Social Communication B5a


Credits points: 6

90 hours course attendance; 90 hours self-study

summer and winter

Language: English

Module type: compulsory

Module usability: M.Sc. Electrical Communication Engineering, M.Sc. Functional Safety Engineering

Module duration: one semester

Required qualifications: -

Competences to be acquired

Learning and studying approaches, learning experience and problem solving as well as inter-cultural competence, scientific language

Elementary and independent use of German language

Communication competence

Inter-cultural competence

Social competence



  • Orientation in the city, working day, study, professional every day life
  • Food, eating habits, body, health, disease
  • Sports, leisure, clubs
  • Accomodation, flat hunting, furnishing
  • Study, school, education, looking for a job, application
  • Daily routine, curriculum vitae
  • Shopping, magazines, consumption, environment protection
  • Parties and celebrations, ritual, meetings
  • Seasons, weather, travelling
  • Culture, politics and society
  • Relations, feelings, habits, behaviour

Learning outcomes

  • General topics:
    • social integration
    • knowing basic German language expressions up to level A2
    • using the language in everyday situations
  • Objectives in terms of levels of the Common European Reference Framework (Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen, GERR):
    • A1: the student is able to:
      • understand usual expressions with immediate meaning (own person, family, shopping, working, schedule, displays, brochures, simple announcements, use of public transport)
      • communicate in simple standard situations, enquire about and obtain information about familiar things and exchange information (looking for a way, accommodation, present activity, apologize if absent)
      • understand and use familiar every-day expressions for satisfying concrete needs
      • introduce herself/himself/others and ask questions about a person, e.g., about their living conditions, and answer corresponding questions
      • communicate on a simple level, if the conversational partner speaks slowly and distinctly and assist in case of a misunderstanding.
    • A2: the student is able to:
      • speak about her/his person, the job, the environment and elementary needs on a basic level
      • describe his living conditions and understand short simple messages
      • write simple texts and letters, read and understand and have brief chats in German
      • understand main topics of oral and written texts (in the context of familiar situations at work, administration, school, leisure and radio/TV reports on latest news, profession and interests)


  • Lecturer: lecturers from DIALOG-Institut
  • Teaching method: lecture and exercises
  • SWS: 6
  • Credit points: 6
  • Examination: written exam (120 min), oral exam (30 min) and presentation
  • Course identifier: FB16-8009