
Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Visual Data of Violence: Visibilities and Non-Visibilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the  “European Sociological Association”, Research Network „Qualitative Methods“ from 27.8.-30.8.2024 in Porto, Portugal.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. State of the Art of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Visual Methods. Plenary lecture at the Midterm Conference “Inhabiting Uncertainty: A Forum on Qualitative, Quantitative, and Visual Methods” of the Research Network “Qualitative Methods” of the “European Sociological Assocation” from 14.9.-15.9.2023 in Roma, Italy.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah.Polarizing markers of belonging in violence and conflict. On the hermeneutic video analysis of interactions. Paper presented at the lecture series celebrating the 50+1 anniversary of the Institute of Social Work, University of Kassel, Germany, Nov. 15, 2022.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah.Polarizing Markers of Belonging in Violence and Conflict. On hermeneutic video analysis of an escalating confrontation. Paper presented at the conference of the German Sociological Association in Bielefeld, September 26-30, 2022.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Opening to Mid-term Conference in Copenhagen. Paper presented at the Midterm Conference "Contemporary Challenges for Qualitative Sociology: Digital Developments, Ethical Requirements, Quality Standards" of the Research Network "Qualitative Methods" of the "European Sociological Association", 24.8.-26.8.2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Micro-patterns of Interaction in the Operating Room and in Violent Conflicts Using Video Hermeneutics. Paper presented at the 'Netherlands Insitute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement' on 24.5.22 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah / Christine Krauskopf. Street Violence in Online Video Data: Function and Alignment of Bodies with Multiple Contexts. Paper presented at the meeting of the "European Sociological Association", Research Network "Qualitative Methods" (online), 31.8.-3.9.2021 in Barcelona, Spain.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Human-Machine Intra-action on Grounds of Flesh: Agency in the Work of Merleau-Ponty and Irigaray. Paper presented at the conference "New Materialist Informatics" (online), 23-25.3.2021 at the University of Kassel.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Language and Society. Online talk given to Prof. Giampetro Gobo on 9/18/2020, University of Milan, Italy.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Implicit knowledge and the past: on temporal asymmetry in Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Paper presented at the Section Meeting of the Sociology of Knowledge Section of the German Sociological Association, Koblenz, Germany, Oct. 9-11, 2019.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Beyond the Human: Pros and Cons of "Post-Qualitative" Methodology. Paper presented at the meeting of the "European Sociological Association," Research Network "Qualitative Methods," Aug. 20-23, 2019 in Manchester, UK.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah.On the Construction of Evidence: Medical Practise of Identifying Sexual Violence. Paper presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science meeting, Aug. 29 - Sept. 01, 2018, Sydney, Australia. Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah / Sucherdt, Christoph.How to Do Things with Words: The Analysis of Power Relations through Participant Observation. Paper presented at the meeting of the "European Sociological Association", Research Network "Qualitative Methods", 29.8.-1.9.2017 in Athens, Greece. Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Against technological determinism: on the computerization of the operating room. Paper presented at the 27th meeting of the Commission for Information Management of the University of Kassel, Germany, 2.5.2017.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Artefacts and Objects in Intra-Actions: Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of the Subjective Body. Paper presented at the Oberseminar for Eichstätt undergraduate and graduate students, Feb. 10, 2017, at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah / van Loon, Joost.Introduction to the ad hoc group on "The New Materialism and its Methodological Implications" at the conference of the German Sociological Association, Sept. 26-30, 2016 in Bamberg.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Artefacts and Objects in Intra-Actions: Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of the Subjective Body. Paper presented at the Midterm Conference "Qualitative Methods and Research Technologies" of the Research Network "Qualitative Methods" of the "European Sociological Association", 31.8.-3.9.2016 in Krakow, Poland.