with man-made cellulosic fibers, 33rd Polymer Processing Society  (PPS-33), Cancun 
Verheyen, F., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Influence of different types and amounts of crosslinking agent on the curing process of silicone rubber. Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 4, 233–253.
Verheyen, F., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Mechanical Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane as a Function of the Amount and Type of Crosslinking Agent. International Polymer Processing 32, 337–342.
Verheyen, F., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Werkzeug zu Extrusion von Mehrschichtverbunden aus Thermoplasten und Silikon Mittels Vorbehandlung des Thermoplasten ,it UV strahlen im Coextrusionsverfahren, Patent, DE102017006204A1.
Schlitt, C., 2017. Einfluss der Prozessparameter auf Verbundfestigkeiten beim PA6-/ LSR-Mehrkomponentenspritzgießen, Rubber Meets Science, Aachen, Deutschland.
Giesen, R.-U., Adam, M., Methe, D., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Thermoplastic elastomers and PEDOT/PSS for electroactive polymers. TPE magazine 172–176.
Geck, J.-M., Jarka, S., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Investigations on Tightness of Polymer-Metal Hybrids in Environments with Thermal, Media, and Mechanical Loads. International Polymer Processing 32, 467–473.
Meri, R.M., Zicans, J., Ivanova, T., Saldabola, R., Reinholds, I., Roja, Z., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Fabrication and characterization of ethylene-octene copolymer composites with ionic liquid functionalized carbon nanotubes. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 66, 347–353.
Mamun, M.A.A., Nikousaleh, M., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Carbon Fiber Composites Materials, in: Faruk, O., Tjong, J., Sain, M. (Hrsg.), Lightweight and Sustainable Materials for Automotive Applications. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, S. 203–238.
Fuchs, J., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2017. PLA-Blends with modified Starch Granules - Drying and Crosslinking of native potato Starch as well as subsequent blending with PLA in a one-step Compounding Process.
Zarges, J.-C., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., Judt, P., Ricoeur, A., 2017. Man-Made Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene - Characterization of Fracture Toughness and Crack Path Simulation, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2017, 693-698, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) (Hrsg.), SPE ANTEC 2017. Curran Associates, Inc., Red Hook, NY, S.  693–698.
Judt, P., Zarges, J.-C., Ricoeur, A., Heim, H.-P., 2017. Crack path predictions in fiber reinforced composites. Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 769–776.
Jarka, S., 2017. Rotatives Vibrationsschweißen. Kassel University Press GmbH, Kassel.
Giesen, R.-U., 2017. Beitrag zur Herstellung 3-dimensionaler Kunststoffscheiben mit integrierter Funktion zur Veränderung der Transparenz durch Elektrochromie. Kassel University Press GmbH, Kassel.


Rüppel, A., Vajen, K., Jähnig, D., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Neuartige Konzepte für interne Wärmeübertrager mit innovativen Materialien, in: Solpol (Hrsg.), 26. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie. Bad Staffelstein, S. TBD.
Trütner, M., Freisinger-Schadow, S., Wetzel, A., Heim, H.-P., Middendorf, B., 2016. Microstrctural investigations of the interface of ultra- high performance concrete and mineral adhesive using high resolution-CT analysis, ICCCM 2016 – 2nd International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials, GDCh-Monographie Vol. 50, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.
Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., 2016. UV light - the ideal pretreatment method for LSR-Thermoplastic composites, Silicone Elastomers World Summit, Cologne.
Sauer, V., 2016. Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehung von Mischungen aus thermoplastischem PMMA mit vernetzten PMMA-Kolloiden. Kassel University Press, Kassel.
Zarges, J.-C., Sälzer, P., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Determining Viscosity Directly in the Injection Molding Process: In-Line Rheometer for Natural-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics. Kunststoffe international 106–109.
Verheyen, F., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Characterizing the Rheological Behavior of Liquid Silicone Rubber Using a High Pressure Capillary Rheometer, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2016, 104-108, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) (Hrsg.), ANTEC 2016 – Annual Technical Conference der Society of Plastics Engineers. Indianapolis, S. 104–108.
Schlitt, C., Hartung, M., Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Multicomponent Injection Molding Of Thermoplastics And Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) - Either Cured By Heat Or UV Light , ANTEC 2016, Society of Plastic Engineers, Indianapolis, USA.
Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., Zarges, J.-C., 2016. Influence of the process parameters on the mechanical properties of engineering biocomposites using a twin-screw extruder. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 83, 113–119.
Verheyen, F., Aßmann, C., Fahlbusch, R., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Analyzing the curing-process of liquid silicone rubber in respect of emissions and mechanical properties, 18th Conference Odour and Emissions, Kassel, Germany.
Heim, H.-P., 2016. Specialized injection molding techniques. Elsevier, William Andrew, Amsterdam [u.a.].
Sauer, V., Faulhaber, K., Schnieders, J., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Back-Inejctions moulding of plastic based electrochromic system, 12th International Meeting on Electrochromism, Delft, Netherlands.
Tromm, M., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Injection molded components with functionally graded foam structures - Procedure and essential results. Journal of Cellular Plastics 52, 299–319.
Rüppel, A., Giesen, R.-U., Jarka, S., Heim, H.-P., 2016. WPC welding of hybrid joints. Joining Plastics 2016, TBD.
Trütner, M., Jennerich, M., Wetzel, A., Burghardt, T., Sträter, O., Heim, H.-P., Middendorf, B., 2016. Ultrahochfeste Betonbauteile qualitätssicher fügen. adhäsion KLEBEN & DICHTEN 60, 40–43.
Jarka, S., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Tiefziehfähige Folie und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Tiefziehfähigen Folie, Patent, EP000003078492B1.
Bogedale, L., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Verfahren zum physikalischen Schäumen von Silikonkautschukkörpern, Patent, EP3238904B1.
Heim, H.-P., Jarka, S., Geck, J.-M., 2016. Development of a Flexible Polymer Joining Center Capable of Performing Multiple Joining Processes Using Different Methods in a Single Cycle, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2016, 1325-1328, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) (Hrsg.), SPE ANTEC 2016
. Curran Associates, Inc., Red Hook, NY, S. 1325–1328.
Rüppel, A., Hartung, M., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Verfahren zur Haftverbesserung von Silikon auf einer thermoplastischen Oberfläche, Patent.
Zarges, J.-C., Sälzer, P., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Viskositätsbestimmung direkt im Spritzgießprozess: In-Line-Rheometer für Naturfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe. Kunststoffe 144–148.
Heim, H.-P., Jarka, S., Geck, J.-M., 2016. Joining Investigations of Polymer-Metal-Hybrids for Permanantly Non-Leaking Applications, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2016, 1351-1355, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) (Hrsg.), SPE ANTEC 2016
. Curran Associates, Inc. , Red Hook, NY, S. 1351–1355.
Giesen, R.-U., Hartung, M., Heim, H.-P., Rüppel, A., 2016. Patentschrift - Verfahren zur Haftverbesserung von Silikon auf einer thermoplastischen Oberfläche. Institut für Werkstofftechnik - Fachgebiet Kunstofftechnik, Kassel.
Fuchs, J., Feldmann, M., Ziesler, J., Heim, H.-P., 2016. Biokunststoffe in Form bringen. Kunststoffe 106, 74–76.


Mamun, A., Heim, H.-P., Bledzki, A., 2015. The use of maize, oat, barley and rye fibres as reinforcements in composites. Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials 454–487.
Mamun, M.A.A., Nikousaleh, M., Feldmann, M., Rüppel, A., Sauer, V., Kleinhans, S., Heim, H.-P., 2015. 8 - Lignin Reinforcement in Bioplastic Composites, in: Faruk, O., Sain, M. (Hrsg.), Lignin in Polymer Composites. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Niederlande, S. 153–165.
Kleinhans, S., Feldmann, M., Feldmann, M., Mamun, M.A.A., Sauer, V., 2015. Zur Geruchs- und Emissionsmessung von thermoplastbasierten Lignin-Blends, 17. Workshop of Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials, Kassel, Germany.
Biermann, D., Gausemeier, J., Heim, H.-P., Hess, S., Petersen, M., Ries, A., Wagner, T., 2015. Planning and optimisation of manufacturing process chains for functionally graded components-part 2: Case study on self-reinforced thermoplastic composites. Production Engineering 9, 405–416.
