Onleihe Hessen

As part of the University Library of Kassel, the Murhard Library has a special obligation to the citizens of Kassel and the region. In addition to supplying literature from the stocks of the UB, the library is expanding its digital offering with the entry into the onleihe Hessen. In addition to the e-media, which are primarily available to academic users of the library, the onleihe is now an offer that also serves other genres.

Users of the Murhard Library can use the digital holdings of the onleihe free of charge. The login data of the UB library card can be used for virtual lending.

  • E-books
  • E-audio and e-music
  • E-magazins und e-papers
  • E-videos
  • E-learning

You will find a list of all compatible devices and operating systems at

If you have any questions the staff at Murhard Library on BrĂ¼der-Grimm-Platz will be happy to help.

Phone: +49 561 804-7337
E-mail: bgp-info[at]bibliothek.uni-kassel[dot]de