Reference management systems
The reference management systems Citavi and Zotero help with searching for literature, managing citations and writing term papers and theses.
Individual source collections and reference lists can easily be created with Citavi. Several persons may work on a shared project, e.g. cooperating on a paper or compiling references.
Citavi is a fee-based programme which is licensed for Kassel University campus. Students and university staff can use the programme free of charge. This license only covers Citavi for Windows; Citavi Web is not included in said license.
You can either save your Citavi project locally (on your own hard-drive) or in the Citavi cloud. Please note: for reasons of data privacy we recommend that you store sensitive project data locally instead of using the Citavi cloud.
How to get a licence for Citavi?
First download the Citavi set-up file, then register for a Citavi-Account. The Citavi-Account contains the license data. There is also a description how to enter the data in Citavi itself. Afterwards you are free to use Citavi. To register for your Citavi account please enter an e-mail adress of Kassel University:
Students have to use the address ending
University staff have to use the address ending
The campus license is valid for 3 years and will be renewed automatically. Further information on campus licenses can be found on the web pages of the IT Service Center.
Zotero is an open source programme that can be installed independently of an operating system. Mac and Linux users can use it instead of Citavi. Installation of the programme is free, but fees may apply for the use of certain additional features (cloud storage). Be sure to check the Zotero website for more information.
How to get the software?
You can download the programme from the Zotero website. No registration is necessary. Please note that in addition to Zotero, you also need to install the two add-ons for the browser and your word processing programme.
There are comprehensive help pages for both reference management programmes. Kassel University Library also offers Citavi and Zotero courses und consultation hours.