Physics simulation for games (integration of an open source physics simulation into a demonstration program for game AI (artificial intelligence)).
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Physics simulation for games
The goal of this project is to extend the OpenSteer demo application with a suitable open source physics simulation. OpenSteer ( is an open source library for controlling groups of computer-controlled characters, so-called agents. Simple behavior rules are assigned to each agent and complex group behaviors emerge from the interaction of the agents with each other and with the virtual world.
The physics component should be decoupled from the graphics and AI (artificial intelligence) and an editor should be developed to assign physical properties to the virtual world. The physics component should also be addressable from the AI, e.g. for so-called line-of-sight tests.
Marc Krichhoff
Stefan Niemczyk
Students of computer science from the 5th semester and other interested persons.
Knowledge in C/C++, object-oriented software development and currently linear algebra (matrices and vector calculus) resp. The willingness to acquire this knowledge during the project is required.
8 SWS (12 credit points) or two semesters with 4 SWS each (6 credit points per semester) (it must be calculated with approx.
Project supervisor
Prof. Claudia Leopold
Björn Knafla
Please contact Björn Knafla if you are interested.