Time disk
Especially during exam times students are looking for places where they can study in quiet, either individually or as a group. The campus library is such a place for quiet and concentrated work with more than 750 work places. The Pausenscheibe (time disk) allows to leave the work place for a break or to take over places that have been unoccupied for a longer time. Please help to make the disposal of work places as effective as possible:
- Please do not block a work place until you actually use it.
- Refrain from pre-blocking with bags, jackets or similar objects.
- For a short break use the red Pausenscheibe (time disk).
- Abandoned work places without a Pausenscheibe (time disk) or an expired break time may be taken over.

This card resembles a parking disc and can be obtained at the service desks. You can put it on your work place to display a break up to 30 minutes. If the break lasts longer than the time indicated on the card, the place may be taken over by the next user. Likewise, all abandoned places without a Pausenscheibe may also be taken over by someone else.
The Pausenscheibe is no safeguard against theft. Please keep an eye on your belongings. The library accepts no liability for stolen valuables or personal items.