Teaching and Exams

The introductory module for students in the teaching profession at elementary schools consists of a lecture and accompanying tutorials.

The emergence and development of the elementary school is historically classified and the tasks, structures and basic questions of the elementary school are introduced. A main focus is the examination of requirements and challenges of the "professional field" of elementary school and the task of basic and inclusive education in the first school. The introductory module also offers the opportunity to reflect on motives for the choice of study and career, to discuss questions of the theory-practice relationship in the study of elementary school teaching, and to become more familiar with basic techniques of scientific work.

The introductory module is concluded with a study entry portfolio.

Students in the main study period are given the opportunity to design and reflect on a pedagogical situation. They can supervise first-year students participating in the "Introduction to Elementary School Pedagogy" (Module 1A) in tutorials and make it easier for them to begin their studies. In the accompanying seminar, the topic "Transitions" is dealt with, learning through teaching is reflected upon and cooperative forms of learning are tried out. An in-depth examination of the portfolio as an alternative form of learning and performance reflection is made possible, basic elementary school pedagogical knowledge is deepened, teaching methods are tested and a research-based attitude to teaching is practiced.

The basic module in elementary education is designed as a composite module.

It consists of seminars in the winter semester and a lecture in the summer semester.

All seminar topics of the summer semester are taken up again in the winter semester in the lecture in overview. This allows for an in-depth examination of one topic and an overview of all topics.

The goal of the module is to analyze, justify, and critically evaluate teaching-learning situations in elementary school instructional contexts. Mediation and interaction processes for pedagogical action in elementary school teaching and elementary school are to be analyzed, presented and reflected upon under various conditions.

The design of learning processes in inclusive elementary school teaching and the handling of heterogeneity in initial teaching receive special attention.

Teachers from the subject areas "Educational Science with a focus on elementary school pedagogy", "Elementary school development and integrated subject teaching" and "Elementary school didactics, multilingualism and social participation" participate in this module.

Teaching research projects are offered on various topics. Here, students in small groups (15 students) can engage in research on interesting topics and at the same time get to know the work with scientific research methods.

The main focus is on questions of childhood research and classroom research.


In this teaching research project, situations and interactions from the internship semester in the teaching profession at elementary schools are reflected upon and scientifically analyzed. In addition, the online case archive school pedagogy(http://www.fallarchiv.uni-kassel.de) will be used. The focus of the case work is on 1. the role of the intern, 2. classroom interactions, classroom implementation and classroom disturbances, 3. dealing with heterogeneity in practice, 4. antinomies of teacher action and 4. practices of teachers and students in elementary school. Different methods will be used: Case Assignments, Collegial Case Discussion, and Sequential Interpretation.

The accompanying courses "Learning from the case in the practical semester" were designed in the department "Educational Science with a focus on elementary school pedagogy" and are offered by teachers of the department.

Dear first-year students,

In this course we want to give you an introduction to scientific work. Scientific work is a core element of your studies and is required of you both in courses and in examinations.

This course consists of four units, in which the first steps towards scientific work are covered:

  1. Basics of scientific work
  2. Researching scientific literature
  3. Reading and processing scientific literature
  4. Citing scientific literature

Each of the four units contains an informational section and assignments that allow you to test your level of knowledge on your own. Some units also contain application tasks.

The course is still under construction. It will be expanded in the long term with additional units and can thus be useful to you in advanced scientific work.

The course is set up under FB 01 Human Sciences / Institute of Educational Science / Inter-semester offers:


Password: Kernstudium2021

The book provides support for self-study in order to successfully organize one's own learning and to reflect on the individual learning process. It shows ways to use learning strategies in a targeted manner and provides suggestions for self-organized learning.


Study more effectively and successfully!

