
since 2022

  • Member of the steering committee for the promotion of research data management at the University of Kassel


  • Vice-President and President of the „Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods“ of the European Sociological Association


  • Executive Director of the Competence Center for Empirical Research Methods at the University of Kassel

since 2017

  • Trusted lecturer of ELES, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk


  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Social Work, University of Kassel
  • Chair of the budget committee of the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Kassel

since 2016

  • Member of the Commission for Information Management (KIM), University of Kassel


  • Directorate member of the interdepartmental competence center for empirical research methods at the University of Kassel


  • Board member of the "RN 20 Research Network Qualitative Methods" of the European Sociological Association


  • Board member of the European PhD Network "Socio-economic and Statistical Studies

German Sociological Association:

  • Section Sociology of Knowledge
  • Section Science and Technology Studies
  • Section Sociology of the Body and Sports
  • Section Biographical Research

European Sociological Association:

  • RN 20 Research Network Qualitative Methods

Society for Social Studies of Science

European Association for the Study of Science and Technology

Society for the Study of Science and Technology

German Association of Universities

  • International Journal on Digital Libraries
  • Space & Culture
  • Forum Qualitative Social Research
  • Asian Studies/Etudes Asiatiques
  • Human Studies
  • Austrian Journal of Historical Studies

  • Funding & Tenders, European Commission

  • AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council): DFG Research Grants