Teaching evaluation

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The Dean's Office will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the teaching evaluation.

The next full survey of courses in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will take place in the winter semester 2025/26 in accordance with the three-semester cycle stipulated in the university's evaluation statutes.


Even in semesters without a full survey, we will be happy to provide you with an evaluation of your course on request!

Contact us

Tim Reindl
+49 561 804-6104 (Phone)
1327 (Room)

Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning is responsible for coordinating and carrying out the evaluation of courses. The department pursues the following goals:

" To provide lecturers with feedback on the quality of their course(s) through student feedback in order to identify development opportunities and potential for improvement.
" To promote the discourse on teaching quality between lecturers and students in the courses
" Ensuring teaching quality at the level of teaching units, degree programs and individual lecturers.
" Presenting the development of teaching quality as part of quality assurance reporting.

Teaching evaluation in the department takes place in two ways: On the one hand, a full survey of all courses is carried out every third semester in accordance with the evaluation statutes of the University of Kassel. On the other hand, surveys are offered outside the three-semester cycle at the request of lecturers or subject areas, for example for graduate students or lecturers. Please contact us if required.

In order to ensure a continuous discourse on teaching quality in the department, the results of the evaluations are discussed with the students in the teaching units. In addition, the students, represented by the student council, receive an evaluation of the results at departmental level.