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Book publications:
- Honor as Bourgeoisie in the Contemporary Novels of Theodor Fontane. Paderborn 1992 ( = Publications of the University of Paderborn. Series: Linguistics and Literary Studies, Vol. 12).
- Hilde Rubinstein: "Ich wollte nichts als glücklich sein ...". Prison diaries under Hitler and Stalin and other scattered texts. Edited and with an afterword by Maria Empting and Stefan Greif. Paderborn 1994.
- Goethe: Works. Anniversary edition in 6 volumes. Edited by Friedmar Apel and others. Frankfurt/M. and Leipzig 1998.
- Painting can have a very eloquent silence. Descriptive Art and Pictorial Aesthetics of the Poets. Munich 1998.
- Goethe-Ästhetische Schriften 1820-1824. ed. by St. Greif (= vol. 21 of the Frankfurt Goethe edition) Frankfurt/M. 1998.
- Workbook German Classicism. Paderborn 2008.
- Angeschwemmt-fortgeschrieben. Robinsonaden im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert [ed. together with Ada Bieber u. Günter Helmes]. Würzburg 2009.
- Rainald Goetz. Text+Kritik issue 190, March 2011, edited by Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Guest ed.; Charis Goer u. Stefan Greif.
- Texte zur Theorie des Pop [edited with Charis Goer u. Christoph Jacke]. Stuttgart 2013.
- Literature of the Enlightenment. UTB Literary Studies 3997. munich 2013.
- Pop Culture and Television. Historical and Aesthetic Points of Contact [ed. together with Nils Lehnert u. Anna Meywirth]. Bielefeld 2015.
- Herder Handbook. Ed. by St. Greif, Marion Heinz u. Heinrich Clairmont. Paderborn 2016.
Editorial activity (series of publications):
- Georg Forster Studies. Edited by Stefan Greif and Michael Ewert (since 2009).
- SchriftBilder. Studies in Media and Cultural Studies. Edited by Günter Helmes and Stefan Greif (since 2012).
- Intervalle-Schriften zur Kulturforschung. Edited by Stefan Greif and Wilfried Speitkamp (since 2014).
- "As long as there are Gogen, I am a demagogue!!!" Arno Schmidt's early reviews between sincerity and protest (Das Leptothe=Herz). In: Arno Schmidt. Das Frühwerk III, Vermischte Schriften. Interpretations of The Islandto Fouqué. Ed. by Michael M. Schardt. Aachen 1989, pp. 278-286.
- Adolph Diesterweg as Polemicist. On the Form of Scientific Controversy in the 19th Century. In: Adolph Diesterweg. Wissen im Aufbruch. Catalog for the exhibition on the 200th anniversary of his birth. Ed. University of Siegen. Weinheim 1990, pp. 278-284.
- "Who always sees the same, sees nothing ..." Fontane's Concept of Art in the Context of the 19th Century. In: Fontane Blätter, H. 55 (1993), pp. 69-90.
- "Das ich ein Seeliger sei mitten in irdischer Nacht!" On the Image of the Artist in Fouqué's Art Fairy Tale The Fourteen Happy Days. In: ZfdPh, vol. 112 (1993), SH: Neue Arbeiten zur Romantik. Ed. by H. Steinecke, pp. 97-116.
- "... this Prussia to be hated and loved alike!" The old Prussian Theodor Fontane between bourgeois revolution and Wilhelminism. In: Dichter und ihre Nation. Ed. by Helmut Scheuer. Frankfurt/M. 1993, pp. 290-310.
- Novelle / Narrative. In: Romanticism Handbook. Ed. by Helmut Schanze. Stuttgart 1994, pp. 241-256.
- [Reprinted in: Literarische Romantik. Ed. by Helmut Schanze, Stuttgart 2008, pp. 69-83]
- Fairy tales / folk poetry. In: Romanticism Handbook. op. cit., pp. 257-275.
- [Reprinted in: Literarische Romanitk, op. cit., pp. 84-101]
- The myth-the wild thought and reason. In: Pluralism and Postmodernism. On the History of Literature and Culture in Germany 1980-1995. ed. by Helmut Kreuzer. 4, compared to the third ed. and updated. Frankfurt/M. u. a. 1996, pp. 157-177.
