Application form for "Promote Your Career"

Promote your Carrer registration form

Application form
Information of Language Level

Please take an online test at Cornelsen Verlag if you do not have a language certificate: Test with Cornelsen.

If you have no knowledge of German (level A0), please upload a blank sheet in pdf format.

When would you like to attend language courses and workshops? (You can select multiple options)

Do you already have professional experience?

If yes, enter information in the field. If no, write “none” in the field.

  1. in your home country?
  2. Institution/Organisation
  3. How long?
  4. Your experience

My motivation for participation in the programme:(Please write at least 150 Words)

  1. Please explain why you want to work in Germany.
  2. What special skills, experience or qualifications do you possess that would qualify you for this project and your professional future in Germany?
  3. What motivates you to take part in the language courses and workshops?