Learning Place

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10-13 o'clock

Opening hours: Read More


The historically grown holdings of the Murhard Library date back to the 19th century. The arrangement of the media therefore partly follows different classification systems than at the newer locations of the University Library. Some of the books and journals are kept in closed stacks, while most of the current literature is freely accessible. Electronic holdings of the University Library such as e-books, e-journals etc. can be used at the computer workstations.

  • A large proportion of the media at the Brüder-Grimm-Platz site is freely accessible. If you are looking for individual shelfmarks, please follow the guidance system.
  • Stacks and holdings that have been removed due to renovation work can be ordered in the KARLA catalog portal via the internal loan system. Holdings at the Brüder-Grimm-Platz location can also be ordered on site and via order slips.

The holdings at Brüder-Grimm-Platz are arranged according to different classification systems depending on their affiliation. They are partly freely accessible and partly housed in closed stacks. Please use the adjacent overview map for orientation.

Learning places and service

Are you preparing high-school students for a university entrance qualification and would like support in teaching media and information skills? We offer courses to introduce you to the use of an academic library in virtual formats or in one of our training rooms.

Write to us and make an appointment for a tailor-made event with your learning group. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact us

All courses offered by the University Library

Easily accessible on the edge of Kassel's city center, the Murhard Library building offers the charm of historic library rooms. With a view of the greenery of Murhardpark, there are numerous study areas for concentrated work alone or in small groups.

Due to renovation work, only the Hessian reading room on the 1st floor can currently be used. Due to ongoing construction work, the reading room of the Special Collections Department is expected to be closed until at least June 28, 2024. Valuable historical holdings of Kassel University Library and valuable books from interlibrary loans will then be available for use again.

At the service desk, you can obtain information on all matters relating to library use. The collection shelves for ordered and reserved media are also located in the entrance area. Interlibrary loan requests are also issued here.

Library tours take place regularly at the Brüder-Grimm-Platz location, Murhardsche Bibliothek.

The tours take place every third Thursday of the month at 3.30 pm. Duration half an hour to three quarters of an hour.

Registration is not required.

The meeting point is the service counter in the entrance area of the library.

Scheduled dates are 18.07., 15.08., 19.09., 17.10., 21.11. and 19.12.2024.

Guided tours can also be offered on other dates on request (group size up to max. 15 people).

Please send your inquiries to: bgp-info[at]bibliothek.uni-kassel[dot]de.

You can now find newspaper tablets in the Murhard Library to use our electronic services on site.

The tablets provide access to the following apps:

  • Pressreader
  • Epaper HNA (current issue + archive)
  • Onleihe
  • EZB
  • DBIS
  • and direct access to the various electronic press services licensed by the UB/LMB.

You can find more information on the terms of use here: https://www.uni-kassel.de/ub/recherchieren/e-medien/ausleihe-von-tablets. The tablets can be borrowed at the service desk of the Murhard Library and can also be returned there.

Two reader printers are available for reading microfilms and microfiches. It is also possible to print out individual pages and save them on USB sticks or similar devices. Please make an appointment by telephone: +49 561-8047337

Rules of use