- Sympathy for the Devil? On the Image of the Devil in Goethe's Time. In: Paderborner Universitätsreden. Ed. by Peter Freese. Vol. 55. Paderborn 1996 (see also:
- Ueber Kunst und Alterthum (with Friedmar Apel). In: Goethe-Handbuch in vier Bdn. Ed. by Bernd Witte et al. vol. III, Stuttgart, Weimar 1997, pp. 619-639.
- Farewell to Germany. Hilde Rubinstein. In: Encounters. Facets of a Century. FS for Helmut Kreuzer on his 70th birthday. Edited by D. Rosenstein and A. Kreutz. Siegen 1997, pp. 261-265.
- Tunnelfahrt mit Lichtblick. Fontane's Anecdotal Biographies of Artists. In: Fontane-Blätter 65/66 (1998), pp. 285-299.
- "Envy Makes You Happy." Fontane's Mathilde Möhringalswilhelminian satire. In: Der Deutschunterricht 4/1998, pp. 46-57.
- Willing is the God of the New Age. Goethe's Conception of Modernity between Lethean Art and Nature Poetry. In: Goethe: Ästhetische Schriften 1820-1824. ed. by St. Greif ( = vol. 21 of the Frankfurter Goethe-Ausgabe) Frankfurt/M. 1998, pp. 703-751.
- Beyond Arcadia. Natur- und Landschaftsästhetik bei Goethe und Schelling. In: Zs. für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 44/2 (1999), pp. 5-23. (see also:
- Honor-a broad field? In: Ethics and the Social Sciences. Streitforum für Erwägungskultur 10 (1999), H. 3, pp. 407-411.
- Arthur Schnitzler. In: German Dramatists of the 20th Century. Ed. by Alo Allkemper and Norbert Eke. Berlin 2000, pp. 11-35.
- Fritz von Unruh. In: German Dramatists of the 20th Century, op. cit., pp. 155-172.
- Proverbs and Arrows? Theodor Fontane's Archibald Douglas. In: Poems by Theodor Fontane. Ed. by Helmut Helmut Scheuer. Stuttgart 2001, pp. 80-96.
- In Praise of Dissoluteness. Notes on Garbage and Junk in 17th Century Dutch Peasant Still Life. In: Collecting and Discarding. Ed. by Gisela Ecker et al. Königstein/Ts. 2001, pp. 208-224.
- "Where are the Pièce de résistance?" Art criticism and pictorial description in Theodor Fontane. In: Literature and Life. Anthropological Aspects in the Culture of Modernity. FS for Helmut Scheuer. Ed. by Günter Helmes et al. Tübingen 2002, pp. 89-100.
- Poetic Fragments. Preface to the exhibition catalog: Wolfgang Brenner: Poetische Fragmente. Bökerhof 2002.
- "... dressed like an angel in light"-Herder's aesthetics of image and description in the context of the late 18th century. In: Monatshefte, Vol 95, No. 2, 2003, pp. 207-216.
- Pop in Literature. From the 1960s to the present. In: Pop Literature. Edition Text+Kritik, special volume 2003, Cologne 2003, pp. 55-67.
- In Video veritas. Rainald Goetz's videographic television documentary 1989. In: Clips. A Collage. Ed. by Felix Holtschoppen et al. Münster 2004, pp. 115-132.
- "Who Can Tint Colors?" Creation, Perception, and Landscape in Herder's Hieroglyphic Aesthetics. In: International Herder-Yearbook VII (2004), pp. 31-44.
- "Schlagwörter sind Wörter zum Schlagen, hast du das gegriffen?" Language and Violence in Rolf Dieter Brinkmann. In Violence and Cultural Memory. Forms of Representation of Violence in Literature and Film since 1945. ed. by Robert Weninger. Tübingen 2005, pp. 139-152.
- Sexuality in the 'Light of the Formative Drive': The Young Schelling's Model of Organism and the 'Law of Epicurean Polarity'. In: Sexuality-Right-Life. Kunst und Wissenschaft um 1800. ed. by Maximilian Bergengruen et al. Munich 2005, pp. 133-151.