Schubert, C., Rüppel, A., Nendel, K., Heim, H.-P., 2015. Beständigkeit von Gleich- und Mischmaterialschweißverbindungen aus Wood Plastic Composite (WPC). Holztechnologie 56, 24–30.
Feldmann, M., Jarka, S., Heim, H.-P., 2015. Patentschrift - Tiefziehfähige Folie und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer tiefziehfähigen Folie. Institut für Werkstofftechnik - Fachgebiet Kunstofftechnik, Kassel.
Heim, H.-P., Sauer, V., Mieth, F., 2015. Changeable Thermal Management for LED-Lighting, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2015, Newtown, S. 727-731, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) (Hrsg.), SPE ANTEC 2015
. Curran Associates, Inc., Red Hook, NY, S. 727–731.
Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., 2015. Self-Reinforcing Thermoplastic Composites. Plastics Age 61, 83–90.
Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., Faruk, O., Bledzki, A., 2015. The use of banana and abaca fibres as reinforcements in composites. Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials 236–272.
Bogedale, L., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2015. Flüssig- oder Feststoffsilikon in unvulkanisiertem Zustand sowie Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von Flüssig- und Feststoffsilikon im Spritzgussverfahren, Patent, DE102015010380B4.
Muhammad, Y.H., Ahmad, S.H., Abu Bakar, M.A., Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., 2015. Mechanical properties of hybrid glass/kenaf fibre-reinforced epoxy composite with matrix modification using liquid epoxidised natural rubber. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 34, 896–906.
Mamun, M.A.A., Nikousaleh, M.A., Heim, H.-P., 2015. Rheological, Mechanical, Environmental Stress Corrosion and Gamma Resistance Properties of Semi-Crystalline PLA: Effect of Catalysts on the Reactivity of a Chain Extender. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 9, 285–294.
Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2015. Welt der Kunststoffe: Bio...aber sicher!? Chemie{&}more 2–3.
Ries, A., 2015. Thermo-mechanische Gradierung eigenverstärkter Polypropylen-Composite. kassel university press, Kassel.


Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., Ries, A., 2014. Morphology-Property-Relationship of Thermo-Mechanically Graded Self-Reinforced Polypropylene- Composites, in: American Institute of Physics -AIP- (Hrsg.), 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, PPS 2013. AIP Press , New York, N.Y., S. 776–779.
Rüppel, A., Verheyen, F., Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Analysis and comparison of different types of liquid silicone rubber with reference to process parameter, Silicone Elastomer World Summit, Wien.
Zarges, J.-C., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Influence of the compounding process on bio-based polyamides with cellulosic fibers, 30th Polymer Processing Society, Cleveland/Ohio.
Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Polymer Application Center UNIpace Of The University of Kassel, Silicone Elastomers 2014, Wien.
Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Kooperation zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft - Verarbeitung von Thermoplasten und Elastomeren für die Medizintechnik,VDMA AG Medizintechnik, Frankfurt (Main).
Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Schöppner, V., Wibbeke, A., Turek, S., Damanik, H., Mahnken, R., Dammann, C., Wünsch, O., Al-Badawi, A., Rohde, B., Brückner-Foit, A., Gausemeier, J., Gräßler, I., Petersen, M., 2014. Eigenverstärkte Thermoplastverbunde - Verbundwerkstoffe (Teil 2). Kunststoffe 104, 72–78.
Heim, H.-P., Rüppel, A., Mamun, M.A.A., 2014. Hybridwerkstoffe: Leichter mit maßgeschneiderten Verbunden / Hybrid materials. Kunststoffe 104, 87–91.
Heim, H.-P., Mamun, M.A.A., 2014. Modification of Semi-Crystalline PLA: Impact, Tensile and Thermal Properties. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 8, 292–298.
Mamun, M.A.A., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Geruch und Emissionen von Naturfaser-Verbundwerkstoffen. The odour and emission from natural fibre composites, 16. Workshop: Geruch und Emissionen bei Kunststoffen, Kassel, Germany.
Schlitt, C., 2014. Silicone In Medical Devices - Essentials For Safe Infusion Therapy, Silicone Elastomers World Summit 2014, Wien, Österreich.
Tromm, M., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Formation of morphology as a function of process control by foam injection molding of a functionally graded component, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2014, Newtown, S. 1551-1556, in: Society of Plastics Engineers (Hrsg.), 72nd annual technical conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers: (ANTEC 2014). Curran Associates, Red Hook, NY, S. 1551–1556.
