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Responsible for the RoboCup project

Department 16 Electrical Engineering/Computer Science
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dirk Dahlhaus, Dean
Wilhelmshöher Allee 71 - 73
34121 Kassel

Project management and coordination

University of Kassel Faculty 16
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Building 4600
Room 0626
Andreas Scheel
Wilhelmshöher Allee 71-73
34121 Kassel

Bank details of the University of Kassel

Kassel Savings Bank
SORT CODE 520 503 53
Account number: 2109394
IBAN: DE65520503530002109394
VAT-Id. No.: DE 113 057 055

Please indicate "RoboCup Kassel" as reason for payment.