- "Of the Possibilities of Life. Essayistic Thought and Radical Modern Philosophy in the Work of Friedrich Nietzsche. In: Essayismus um 1900. ed. by Wolfgang Braungard u. Kai Kauffmann. Heidelberg 2006, pp. 123-138.
- Die Rückkehr des 'Leibhaftigen' oder der natürliche Stil des Connaisseurs. Science Criticism and Radical Modern Connoisseurship in Herders Adrastea In: Monatshefte [accepted for print].
- The Gradual Disappearance of Man. On the anthropological experience of landscape in Christian Ludwig Hagedorn and Goethe. In: Physis and Norm. New perspectives of anthropology in the 18th century. Ed. by Manfred Beetz et al. Göttingen 2007, pp. 398-414.
- Turner, Stifter und Fontane-Vom Lob der Zerstreuung. In: Der Deutschunterricht. Jg. LIX (2007), H. 6, pp. 49-57.
- "Our Humanity is Only Preliminary Exercise." Herder's refutation of doctrinaire humanity. In "Demonized Human"? On the Ideal of Humanity in Weimar Classicism. Festschrift for Norbert Oellers. Edited by Volker Dörr and Michael Hofmann. Berlin 2008, pp. 31-45.
- The Inscription of the Indeterminate. Notes on Theory and Practice of Image Description. In: Modernization of Seeing. Ways of Seeing between Arts and Media. Edited by Matthias Bruhn and Kai-Uwe Hemken. Bielefeld 2008, pp. 179-187.
- Complementary Foreignness. The Reflexive Becoming of the Own and the Transcultural Subject in Johann Gottfried Herder and Thomas Meinecke. In: Literature-Art-Media. Festschrift for Peter Seibert. Edited by Achim Barsch et al. Munich 2008, pp. 31-45.
- Herder's Aesthetics and Poetics. In: A Companion to the Works of Johann Gottfried Herder. Ed. by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke. Rochester, New York 2009, pp. 141-164.
- "You Friday, I Lord. We Friends." Luis Buñuel's Cinematic Engagement with Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe [co-edited with Günter Helmes]. In: Washed Up Continued. Robinsonades in the 20th and Early 21st Centuries, op. cit. pp. 75-106.
- "I Am Not a Story, Mr. Foe." Female Identity, Aesthetic Existence, and Colonial Silence in J. M. Coetzee's Novel Mr. Cruso, Mrs. Barton & Mr. Foe. In: Washed Up Continued. Robinsonades in the 20th and early 21st centuries, op. cit. pp. 178-191.
- "New Germany in Paradise?" On the Construction of the German Brazilian between 1820 and 1874. in: Spatial Concepts. Disciplinary Approaches. Ed. by Ingrid Baumgärtner et al. Göttingen 2009, pp. 321-337.
- "i am a god in my world". Herder's Theology of Enjoyment between Enlightenment and Enlightenment Criticism. In: Enlightenment and Religion. New Perspectives. Edited by Michael Hofmann and Carsten Zelle. Hannover 2010, pp. 131-148.
- "What Makes Man Virtuous and Happy No Government and Education Can Give Him." Georg Forster's Revolutionary Theory of Education. In: Education in Democracy. Contributions to the 22nd Congress of the German Society for Educational Science. Edited by Stefan Aufenanger, Franz Hamburger et al. Opladen u. Farmington Hills 2010, pp. 39-53.
- The Discontinuous as Continuum. Enlightenment and Enlightenment Criticism in the Work of Georg Forster. In: Georg Forster Studies XV (2010), pp. 70-95.
- Herder and Radical Modern Philosophy. In: Herausforderung Herder / Herder as Challenge. Selected Contributions to the Conference of the International Society Madison 2006. ed. by Sabine Gross. Heidelberg 2010, pp. 243-254.
- Pop theory, pop research, and literary studies. In: Literary studies-interdisciplinary. Ed. by Lothar van Laak and Katja Maisch. Heidelberg 2010, pp. 211-229 [together with Charis Goer u. Christoph Jacke].
- "Schnauze. Nix muss ich". Rainald Goetz's Punk NovelIrre. In: Rainald Goetz. Text+Kritik issue 190, March 2011, pp. 17-28.
- The Art of the Episodic. Literature and the Transmission of Knowledge in the Work of Georg Forster. In: Georg Forster Studies XVI (2011), pp. 203-253.