Heim, H.-P., Rüppel, A., 2014. Hybrid Composite Materials Made of Polypropylene with Wood and Polyethylene Terephthalate Fibers (Plastics in Building & Construction), Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2014, Newtown, S. 2039-2043, in: SPE (Hrsg.), ANTEC 2014 - Proceedings of the Technical Conference & Exhibition. Society of Plastics Engineers, Newtown, Connecticut, S. 2039–2043.
Biermann, D., Rohde, B., Hess, S., Wagner, T., Ries, A., Wibbeke, A., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Optimization of thermomechanical processes for the functional gradation of polymers by means of advanced empirical modeling technique, in: American Institute of Physics -AIP- (Hrsg.), 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, PPS 2013. AIP Press , New York, N.Y., S. 766–770.
Giesen, R.-U., Adam, M., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Dielektrisch elektroaktive Polymere (dEAP) auf Basis von thermoplastischen Elastomeren (TPE). Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik/Journal of Plastics Technology 10, 29–48.
Biermann, D., Gausemeier, J., Heim, H.-P., Hess, S., Petersen, M., Ries, A., Wagner, T., 2014. A framework for the computer-aided planning and optimisation of manufacturing processes for components with functional graded properties, in: American Institute of Physics -AIP- (Hrsg.), The 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society. AIP Press , New York, N.Y., S.  762–765.
Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Schöppner, V., Wibbeke, A., Turek, S., Damanik, H., Mahnken, R., Dammann, C., Wünsch, O., Al-Badawi, A., Rohde, B., Brückner-Foit, A., Gausemeier, J., Gräßler, I., Petersen, M., 2014. Eigenverstärkte Thermoplastverbunde - Verbundwerkstoffe (Teil 1). Kunststoffe 104, 35–39.
Schubert, C., Rüppel, A., Clauß, B., Nendel, K., Heim, H.-P., 2014. Untersuchung zur Schweißbarkeit bei der Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus naturfaser-, holzfaser- und polymerfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen in Abhängigkeit von Rezeptur und äußeren Einflussfaktoren: Abschlussbericht IGF Vorhaben 17396BG.
Rohde, B., Wibbeke, A., Heim, H.-P., Schöppner, V., 2014. The Manufacture of Hot-Compacted Layered Composite Systems Made of Oriented Semifinished PP-Films. ISRN Polymer Science 2014, 1–9.
Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Schöppner, V., Wibbeke, A., Turek, S., Damanik, H., Mahnken, R., Dammann, C., Wünsch, O., Al-Baldawi, A., Rohde, B., Brückner-Foit, A., Gausemeier, J., Gräßler, I., Petersen, M., 2014. Self-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites - Composite Materials (Part 1). Kunststoffe international 104, 31–35.
Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., 2014. Self-Reinforced Materials: Manufacturing, Properties and their Potential for Lightweight Composites, Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing Annual Conference (AWPP), Kenting, Taiwan.
Heim, H.-P., Sauer, V., Mieth, F., 2014. Funktionenintegrierende Fertigung, VDI Tagung Spritzgießen, Oberflächen und Verfahrensoptimierung im Fokus, Baden.


Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., Ries, A., Faulhaber, K., Saleski, N., Hohmann, C., Salzmann, C., 2013. Thermo-Mechanical Match Mould Forming of Self-Reinforced Thermoplastic Gradient Materials. Functionally graded materials in industrial mass production, Verl. Wiss. Scripten, Auerbach, S. 97-112.
Heim, H.-P., Biermann, D., Homberg, W., 2013. Functionally graded materials in industrial mass production. Volume 2, Verl. Wiss. Scripten, Auerbach.
Schlitt, C., 2013. Silicone In Medical Technology - Requirements, Limitations And Perspectives, Rubber Meets Science, Aachen, Deutschland.
Fuchs, J., 2013. Biokunststoffe werden erwachsen. Kunststoffe 18–19.
Heim, H.-P., Jarka, S., Fischer, W., 2013. Rotatives Vibrationsschweißen - ein neuartiges Reibschweißverfahren. Joining Plastics 65, 176–181.
