Practical school studies & Practical semester
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Lehramtsstudierende finden auf dieser Seite Informationen zu:
Rebecca Harke
Regina Kesting
Pedagogical staff: Foreign language learning and teaching: Didactics of the English language
Julia Thomas
Pedagogical staff: Foreign language learning and teaching: Didactics of the English language
Image: Julia Kersten
The following internships are offered:
SPS I (Schulpraktische Studien I)
Mandatory for:
- all L3 and L4 students
- all L1- and L2-students who started their studies before WiSe 15/16
English students please check if an intensive internship is available
To pass the assessment:
1. Completion of a portfolio
2. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of at least two classroom visits.
SPS II (Schulpraktische Studien II)
Obligatorisch für:
- alle L3- und L4- Studierenden
- alle L1- und L2-Studierenden, die Ihr Studium vor WiSe 15/16 begonnen haben
To pass the assessment:
1. Completion of a portfolio
2. Creation of an explainer video
3. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of at least one classroom visit.
Special types
Fakultativ für:
- alle L3- und L4- Studierenden
- alle L1- und L2-Studierenden, die Ihr Studium vor WiSe 15/16 begonnen haben
Das Intensivpraktikum wird nicht zusätzlich absolviert. Es handelt sich lediglich um eine Alternative, bei der Sie SPS I und SPS II zusammen durchführen können
To pass the assessment:
1. Completion of a portfolio
2. Creation of an explainer video
3. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of at least one classroom visit.
Practical semester
Mandatory for:
- All L1 and L2 students who started their studies in WiSe 15/16 or later.
L1 students complete the practical semester in mathematics and German. The third subject English is completed in a detached part (see table "detached part") in a later semester