- Writing against the 'Ptolemaic worldview'. Hybrid Script-Images and Pictographs in the Work of Rolf Dieter Brinkmann. In: Mediality of Art. Rolf Dieter Brinkmann in the Modern Age. Ed. by Martin Fauser. Bielefeld 2011, pp. 157-174.
- "You make me feel mighty real". Pop Discourses in Thomas Meinecke's Novel Musik. In: Der Deutschunterricht, issue 3/2011, pp. 69-78.
- "Inwardness sucks". Rolf Dieter Brinkmann and the Student Movement. In: Peter Weiß Jahrbuch 20 (2011), pp. 94-114.
- loslabern. Rainald Goetz's 'maximal ethics' of writing and the genesis of pop culture. In: 'High' and 'low'. On the Interference of High and Popular Culture in Contemporary Literature. Ed. by Thomas Wegmann u. Norbert Chr, Wolf. Berlin, Boston 2012, pp. 183-198.
- Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel and Amalia Holst: Critical-Emacipative Counter Designs to the Bourgeois Gender Order. In: Gender Order and the State. Legitimation Figures in Political Philosophy (1600-1850). Edited by Marion Heinz and Sabine Doyé. Berlin 2012 (= Dt. Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Sonderband 27), pp. 199-217.
- Reading Ron Padgett's Great Balls of Fire / Beim Lesen von Ron Padgett's Great Balls of Fire. In: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann: Seine Gedichte in Einzelinterpretationen. Edited by Jan Röhnert Röhnert and Rainer Geduldig. 2 vols. Berlin 2012, vol. 1, pp. 254-264.
- Das Lied von den kalten Bauern auf dem kalten Land, Northwest Germany, War and Postwar Times. In: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann: His Poems in Individual Interpretations, op. cit., vol. 2, pp. 616-625.
- Language-a Luxury? Georg Forster's Concept of Language between Divine 'Word-World-Creation' and Individual Self-Care. In: Georg Forster Studies XVII (2012), pp. 171-209.
- "On television, the pope came on Phoenix. But I wanted to go to Kassel for a moment." Pop Literature as Television Criticism in Rainald Goetz's Klage. In: Television as a Medium of Literature. Ed. v. Peter Seibert. Kassel 2013, pp. 243-274.
- Georg Forster: Die Aufklärung und die Fremde: In: Aufklärung: Autoren und Werke. Ed. v. Michael Hofmann. Darmstadt forthcoming 2013, pp. 125-143.
- "To awaken to a sense of self is already to be free"-Forster's treatise Über Proselytenmachereiin the Berlinische Monatsschrift. In: Georg Forster Studies XVIII, pp. 93-110.
- Whether "I would like to remain a good Prussian"? Forster's Ambivalent Relationship to Prussia. In: Georg Forster Studies XVIII, pp. 233-247.
- "the Organ of Reason. Notes on Johann Gottfried Herder's Anthropological Eloquence. In: Eigentlichkeit-zu Verhältnis von Sprache, Sprechern und Welt. Ed. by Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde et al. Berlin et al. 2015, pp. 341-361.
- Aesthetics, poetics, literary criticism. Introduction. In: Herder Handbuch. Ed. by St. Greif, Marion Heinz, and Heinrich Clairmont. Paderborn 2016, pp. 387-395.
- Do we now still have the fatherland of the ancients?, On Modern German Literature, Reviews. In: Herder Handbook, pp. 422-443.
- Poetic Avant-Garde. In: Herder Handbuch, pp. 485-540.
- Italian journey (letters and diary entries). In: Herder Handbuch, op. cit., 540-551.
- Literature and obstinacy. In: Understanding Literature - What for. Ed. by Nikola Roßbach. Hamburg 2014, p. 100f.
- 15 Minutes of Fame. Andy Warhol's television productions. In: Pop Culture and Television. Ed. by Stefan Greif, Nils Lehnert and Anna Meywirth. Bielefeld 2015, pp. 55-70.
- Aesthetics, Poetics, Literary Criticism. Introduction. In: Herder Handbuch. Ed. by St. Greif, Marion Heinz, and Heinrich Clairmont. Paderborn 2016, pp. 387-395.