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. On the Construction of Child Abuse. Medical Practices of Identifying Maternal Overload. Paper presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science meeting, 11-14 Nov 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Bodily habituality as the end of modern self-determination? On hermeneutic video analysis of interactions. Paper presented at the Congress of the Austrian Sociological Association, 1-3 October 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. What Micro-Analysis of Misunderstandings tells us about Local Knowledge. Paper presented at the meeting of the "European Sociological Association", Research Network "Qualitative Methods", 25-28.8.2015 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Video Hermeneutics and Ethnography: Or How to Reconstruct Meaning. Paper presented at the Midterm Conference "#Ethnography: Trends, Traverses and Traditions" of the Research Network "Qualitative Methods" of the "European Sociological Association", 27-29.8.2014 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Video Hermeneutics: Conceptualizing Social Relations Between Objects As Well As Between Bodies. Paper presented at the meeting of the "European Sociological Association", Research Network "Qualitative Methods", 28-31.8.2013 in Turin, Italy.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Merleau-Ponty's interbody: visual expressions of behavior beyond the logocentrism of language. Paper presented at the conference "The Body as Memory? Potentials and limits of practice-theoretical, everyday and body-sociological approaches to social remembering and forgetting" on March 7-8, 2013 at LMU Munich, organized by the working group "Social Memory, Remembering and Forgetting" in the Sociology of Knowledge Section in cooperation with the Sociology of the Body and Sports Section.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Information Technology as an Occasion for Structuring. Gender System and Power Relations in the Operating Room. Paper presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science meeting, Nov. 2-5, 2011, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Caring beyond the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Computerized Work in the Operating Room. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Oct. 28-31, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Information work in the operating room: upgrading or devaluing knowledge? Operating room coordinators as new service providers in the operating room. Paper presented at the 34th Congress of the German Sociological Association in Jena, October 6-10, 2008, Section Professionssoziologie.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Of scripts and descriptions of technical artifacts. Paper presented at the workshop "Formen der Aneignung: Strategien des Kultur-, Wissens- und Techniktransfers" on 13.7.08 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, organized by: Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah / Krawietz, Birgit / Lohwasser, Angelika.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Descriptions - the blind spot in narrative analytic procedures? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Section for Biographical Research of the DGS on July 11, 2008 at the University of Flensburg.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. La communication dans la salle d'opération - symétrique ou asymétrique? Presentation at the laboratory ICAR UMR 5191 (Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissage, Représentations - Unité Mixte de Recherche), Département Sciences du langage at Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Ecole Normale Supérieure lettres et sciences humaines, France on 16.6.2008.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Information work in the operating room: a new 'female' component of caring work. Paper presented at the 21st Congress of the German Society for Educational Science at the TU Dresden on 18.3.2008.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Information work in the operating room: a new form of female care work. Lecture at the colloquium on occupational science by Prof. Eva Senghaas-Knobloch at the University of Bremen on February 6, 2008.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. On the meaning of process, property and situation descriptions in the operating room. Paper presented at the Section Meeting of the Biographical Research Section of the German Sociological Association at the conference "Ethnicity, Belonging, Biography and Ethnography", December 7-9, 2007 at the University of Göttingen, together with: Lieb, Renate.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Coordination Work in the Operating Room - A New Form of Caring Work? Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, 10-13.10.2007, Montreal, Canada.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Misunderstandings and Problematic Events in Medical Routines - Video Interaction Analyses with a Hermeneutical Approach. Paper presented at the conference "Video Interaction Analysis - And How To Do It", 11-12 May 2007, Humboldt University, Berlin (organized by: DFG project "on the transformation of work through computerized knowledge in the operating room from a gender perspective").

