EM Portugal

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Two of the teams that participated in the Autumn Vacation Self-Assembly Workshop at the University of Kassel, FB16, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, had qualified for the German Championship.

The team "Gertrud" took second place in the discipline "Maze Entry" and the team "Pathfinder" took fourth place in the discipline "Maze" at the competition, in which 550 students from all over Germany participated and which took place in Kassel for the first time. With these very good results they are allowed to compete at the European Championship in Portugal.

We will report about the trip and the competition on this page. We will start on May 26th with a minibus, which is lent to us by the Wilhelmsgymnasium. One team member is not allowed to fly for medical reasons, so we will travel by bus. But the students are also happy to do without a flight for ecological reasons. Unfortunately, Ben has to be back in Germany on June 5th and therefore cannot avoid a flight.

Team sponsors