Christianeum library
- Fucht, M. J. F.: Nachrichten ueber die Bibliothek des Gymnasiums und die in derselben befindlichen Handschriften, in: Bericht ueber das Koenigliche Christianeum in dem Schuljahr von Ostern 1877 bis Ostern 1878. Altona 1878, pp. 20-22(InternetArchive).
- Further information: Felicitas Noeske, "Orientalische Manuskripte in der Gymnasialbibliothek," in: bibliotheca.gym, 01/10/2016
- Catalog of the Commerz-Bibliothek in Hamburg. Hamburg 1864.(GoogleBooks) - The library had heavy stock losses in the 2nd World War.
State and University Library
- KARTSOVNIK, Viacheslav: Folia Latina Hamburgensia. Cataloguing of fragments of Latin manuscripts from the 9th to the 16th century in the State and University Library of Hamburg - (project info via ManuMed: projects, pre-print of the catalog as a document)
- Overview of occidental and non-European manuscripts(SUB Hamburg)