- Do we now still have the fatherland of the ancients?, On Modern German Literature, Reviews. In: Herder Handbook, pp. 422-443.
- Poetic Avant-Garde. In: Herder Handbuch, pp. 485-540.
- Italian journey (letters and diary entries). In: Herder Handbuch, op. cit.
- The "Principium of Individuation. On the Sense of Self in Johann Gottfried Herder. In: Herder and Classical German Philosophy. FS for Marion Heinz. Ed. by Dieter Hüning et al. Stuttgart 2016, pp. 265-280.
- Aesthetic epiphany? Rolf Dieter Brinkmann's epistle against system conformism and loss of subject. In: Immediacy. Brinkmann, Born and Contemporary Literature. Ed. by Markus Fauser et al. Bielefeld 2016, pp. 43-53.
- "das Mährchen ist die einschmeichelnd-geselligste Fama" - Herder's Philosophie des Lebensinpoetologischer Perspektive. In: Herder-Jahrbuch/Herder Yearbook XIII (2016), pp. 85-102.
- Being "Someone" and "Setting the Tone". The Teacher as Parvenu in Jakob Arjouni's HomeworkandJudith W. Taschler's Die Deutschlehrerin. In: Clever, cleverer, failed? The Contemporary Image of School and Teachers in Literature and the Media. Ed. by Günter Helmes u. Günter Rinke. Hamburg 2016, pp. 81-91.
- Herder's Critique of Colonialism in the Sign of a New Mythology. In Raynal-Herder-Merkel. Transformations of the Anti-Colonialism Debate in the European Enlightenment. Ed. by York-Gotthart Mix u. Hinrich Ahrend. Heidelberg 2017, pp. 93-105.
- Rock Power - between revolt and culture-industrial adaptation. In: What is pop music? Concepts - Categories - Cultures. Ed. by Timo Hoyer et al. Darmstadt 2017, pp. 183-202.
- Gender and Genre - Gender Dynamics in Crime Scene: Born in Pain. In: Gender and Genre. Popular Seriality between Critical Reception and Gender Theoretical Reflection. Ed. by Urania Milevski et al. Würzburg 2018, pp. 77-93.
- Pop and (New) Religions: Reggae and Black Metal [forthcoming 2019 in Church&Music].
- "Laberflash, Kamerad, Laberflash!". Sven Regener's Zeitgeist Persiflagen [to appear 2019 in t+k volume Sven Regener. Ed. by Stefan Greif, Nils Lehnert u. Anna Meywirth].
- "Humor Creates Liberation through Distance. Genre and Comedy in Herr Lehmannand Neue Vahr Süd[forthcoming 2019 in Der Deutschunterricht].
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Manual and encyclopedia articles
- Hilde Rubinstein. In: Literatur-Lexikon. Ed. by W. Killy. Vol. 10. Gütersloh, Munich 1991, p. 52.
- Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder. In: German Biographical Encyclopedia. Ed. by Walter Killy et al. Munich 1999, vol. 10, p. 268.
- Christian Ludwig Hagedorn. In: Dictionary of German18thCenturyPhilosophers. Ed. Heinz Klemme. London [forthcoming summer 2005].
- German Idealism. In: Metzler-Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie. Approaches, Persons, Basic Concepts. Ed. by Ansgar Nünning. 2nd ed., Stuttgart, Weimar 2001, pp. 223-225.
- Work Aesthetics. In: Metzler-Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie, op. cit., pp. 561-563.
- Peter Szondi. In: Metzler-Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie, op. cit., pp. 523f.
- Emil Staiger. In: Metzler-Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie ,op.cit., p. 500.
- Anschauung. In: Metzler Lexikon Ästhetik. Ed. by Achim Trebeß, Stuttgart, Weimar 2006, p. 18.
- Gattung / Genre Theory. In: Metzler Lexikon Ästhetik, pp. 123-125.
- Kunst / Arts / System der Künste. In: Metzler Lexikon Ästhetik, pp. 217-222.
- Origin of Art, in: Metzler Lexikon Ästhetik, p. 400.
- Johann Gottfried Herder. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. Ed. by Matthias Luserke-Jaqui. Berlin/Boston 2017, pp. 114 - 119.