Fuchs, J., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2013. Konstruktionsschäume auf Stärkebasis, 6. Biokunststoffe, Duisburg.
Homberg, W., Biermann, D., Heim, H.-P., 2013. Functionally graded materials in industrial mass production. Fundamentals. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach.
Heim, H.-P., Tillmann, W., Ries, A., Sievers, N., Rohde, B., Zielke, R., 2013. Visualisation of the degrees of compaction of self-reinforced polypropylene composites by means of ultrasonic testing. Journal of Plastics Technology / Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 275–294.
Schöppner, V., Heim, H.-P., Wibbeke, A., Ries, A., Rohde, B., 2013. Graded Structures in Polymers, Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals. Verl. Wiss. Scripten, Auerbach, S. 11-42.
Heim, H.-P., Tan, S.K., Ahmad, S.H., Chia, C.H., Mamun, A., 2013. A Comparison Study of Liquid Natural Rubber (LNR) and Liquid Epoxidized Natural Rubber (LENR) as the Toughening Agent for Epoxy. American Journal of Materials Science 3, 55–61.
Schnieders, J., Gövert, S., Heim, H.-P., Giesen, R.-U., 2013. Abschlussbericht zum BMBF-Forschungsprojekt.Intelligente Kunststoff-Verscheibung: Innovative Kombination von Technologien zur Herstellung funktionaler 3D-Kunststoff-Verscheibungen für eine energieeffiziente Nutzung.
Heim, H.-P., Giesen, R.-U., 2013. An Electrochromic System Integrated in a Polycarbonate Pane for an Automotive Application, Advances in Plastic Technology, Sosnowiec,Poland.
Geminger, T., Otto, M., Heim, H.-P., 2013. Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Formkörpers sowie Formkörper, Patent, DE102013007059A8.
Schneider, M., Michels, R., Pipich, V., Goerigk, G., Sauer, V., Heim, H.-P., Huber, K., 2013. Morphology of Blends with Cross-Linked PMMA Microgels and Linear PMMA Chains. Macromolecules 46, 9091–9103.
Hess, S., Ries, A., Kersting, P., Heim, H.-P., 2013. Efficient Spatial and Temporal Modelling of Material Temperatures Within Self-Reinforced Polypropylene Sheets During IR Radiation. Procedia CIRP 9, 49–54.
Fuchs, J., Feldmann, M., Heim, H.-P., 2013. Natürlich und fest anbinden. Kunststoffe 100–103.
Heim, H.-P., Desjean, A., 2013. Climatic Ageing of Components of Polymer Based Electrochromic Devices. International Polymer Processing 28, 256–260.
Jarka, S., Heim, H.-P., Fischer, W., 2013. Development of a Radian Friction Welding Machine Using the Circular Process with Limited Rotational Motion, Society of Plastic Engineers, 71st annual technical conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2013). Brookfield, S. 738-742.
Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., Beg, D.H., Kim, T.S., Ahmad, S.H., 2013. PLA and PP composites with enzyme modified oil palm fibre: A comparative study. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 53, 160–167.
Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., Ries, A., 2013. Thermo-mechanischer Umformprozess eigenverstärkter thermoplastischer Gradientenwerkstoffe.TRR 30: Prozessintegrierte Herstellung funktional gradierter Strukturen auf der Grundlage thermo-mechanisch gekoppelter Phänomene.
Brückner-Foit, A., Matheis, B., Skotarek, C., Zeismann, F., Ries, A., Rohde, B., Heim, H.-P., 2013. Lokale Verformungen in einem eigenverstärkten Verbundwerkstoff. - Sitzung des Arbeitskreis Mikrostrukturmechanik im Fachausschuss Computersimulation der DGM, Osnabrück.


Bledzki, A., Heim, H.-P., Rohleder, M., Schaub, S., 2012. Falling weight impact behaviour of polycarbonate and microcellular polycarbonates foams, Society of Plastics Engineers,  ANTEC 2012,  Annual Technical Conference Proceeding. Newtown, Conn, S. 2399-2404.
Feldmann, M., Bledzki, A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Prospects of Bio-based Polymers and their Composites, Baltic Polymer Symposium (BPS) 2012, Liepaja/ Latvia.
Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Rohde, B., 2012. Thermomechanische Gradierung von eigenverstärkten Thermoplastverbunden, BASF, Ludwigshafen.