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Presentation of my ongoing work in the DFG project "On the change of work through computerized knowledge in the operating room from a gender perspective". Presentation at the Research Colloquium on Technology and Innovation Research, 25.4.2007, TU Berlin.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Articulation Work in Surgery and Anesthesia: The Impact of Computer Systems on the Visibility and Invisibility of Power Relations. Paper presented at the conference of the "European Association for the Study of Science and Technology", 23-26.8.2006, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Human-machine interaction in hospitals: anthropomorphization and gendering of information systems. Paper presented with interview material at the 9th Methods Workshop, Jan. 20-21, 2006, University of Magdeburg.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Video analyses of human-technology interactions in hospitals. Presentation to Prof. Wolfram Fischer at the Institute for Social Therapy, Supervision and Organizational Consulting at the University of Kassel on 23.11.2005.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Control and risk in the operating room: reconstructive video analysis of an arthroscopy. Paper presented at the conference "Steuerung und Störung: Konstellationen von Technik, Spiel und Risiko" [Control and Disruption: Constellations of Technology, Play, and Risk], February 17-19, 2005, at the FU Berlin, organized by the Collaborative Research Center 447 "Cultures of the Performative" at the Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with the Center for Historical Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin, the Center for Technology and Society at the Technische Universität Berlin, and the Section "Philosophy of Sport" in the German Association for Sports Science.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. 'One Has to Dissassociate Oneself from this Society': Local Practices and cCultural Orientations in German Nuclear Technology. Working paper and presentation at the conference "Science and Technology in the20th Century: Cultures of Innovation in Germany and the United States," Oct. 15-16, 2004, at the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Information systems in hospitals: classifications in human-machine interaction, paper presented at the 30th Congress of Women in Science and Technology, 20-23 May 2004, Zurich, Switzerland.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Veiled orientations: Dealing with the Lotus Notes information system. Paper presented at the symposium "Embodied Agents of Life- and Cyberscience: Turbulent Bodies and Social Machines", 5-7 July 2002 in Bredbeck near Bremen, organized by the Center for Feminist Studies at the University of Bremen, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bremen, and the Department of History at the Technical University of Braunschweig.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. The Legacy of Nationalsocialism in the Perception and Use of German Nuclear Technology. Paper presented at the symposium "Transforming Spaces: The Topological Turn in Technology Studies," March 22-24, 2002, at the Graduiertenkolleg Technisierung und Gesellschaft, TU Darmstadt.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. The myth of the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Paper presented at the Physikerinnentagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 11-14.11.1999 at the University of Heidelberg.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Gamma spectroscopic detection of MnS domains in Zn1-xMnxS of high manganese concentration (x=0.06),together with: Hoffmann, Holger / Gumlich, Hans-Eckhart / Waldmann, Hubert / Zeitz, Wolfgang / Mahnke, Heinz-Eberhard, Poster anlässlich der Frühjahrstagung "Halbleiterphysik" der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft an der Universität Münster, 8-12.4.1991.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Investigations on MnS Cluster Formation within Semimagnetic Semiconductor Zn1-xMnxS, poster presented at the workshop "Ion Beam Applications" at the Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, 17-18.2.1992, together with: Hoffmann, Holger / Pohl, Udo W. / Gumlich, Hans-Eckhart / Waldmann, Hubert / Mahnke, Heinz-Eberhard /Spellmeyer, Bernd / Sulzer, Georg / Zeitz, Wolfgang.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Study on the formation of MnS domains in Zn1-xMnxS (0.05£x£0.225) by means of perturbed angle distribution (PAD),Paper presented at the Spring Conference "Semiconductor Physics" of the German Physical Society at the University of Regensburg, March 16-20, 1992, together with: Hoffmann, Holger / Krost, Alois / Gumlich, Hans-Eckhart / Waldmann, Hubert / Mahnke, Heinz-Eberhard / Spellmeyer, Bernd / Sulzer, Georg / Zeitz, Wolfgang.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. Investigations on MnS Cluster Formation within the Semimagnetic Semiconductor Zn1-xMnxS, poster presented at the 7th International Semiconductor Symposium "Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors" at the University of Trieste, 7-13.6.1992,together with: Hoffmann, Holger / Pohl, Udo W. / Gumlich, Hans-Eckhart / Waldmann, Hubert / Mahnke, Heinz-Eberhard / Spellmeyer, Bernd / Sulzer, Georg / Zeitz, Wolfgang.

Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah. On Mn-Distribution within the Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Zn1-xMnxS, paper presented at the "European Workshop on II-VI Semiconductors" at the University of Aachen 2-4.11.1992, together with: Hoffmann, Holger / Gumlich, Hans-Eckhart / Pohl, Udo W. / Waldmann, Hubert / Mahnke, Heinz-Eberhard / Spellmeyer, Bernd / Sulzer, Georg / Zeitz, Wolfgang.