- J. G. Herder: Fragmente einer Abhandlung über die Ode. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. op. cit. pp. 420-422.
- J. G. Herder: Journal meiner Reise im Jahr 1769. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. op.a.O., pp. 456-460.
- J. G. Herder: Ueber die neuere deutsche Literatur. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. op. cit., pp. 610612.
- J. G. Herder: Volkslieder. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. op. cit., pp. 633-635.
- J. G. Herder: Vom Erkennen und Empfinden der menschlichen Seele. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. op. cit., pp. 639-644.
- J. G. Herder: Von deutscher Art und Kunst. In: Handbuch Sturm und Drang. op. cit., pp. 644-653.
- Christian Konrad Wilhelm von Dohm. In: Kleines Kasseler Literatur-Lexikon. Ed. v. Nikola Roßbach. Hannover 2018, pp. 198f.
- Georg Forster. In: Kleines Kasseler Literatur-Lexikon, op. cit. p. 284f.
- Arno Schmidt: Popular Culture [to appear in 2019 in Arno Schmidt-Handbuch. Ed. by Axel Dunker and Sabine Kyora].
- Rilke and Painting. Symposium Pictorial Memory and Historical Experience, Institute for Cultural Studies at the Wissenschaftszentrum NRW, 11-14.02.1993.
- "It is the summit of understanding to remain silent by one's own choice". Goethes romantische Wende und die Bildästhetik Friedrich Schlegels, symposium Bildende Kunst und Literatur beim späten Goethe, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 15-17.07.1996.
- Tunnelfahrt mit Lichtblick. Fontanes 'anekdotische' Künstlerbiographien, symposium Das Autobiographische und Biographische bei Theodor Fontane, 18-20.09.1996 in Bad Freienwalde.
- Homecoming and Farewell. Life and Work of Hilde Rubinstein. Lecture, held on 26.05.1997 at the University of Paderborn within the series German-Jewish Authors from Heine to J. Aloni.
- Beyond Arcadia. Nature and Landscape Aesthetics in Goethe and Schelling. Inaugural lecture. Lecture, held on 26.11.1997 at the University of Paderborn.
- It also works without paradise. Left Melancholy and Contemporary Painting. Introduction to the exhibition opening: Wolfgang Brenner: Paintings, Collages, Sculptures. Heinz-Nixdorf-Forum 09.-31.5.1998.
- Headscapes. Introduction to the exhibition: Wolfgang Brenner: Paintings. Castle and meadow park, Paderborn 16.07.1999.
- As the young sing / Shall it sound with the old. Goethe's journal Kunst und Altertumwährendder Jahre 1821-1824. 5th symposium of the Weimar Classic Foundation. 08.08.1999.
- "To be an ignorant, retarded god is bitter". The Return of Ancient Greek Gods and Heroes in the Literature of the 1990s. Lecture at ELTE-University Budapest and Kossuth-Lajos-University Debrecen on 8. u. 11.11.1999.
- "Where are the Pièces de résistance." Fontane as art critic and artist biographer. University of Kassel, 14.12.1999.
- Pablo's 'Last Questions'-historical last answers? University of Paderborn, 17.12.1999.
- People 2000 or Beyond Eden. Zif (Bielefeld), 25.11.00.
- "Appearances determine consciousness". On the Pop Literature of the 90s. University of Debrecen, 03.05.2001.
- Through the Eyes into the Sense? Perception and Perceptual Loss in Kathryn Bigelow's Film Strange Days. HNF (Paderborn), in the context of the exhibition Gehirn. Computer, 14.11.2001.
- Sexuality in the Light of the Formative Drive. The organism model of the young Schelling and the law of 'epicurean polarity'. Symposium Sexuality-Right-Life. Art and Science around 1800. University of Basel, 21-23.06.2002.
- Cura sui: silence and self-care in early 20th century intellectual discourse. Modern Times?congress at the University of Nottingham, 13-15 Sept. 2002.
- "like an angel in light ..." Intermediality and the Aesthetics of Description in Herder's Work. International Herder Society, Rice University Houston, 09/26-29/2002 & Lecture at Columbia University, NY, 10/03/2002.
