Green Office
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Fields of action
Participation - Go:Green
Campus life - Green:Campus
University operations - Green:University
Energy - Green:Energy
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Sustainability management
My university is doing something
Alternative mobility concepts
The University of Kassel has increased the proportion of e-mobility in its vehicle fleet and intends to further expand it and the charging infrastructure for e-cars. The bicycle parking facilities for cyclists and e-bike riders are being improved. There is also a free state ticket for employees.CO2 emissions from business trips are offset.
Furniture exchange

The furniture exchange is a warehouse for used office furniture! Employees of the University of Kassel can find a variety of well-preserved and functional pieces of furniture there. The furniture warehouse is located in the Gottschalk Hall on the 1st floor, Gottschalkstraße 20 building 7630. Used furniture can be viewed and reserved there every second Thursday of the month from 11 am to 2 pm. Transportation is arranged separately.
Facts & figures on sustainability
In 2023, a mobility survey was conducted at the University of Kassel, and one of the results was that employees would like covered, secure parking facilities for their bicycles. The university's construction department responded to this and searched for, found and installed locations for lockable bicycle boxes! Three bicycle boxes have already been completed at Hopla, and further bicycle boxes are already being planned for all other locations. More on mobility in the Green:Campus field of action