Special award in the field of teaching

Winning the 2nd prize of the state of Hesse for "Excellence in Teaching" 2007

Non-university teaching

Conception and implementation of numerous further education events on topics of school pedagogy, childhood research, gender research as well as university didactics at various institutions (especially state centers for political education, universities, schools, kindergartens, equal opportunity offices, trade unions, municipalities, institutions for further education of teachers).

Handing in ofterm papers/written elabor ations Dear students, please hand in your term papers/written elaborations from seminars to my secretary, Mrs. Prast (NP1, room 2210). Please do NOT drop them in my mailbox!!!

Please refer to the following step-by-step instructions for final examinations with Prof. Dr. Friederike Heinzel. Please ask the staff members of the department directly for the examination modalities.

  1. 1.Anmeldung

    • Anmeldung zur schriftlichen wissenschaftlichen  Examensarbeiten

    Nur im persönlichen Gespräch innerhalb meiner regulären Sprechstunde werden die Anmeldungen entgegengenommen. Aktuelle Termine & Kontakt

    • Anmeldung zu mündlichen Examensprüfungen (DG und Kernstudium) und Klausuren im Kernstudium

    In schriftlicher Form ein Jahr vor der Prüfung. Die Anmeldeformulare werden nur während der Anmeldezeiträume online gestellt. Sie können die ausgefüllten Formulare bei Frau Prast abgeben (NPS 1, R. 2210). Sie werden nur im o.a. Zeitraum und zu den üblichen Bürozeiten entgegengenommen. (Derzeit bitte postalisch oder das Formular als PDF per Mail an Frau Prast (susanne.prast@uni-kassel.de)senden.


    Prüfungen im Kernstudium und in der Grundschuldidaktik für die Examensperiode im Sommersemester finden in der Regel im April/Mai statt. Anmeldetermin: 1. bis 10. Mai des Vorjahres

    Prüfungen im Kernstudium und in der Grundschuldidaktik für die Examensperiode im Wintersemester finden in der Regel im Oktober/November statt.
    Anmeldetermin: 1. bis 10. November des Vorjahres

  2. 2.Rückmeldung

    Ich werde Sie informieren, wer zur Prüfung angenommen ist.

    Die Anmeldung ist noch keine Garantie für einen Prüfungsplatz.

    Rückmeldungen werden bis Ende November/Mai per Mail verschickt.

  3. 3.Examensklausuren

    Examensklausuren können im Kernstudium oder in Didaktik der Grundschule geschrieben werden. Für eine Examensklausur in Didaktik der Grundschule ist eine Beratung in meiner Sprechstunde und eine persönliche Anmeldung unbedingt erforderlich.  Für Examensklausuren im Kernstudium bitte das Anmeldeformular (siehe Anmeldung) verwenden.

  4. 4.Prüferwunschblatt

    Geben Sie Ihr Prüferwunschblatt bei meiner Sekretärin Frau Prast ab. Für die Unterschrift brauchen Sie nicht extra in meine Sprechstunde zu kommen.

    Bitte denken Sie daran, Ihre Zusage zur Prüfung beizulegen.

  5. 5.Prüfungsthemen

    Wählen Sie Prüfungsthemen anhand der Vorschläge für Prüfungsthemen:

    Bitte berücksichtigen Sie theoretische Konzepte und Forschungsergebnisse zu Ihrem Thema. Es muss deutlich werden, dass Sie über die Fähigkeit verfügen, ein Thema im Prüfungsgespräch wissenschaftlich zu betrachten.

  6. 6.Sprechstunde

    Zur Absprache von Prüfungsthemen können Sie meine Sprechstunde besuchen. Zudem wird in jedem Prüfungsdurchgang eine Sammelsprechstunde für Examensprüflinge angeboten.

    Eine Sammelsprechstunde für Examensprüflinge im Frühjahr 2025 findet am 21.01.2025 um 16:00 Uhr via Zoom statt. Bitte melden Sie sich an: Aktuelle Termine & Kontakt

  7. 7.Prüfungstermine

    Prüfungstermine können Sie nur durch die Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie erfahren.