- "Buzzwords are words to hit, have you understood that?" Language and Violence in Rolf Dieter Brinkmann. Conference The Rhetoric of Aggression, Oxford Brooks University, Oxford, 11-12 April 2003.
- 'Who can tone colors?' Creation, Perception and Landscape in Herder's Aesthetics of Hieroglyohics.11thCongressof ISECS, UCLA, Los Angeles 03.08.-10.08.2003.
- The Gradual Disappearance of Man? Image and Landscape Aesthetics of Christian Ludwig Hagedorn and Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Annual Scientific Conference of the DGEJ: Physis und Norm. New perspectives of anthropology in the 18th century. IZEA, Halle 9-11.10.2003.
- The Return of the 'Corporeal' and the Connoisseur's Natural Style. Herder's sense of style and the 18th century critique of science. ASEC Annual Meeting, Boston College, Boston 24-27 Mar 2004.
- "We'll never stop living this way!" Text and Techno in Rainald Goetz's Aesthetic System.Interactions: Contemporary German Literature's Dialogue with the Arts. International Colloqium, 05-07 May 2004, University of Leeds.
- The Children of Wrath. Violence and Self-Hatred in Works by Stewart Home, Michel Houellebecq, and Rainald Goetz. Trial lecture in the context of the appointment procedure for the W2 professorship in General and Comparative Literature, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 06.06.2005.
- This "Bland Emptiness of Reality". Media and Perception in E.T.A. Hoffmann, A. Stifter and H. v. Hofmannsthal. Trial lecture in the context of the appointment procedure for the W2 professorship in German Philology (Modern German Literature), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 07.07.2005.
- Freiheit im Eigenen. Herder's Aesthetics of the Folk Song. Abo Akademi, Finland, 05.09.2005.
- 'Inner Looking'. Theory and Practice of an Aesthetics of Listening. Trial lecture in the context of the appointment procedure W3-Professorship German, University of Flensburg, 06.04.2006.
- Herder and Radical Modern Philosophy. International Herder Conference, Sept. 20-23, 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI.
- Robinsonades in 20th century media. University of Iowa, Iowa City, 09/25/2006.
- Complementary strangeness: Johann Gottfried Herder and Thomas Meinecke. Trial lecture in the context of the appointment procedure W3-Professorship of Modern German Literary Studies, University of Kassel, 07.02.2007.
- The Inscription of the Indeterminate. Notes on Theory and Paxis of Poetic Image Description. Bilder BeSchreiben / On Images. International Colloquium. IAG Kulturforschung and FB Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften. University of Kassel. July 12-13, 2007
- "fom winder ferfeelt". Notes on Kanaksta and Weltstrolch Literature. Inaugural lecture at the University of Kassel on 07.05.2008.
- 'Innerlichkeit ist beschissen'. Rolf Dieter Brinkmann and the 68ers. Conference Phantasie. Power. Struggle. 1968 in Literature, Culture and Society. Ev. Academy Villigst. June 06-08, 2008.
- The Discontinuous as Continuum. The world traveler and revolutionary Georg Forster and radical modernity. Conference World Traveler or Revolutionary? Continuities and Discontinuities in the Life and Work of Georg Forster. Georg Forster Colloquium 2008, University of Kassel, 20. u. 21. 06. 2008.
- "New Germany in Brazil?" On the Construction of the German in Brazil in the Years 1824 to 1874. KURA Conference Spatial Concepts, University of Kassel, 17 u. 18. 09. 2008.
- "i am a god in my world". Herder's Theology of Enjoyment between Enlightenment and Enlightenment Criticism. Conference Religion und Aufklärung, University of Paderborn, 05./06.10.2008.
- 'Hermes is the most philanthropic God.' Hermetic Piety in Thomas Mann's Joseph und seine Brüder. Conference Die Manns im Exil, Ev. Akademie Meißen, 05.-07.12.2008.
- Hey Super. Pop and Theory. Workshop Too sexy for Academia?20.-22.11.2009, Ev. Akademie Villigst.
- Writing against the 'Ptolemaic Worldview'. Hybridity and the Illumination of the 'Stranger' in the Work of Rolf Dieter Brinkmann. Conference Rolf Dieter Brinkmann-Mediality of Art, University of Vechta 11-13.03.2010.
