Research Projects
Coaching and supervision, leadership development, training, group processes
Since 2016 | Kassel Coaching Study
Since 2016 | Research on coaching and supervision
2017-2018 | Research on training
Since 2010 | Evaluation of German-Israeli leadership development and encounter programs (Collaboration project between Kassel University, Chair of Counselling Theory and Methodology and Bertelsmann Foundation):
2014-2015 | Implementation and evaluation of the pilot project „Mentalizing Vocational Training“ (Collaboration project between Kassel University/ Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Prof. Dr. Svenja Taubner and the Vocational Training Center of North Hesse) |
2003-2006 | Research projects on expatriation and repatriation |
Kassel Coaching Study
While coaching effectiveness has been studied extensively and meta-analyses have found positive overall effects of coaching, process research is still at an early stage, particularly with regards to the question what actually happens in coaching beyond self-reports of coach and coachee. The Kassel Coaching Study aims at analyzing processes that take place during coaching sessions and to identify factors that impact upon coaching effectiveness. To this end, process and outcome measures are combined. Questionnaires are delivered to coach and coachee at the beginning and at the end of the coaching process. Possible long-term effects are measured by 6 month-follow-up. In addition, coaching processes are audiotaped and analyzed with a variety of process rating instruments. Coaching practitioners are integrated into the project by means of ongoing research workshops.
Evaluation of the Binational Program „German-Israeli Young Leaders Exchange (GIYLE)“
The program „German-Israeli Young Leaders Exchange“ aims both at intensifying and improving the relations and exchange between Germany and Israel and at building knowledge and experiences on entrepreneurship. The program is designed for twelve German and Israeli leaders respectively, with backgrounds in the private, nonprofit and public sector. Three consecutive cohorts are evaluated (2015-2018). The program evaluation contains both formative aspects aimed at optimizing the program during the implementation phase and to describe and assess learning processes and outcomes. The evaluation is designed as a mixed-methods, longitudinal study encompassing standardized psychometric measures incl. 360°-feedback as well as interviews.
Implementation and Evaluation of the Pilot Project „Mentalizing Vocational Training“
The intervention project „Mentalizing Voacation Training“, a collaboration project between the university of Kassel/Klagenfurt: Prof. Dr. Svenja Taubner) and a vocational training center, aimed at improving the effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation. The prevention program was based on the assumption that difficulties of professionals in working with adolescents are related to deficits in mentalizing. Thus, a prevention program was created with the goal to support an enduring mentalizing social system following Twemlow’s and Fonagy’s suggestions for peaceful schools. The program encompassed four modules: psychoeducative training for all professionals within the organization, an ongoing supervision for two selected teams to support transfer of mentalization into daily work, two mentalizing training groups for selected adolescents and the accompanying evaluation including a weekly introvision group among the research team.