Gövert, S., Heim, H.-P., Jarka, S., Tromm, M., Schnieders, J., 2012. Pull and Foam-Injection moulding method: Foamed ribs for stiffening plane components, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2012. Newtown, S. 2477-2480.
Feldmann, M., Berger, C., Bledzki, A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Cellulose als Verstärkungsfaser für technische Biopolymere, 5. Biokunststoffe, Prozesse und Eigenschaften, Hannover.
Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Optimization of chain extender reactivity and upgrading of PLA properties using various additives, BEPS, Denton, Texas.
Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., Gövert, S., Schnieders, J., 2012. Regelbare Transparenz: Kunststoffscheiben clever abdunkeln. Kunststoffe 92–95.
Sievers, N., Tillmann, W., Melchers, C., Zielke, R., Ries, A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Evaluation of nondestructive methods to characterize self-reinforced polypropylene composites, 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, S. 253-258.
Desjean, A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Influence of humidity exposure and mechanical ageing in electrochromic devices, LOPE-C, München.
Sauer, V., Heim, H.-P., Schneider, M., Huber, K., 2012. Influence of particle characteristics and processing on material behaviour of a PMMA-Colloid-Compound, Polymer Processing Society Americas, Niagara Falls, Kanada.
Heim, H.-P., Englich, J., Reupert, A., Ries, A., 2012. Lightweight hinge made of Textiles, 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, Kassel, Germany.
Heim, H.-P., Schöppner, V., Wibbeke, A., Ries, A., 2012. Herstellung und Heißkompaktierung von thermoplastischen Folienhalbzeugen. Unverstreckte und verstreckte Polypropylen- und Polycarbonattypen im Vergleich, TRR 30: Prozessintegrierte Herstellung funktional gradierter Strukturen auf der Grundlage thermo-mechanisch gekoppelter Phänomene, Siegsdorf.
Heim, H.-P., Lieven, N., Ries, A., Sennhenn, D., 2012. Technologievorstellung eines innovativen Leichtbau-Scharniers, 2. Möbel-Leichtbau-Symposium der Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lemgo.
Heim, H.-P., Lieven, N., Ries, A., Sennhenn, D., 2012. Scharnierelement, hergestellt auf Basis mindestens eines Flächengebildes und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Scharnierelements auf Basis mindestens eines Flächengebildes. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Kassel.
Heim, H.-P., Heim, H.-P., Bledzki, A., Rohleder, M., Tromm, M., 2012. Thermo-Mechanically Graded Injection Moulded Microcellular Foams, 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, S. 231-240.
Grigalovica, A., Bartule, M., Zicans, J., Meri, R.M., Heim, H.-P., Berger, C., 2012. Relaxation properties of polyoxymethylene and ethylene-octene copolymer blend in solid and melt states. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 61, 200–206.
Tromm, M., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Pull and Foam Method: First Investigations with chemical and physical blowing agents. FOAMS 2012 , 10th International Conference on Foam Materials & Technology. Curran, Red Hook, NY, S. 35-40.
Heim, H.-P., Geminger, T., 2012. Composite properties of a plastic-metal hybrid , PPS Americas Conference 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada.
Berger, C., Feldmann, M., Mamun, M.A.A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Biokunststoffe-Potenziale und Chancen  Kunstoffe in OWL, IHK, Bielefeld.
Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., Ries, A., 2012. Influence of the Process Conditions on the Morphology-Property-Relationship of Self-Reinforced PP-Composites, 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, S. 247-252.
Giesen, R.-U., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Forming of Electrochromic Plastic Panes, IME, Holland,USA.
Heim, H.-P., Hohmann, C., Faulhaber, K., Rohde, B., 2012. Development of a Moulding Tool Concept for the Manufacture of Self-reinforced Thermoplastic Gradient Materials. - 1st International Conference on Thermo-mechanically Graded Materials, Kassel, Deutschland.
Heim, H.-P., Rohde, B., Ries, A., 2012. Morphological Examinations of Self-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites, Le SEICO 2012 - SAMPE EUROPE 33rd International Technical Conference. SAMPE Europe Conferences and Printed by Curren Associates, Basel and Red Hook, NY, S. 382-287.
Heim, H.-P., Jarka, S., 2012. Development of a radian friction welding machine using the circular process with limited rotational motion, Baltic Polymer Symposium 2012, Liepaja, Latvia.