- Language-a Luxury? Language Origin Theory and Critique of Domination in Forster. Conference Georg Forster and Language. Forster Colloquium 2010, June 18/19, University of Kassel.
- loslabern. Rainald Goetz's 'maximal ethics of writing' as a popaesthetic borderline between hybrid and high culture. Low ganz High? On the Hybridization of Popular and High Culture in Contemporary Literature.Conference in the context of SFB 626 at FU Berlin, July 9/10, 2010.
- "On television, the Pope came on Phoenix. But I wanted to go to Kassel for a moment." Television in Pop Literature: Rainald Goetz's Lament. Conference Television as Literature since 1990, May 12-13, 2011, University of Kassel.
- The Long 80s. A cultural-historical panorama. Tri-university workshop Back to the Future. Pop culture of the 1980s. May 27-29, 2011, Ev. Akademie Villigst.
- "exclusionary opinionatedness has always revolted me!" Forster and the Berlinische Monatsschrift on proselytizing. Forster Colloquium 2011, June 17-18, 2011, University of Kassel.
- 15 Minutes of Fame. Andy Warhol's Television Projects. Conference Pop and Popular Culture in Television. 05/06 February 2014, University of Kassel.
- Goethe in Film and Television. Lecture to the Kassel Goethe Society, February 11, 2014.
- Liederliche Frauenzimmer und Guitarren-Geklimper. Theodor Fontane's Letters to Italy. Conference 'Wie immer Ihr Th. F.': Fontane's Letters in Context, Sept. 17-19, 2014, Potsdam.
- Aesthetic epiphany? Rolf Dieter Brinkmann's Cover Letter against System Conformism and Neotranscendence. Conference Immediacy in Contemporary Literature-Brinkmann, Born and the Consequences, 25-27.09.2014, Künstlerhof Schreyahn.
- Herder's Critique of Colonialism in the Sign of a New Mythology. Workshop Herder-Raynal-Merkel. Transformations of the anti-colonialism debate in the German Enlightenment. Marburg, Dec. 18-19, 2014.
- Andy Warhol's Screen Tests. Neue Galerie Kassel (exhibition Flash! Pop Art), Jan. 22, 2015.
- For the sake of women and the game, many a man became a thief. The crime scene Born in painfroma gender-identitarian perspective. Lecture series Genre and Gender, University of Kassel, 04.02.2015.
- "I am not G." Herder and Italy. Goethe Society Kassel, 10.02.2015.
- Helmut Salzinger: Rock Power-between revolution and culture-industrial adaptation. Conference Was ist Popmusik, University of Kassel (18./19.02.2016).
- School Days. The year 1957 from a pop historical perspective. Beschaulichkeit ist Trumpf? The 50s from a Germanist perspective. University of Kassel (11/12 May 2017).
- Goethe at War: Campagne in Franceand Siege of Mainz. Goethe Society Kassel (Jan. 30, 2017).
- Literary Translation. Case studies on its cultural history. Ed. by B. Schultze. Berlin 1997. in: ZfdPH, 108th vol. (1989), H. 2, pp. 310 -314.
- Liebrand, Claudia: The Ego and the Others. Fontane's Figures and Their Self-Images. Freiburg/Br. 1990. in: Arbitrium 2/1993, pp. 214-216.
- Köhnen, Ralph: Sehen als Textkultur. Intermedial Relations between Rilke and Cézanne. Bielefeld 1995. in: Zs. f. Germanistik NF, 2/1997, pp. 414f.
- Aesthetics of History. Edited by J. Holzner and W. Wiesmüller. Innsbruck 1995 / Cachaça. Fragments on the History of Poetry and Imgagination. Edited by B. J. Dotzler and H. Schramm. Berlin 1996. in: Zs. f. Germanistik 3/1997, pp. 684-686.
- Barth, Johannes: Der höllische Philister. Die Darstellung des Teufels in Dichtungen der deutschen Romantik. Trier 1993. in: E.T.A. Hoffmann-Jahrbuch. Vol. 6 (1998), pp. 147-149.
- Numerous reviews for ZfdPh, Zs. f. Germanistik, Arcadia, Monatshefte, and others.
- Georg Forster Society (1. Chairman)
- International Herder Society
- Fontane Society