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Dear RoboCup Interested Parties,

Experience shows that researchers - regardless of age - usually need or look for an external stimulus and challenge to awaken the "need to research. A challenge that - in whatever form - has to do with life. The RoboCup, which is held under the auspices of the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, including the preparatory workshops, can, will  and should be such a stimulus. In RoboCup, one of the two possible disciplines involves rescuing people from buildings that are in danger of collapsing. From buildings into which one does not want to send human rescuers at first, in order not to endanger them as well. The unknown buildings are symbolized by flexibly designable labyrinths, the people are represented by heat sources or small spheres.

The aim of the competition is to retrieve the objects to be "rescued" from the labyrinth or the "rescue zone" using self-built and self-programmed robots or to provide first aid - for example by placing a sweet on the heat sources found in the labyrinth - on site.

First and foremost, however, the whole thing is about teamwork, manual and technical skills ... and the fun and joy you feel when you manage to solve such tricky tasks as a team. In an increasingly complex world, working in interdisciplinary teams is a core competence. A robot doesn't just need to be programmed. It has to be built, equipped and modified. It therefore needs people who are trained in manual tasks and who have practiced programming. And who have enough drive and tenacity to pursue a goal until it is achieved.

Thanks to the generous support of the sponsors cdw Stiftung gGmbH, Hübner GmbH & Co KG, Micromata GmbH, Städtische Werke AG Kassel and the Universitätsgesellschaft Kassel, the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science at the University of Kassel is therefore pleased to be able to offer workshops that prepare students for participation. We are also delighted to have hosted a regional qualifying tournament since 2019. I keep my fingers crossed for all young researchers for a successful participation in the upcoming competition and hope you enjoy the preparation and the RoboCup itself.

With best regards

Axel Bangert