Heim, H.-P., Bledzki, A., Rohleder, M., Tromm, M., 2012. Formation of foam structures and influence of processing procedure in foam injection moulding of thermoplastic materials, Cellular Materials ( CELLMAT 2012), Dresden.
Feldmann, M., Berger, C., Mamun, A.A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Mut zur „grünen“ Lücke. Kunststoffe 28–32.
Bledzki, A., Heim, H.-P., Paßmann, D., Ries, A., 2012. Manufacturing of Self-Reinforced All-PP Composites, Synthetic polymer-polymer composites. Hanser, Munich and Cincinnati, S. 719-738.
Heim, H.-P., Desjean, A., 2012. Ageing of polymer-based electrochromic devices, Polymer Processing Society Americas, Kanada, Nigara Falls.
Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Rohde, B., 2012. Mechanical characterisation of compression moulded self-reinforced polypropylene composites, Baltic Polymer Symposium 2012, Liepaja,Latvia.
Biermann, D., Gausemeier, J., Heim, H.-P., Hess, S., Petersen, M., Ries, A., Wagner, T., 2012. Computer-Aided Planning and Optimization of Manufacturing Processes for Functional Graded Components, 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, S. 195-200.
Feldmann, M., Mammun, A.A., Bledzki, A., Heim, H.-P., 2012. Bio-based polyamides with innovative fibers for engineering parts: Materials-Processing-Characterization-Applications, Society of Plastics Engineers,  ANTEC 2012 Plastics: Annual Technical Conference Proceeding. Newtown, Connecticut, S. 121-125.
Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Rohde, B., 2012. Partially Resolved Characterization of Thermo-Mechanically Graded Self-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites, 28th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Pattaya, Thailand.


Heim, H.-P., Ries, A., Bledzki, A., 2011. Challenge of Functional Gradation of Self-reinforced Polypropylene Composites, SAMPE Europe SEICO 11, 32th International Technical Conference & Forum. SAMPE Europe, Paris, S. 148-155.
Ries, A., Rohde, B., Heim, H.-P., 2011. Thermo-mechanical Gradation of Self-reinforced Polypropylene Composites using Compression Moulding Technology,  APST-2, Advances in Polymer Science and Technology,  Linz, S. 108.
Heim, H.-P., Schöppner, V., Ries, A., Wibbeke, A., 2011. Hot-Compaction of self-reinforced polycarbonate films, PPS-27, 27th World Congress of the Polymer Processing Society. Curran Associates, Marrakech, S. 148-155.


Bledzki, A., Ries, A., Paßmann, D., Heim, H.-P., 2010. Impact Behaviour of Property Graded Self-reinforced Polypropylene Composites, SAMPE Europe SEICO 10, 31st Technical Conference & Exhibition, Paris.
Schmidt, M., Freisinger-Schadow, S., Heim, H.-P., Mihm, K.-M., Dilger, K., Böhm, S., Wisner, G., 2010. Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Klebtechnik zum Fügen von ultra-hochfestem Beton im konstruktiven Betonbau. Schweißen und Schneiden 62, 26–35.
Michel, K., Hermann, S., Ludwig, B., 2010. Modelling chemical and biological reactions during unsaturated flow in silty arable soils. Geoderma 156, 293–301.
Potente, H., Moritzer, E., Schäfers, M., Heim, H.-P., Plugge, T., Ridder, H., 2010. Advanced investigations for the newly developed special injection molding process: GITBlow, Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC 2010, 68th Annual Technical Conference. S. 587-591.
Bledzki, A., Ries, A., Paßmann, D., Heim, H.-P., 2010. Influence of the Compression Molding Process on Impact Behavior, ANTEC 2010 - Proceedings of the 68th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition. Society of Plastics Engineers, Orlando, S. 369-373.
Ludwig, B., Michel, K., Hermann, S., 2010. Modelling chemical and biological reactions during unsaturated flow through sandy soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research 48, 221–230.


Dose, M., Gruber, C., Grunz, A., Hook, C., Kempf, J.-O., Scharfenberg, G., Sick, B., 2007. Towards an Automated Analysis of Neuroleptics’ Impact on Human Hand Motor Skills, 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. IEEE, S. 494-501.