GRP 2002

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Georg Forster as a cultural mediator

Kassel, June 21 and 22, 2002

Friday, June 21, 2002
Senate Hall of the University of Kassel

9.00 a.m. Welcome

of the participants by the Chairman of the Georg Forster Society, Prof. Dr. Horst Dippel
by the President of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep

9.30 a.m. Gerhart Pickerodt, Marburg

Georg Forster as a mediator between antiquity and modernity

10.30 a.m.

Coffee break

10.45 a.m. Michael Ewert, Munich

On the hermeneutics of the foreign using the example of Georg Forster's reception of ancient Indian poetry

11.45 a.m. Joerg Esleben, Calgary

Translation as intercultural communication in Forster's work

12.45 p.m.

Lunch break

14.15 Rotraut Fischer, Darmstadt

Georg Forster's "Views" of Italy

15.15 Helmut Peitsch, Potsdam

Georg Forster as a mediator of English travelogues

16.15 hrs

Coffee break

16.30 Marita Gilli, Besançon

The political in Forster's reviews

Saturday, June 22, 2002
Senate Hall of the GhK

9.00 a.m. Ludwig Uhlig, Athens, Ga.

Georg Forster, Captain Cook and the Taboo

10.00 a.m. Thomas Köhler, Münster

Forster's mediation of the experience of foreignness between European standardization, criticism of civilization and the Enlightenment ideal

11.00 a.m.

Coffee break

11.15 a.m. Ruth Stummann-Bowert, Giessen

Georg Forster as translator, editor and reviewer: "Preface" and notes on his translation of George Keate, News from the Pelew Islands

with the kind support of:
University of Kassel
Kasseler Sparkasse
Kasseler Hochschulbund