Welcome to the Section of Child and Juvenile Law

The Section of Child and Juvenile Law

"Child and Juvenile Law" is not an area of law in the traditional sense, it includes matters from various areas of law, we focus mainly on criminal law, youth welfare law and civil law. Our resarch interests include „law in the books“ as well as „law in action“. A lot of the research is criminological and deals with juveniles as offenders and/or as vicitims and with the juvenile criminal justice system.

The Section of Child and Juvenile Law: Read More


Information about the Courses and the Bachelor and Master theses

Teaching: Forward


Overview of the Research Projects of the Section

Research: Forward


Fachgebiet Recht der Kindheit und der Jugend
Universität Kassel
Arnold-Bode-Str 10
34109 Kassel

+49-561 804-2954