Academic Career

Since 10/2016

Academic director of the Academic Program in Supervision and Coaching as well as of the Master Program Supervision und Coaching M.Sc. of the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg / Schloss Hofen (A)

Since 10/2010

Research Associate at the Chair of Counselling Theory and Methodology, Department of Psychology, University of Kassel

  • November 2014: Dissertation (Dr. phil.): “German-Israeli Leadership Development: An Evaluation” (summa cum laude)
  • Focus in research and teaching: coaching and supervision, leadership development, group processes, psychodynamic theories
  • Academic self-administration: representative in the directorate of the Department of Psychology


Studies of Psychology (Diplom) with emphasis on work and organizational psychology at the University of Bonn and at the University of British Columbia, Canada (1st year of B.A. as well as graduate school: Counseling, Commerce, Adult Education und Religious Studies)

Master (Diplom) Thesis on:  „Repatriation: An Empirical Study on Effective Communication of Experiences Gained Abroad“

Scholarships & Awards:
Scholarship of the German National Merit Foundation, Outstanding Student Initiative Scholarship as well as Dean’s Honour List of the University of British Columbia


Non-Academic Work Experience

Since 2006

Freelance trainer, coach and consultant


Manager HR Development of an international pharmaceutical company (Chiesi GmbH, Hamburg)


Trainer and coach at a consulting company with focus on the non-profit sector and international development cooperation (Como Consult GmbH, Hamburg)


Further Training and Education

Since 10/2014

Training program „Development and Management of Research Projects“, joint program of the University of Kassel with the Philipps-University Marburg


Participation in the mentoring program „SciMento – Mentoring for scientists across Hesse“


Corporate Executive Program in Business Administration (SDA Bocconi School of Management, Mailand)


Coach and supervisor, certified by the DGSv (FIS Wiesbaden)


Group dynamics trainig: „Leading and counseling groups“, certified by DAGG (ZAP Nürnberg)


Continuous training regarding counselling (f.ex. group analytical approaches, psychodrama) and HR management (HR controlling, career paths, occupational health)


Research Interests:

Coaching and supervision, human resources development (HRD), training, leadership development, group and team processes, psychoanalytic theory at the intersection of clinical psychology and work/organizational psychology (mentalizing, Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics)


Journal-related Activities

Associate editor: Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching

Ad hoc Reviewer: Coaching | Theorie & Praxis