
Welcome to the 21st Symposium of the European Grassland Federation

The 21st EGF Symposium will take place on 17-19 May 2021 online, hosted by the Universität Kassel (Germany).

Link to enter the symposium: go to EGF2021 online

The EGF Symposium in 2021 will address an innovative and dynamic research area - namely the application of remote sensing for improving the assessment of biomass, forage quality and ecosystem services of grasslands.

Symposium offers the stage for demonstration of sensing tools and methods. Researchers, practitioners and industries are invited to present and to hear about recent advances and novel approaches of remote sensing in grassland research, including applications in production, biodiversity and soil science.

Abstract submission

Closed on 15 October 2020. Click here for further information on full paper submission

Abstract submission: More Infos


Programme of the online conference

Programme: More Infos


Registration is open. Click here to learn more about terms and conditions

Registration: More Infos

Practical information

Conference format and technical issues

Practical information: More Infos

Download: EGF2021 Flyer


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