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  • Antisemitism in the protest communication of Fridays For Future (together with Olaf Gätje; international conference "Democracy and Youth in the Digital Age: Evolving Technologies and Political Participation" at the University of Luxembourg, 19-21.03.2025)

    "What you can still do" versus "why SO...". On online-offline dissent in sustainability communication in the public discourse space of the university (Conference of the DGPuK specialist group Media Language - Media Discourses: "Good for us and good for the planet? Ecological discourses from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective" at TU Darmstadt, February 12-14, 2025)

  • Peaceful protest as common ground. On the communication of German- and Spanish-speaking climate activists in social networks (together with Valentina Roether, conference of the DGPuK specialist group Media Language - Media Discourses: "Understanding and communication in the digital space" at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 29.02.-01.03.2024)
  • Climate knowledge creates activism. Digital knowledge communication between scientific knowledge and crisis appeals at Fridays for Future (8th Annual Conference of the KWG: "Populäre Kulturen/Popular Cultures", Panel: "Aktivismus und populäre Klimakulturen" at Saarland University, 27-30.09.2023)
  • Multimodal explanation with irritation potential? PowerPoint karaoke between multimodal knowledge communication and creative self-assertion (Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS): "Linguistic Creativity and Routine", WG: "Linguistic Creativity in Educational and Technical Language - Text Production and Discourse Practices" at the University of Cologne, 08-10.03.2023)
  • Oral didactics (language didactics colloquium at the University of Siegen, 25.01.2023)
  • How do animal voices get into texts? Linguistic-philosophical considerations on multimodal knowledge modeling of empirical animal research (together with Martin Böhnert; Germanists' Day 2022 at the University of Paderborn, 28.09.2022)
  • From #-discourse to social agency? Language and media didactic perspectives on digital literacy using the example of protest communication on Twitter (together with Olaf Gätje, 24th Symposion Deutschdidaktik des SDD e.V.: "Dimensionen des Politischen" at the University of Vienna, 19.09.2022)
  • The transcription of thought experiments in narrative media using the example of Ex Machina. Literary and linguistic perspectives (digital workshop "Gedankenexperimente" at the University of Kassel, 18.06.2022)
  • "But that's not the point of a PowerPoint, is it?" Software-related influences on the writing of slides in the context of school presentation tasks (conference "Reading and writing in the digital space" of the SDD e.V. media working group at the PH Karlsruhe, 21.05.2022)
  • "That's the only logical structure - like this." On the influence of path dependencies on the procedural presentation behavior of students (colloquium on language didactics and linguistics at the University of Siegen, 12.01.2022)
  • Commenting on visual research. Approaches to a research project (Language didactics colloquium at the University of Siegen, 15.12.2021)
  • How many events is the "Ecosex Walking Tour" - Multimodal performances as a multidimensional challenge for discourse linguistic corpus formation and analysis (together with Paul Reszke, digital conference "Diskurs - multimodal" at the University of Bremen, 18/19.11.2021)
  • The modeling of presentation competence - The genre "presentation" in school and extracurricular communicative practice (together with Olaf Gätje, Elke Grundler and Tobias Ringeisen; on-demand video lecture for the digiGEBF21 research gallery of the Society for Empirical Educational Research)
  • Digital multilingualism between #Merkelmussweg and #Fridaysforfuture. Language and media didactic perspectives on political education using the example of Twitter discourses (together with Olaf Gätje; interdisciplinary conference "Diversity and Democracy. Social diversity and the future of linguistic and political education" of the conference series "Language - Power Society" at the University of Luxembourg, 29/30.04.2021; postponed to 10/2021 due to COVID-19)
  • At the digital interface between research-based learning and knowledge communication in the humanities/cultural studies - Climate Thinking: A Living Handbook (together with Martin Böhnert and Paul Reszke; digital conference of the "GeKKo - Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Promotionskolleg des Fachbereichs 02" at the University of Kassel, 23.04.2021)
  • But who or what is the "rest" that "the maggots eat"? The staging of violent acts as multimodal voids in Basstard's Nur ein Basstard (2015). (digital conference "(German) Rap and Violence - Ambivalences and Ruptures" at the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd, 23.04.2021)
  • Practicing, reviewing, innovating, informing. The multifunctionality of rehearsal activities in school presentation processes (23rd Symposion Deutschdidaktik des SDD e.V.: "Üben. Practices of acquiring linguistic and literary skills" at the University of Hildesheim, 13.-17.09.2020; canceled due to COVID-19).
  • Digitalization and Education (together with Daniela Rieß and Murat Sezi; interdisciplinary lecture series "Digital Media Cultures", University of Kassel; cancelled due to COVID-19)
  • Climate Thinking: On the interplay of fantasy and scientific knowledge (together with Martin Böhnert and Paul Reszke; Branchentreffen des Phantastik-Autoren-Netzwerks e.V. "Von Menschen und anderen Monstern", Cologne, 01.05.2020; canceled due to COVID-19).
  • The modeling of presentation competence - The genre "presentation" in school and extracurricular communicative practice (together with Elke Grundler, Patrick Voßkamp, Olaf Gätje; GEBF-Tagung 2020 - Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung, Potsdam, 24.03.202; canceled at short notice due to COVID-19).
  • How do applicants structure a presentation as part of a selection process? A linguistic and psychological analysis (together with Olaf Gätje, Elke Grundler, Patrick Voßkamp and Tobias Ringeisen; GEBF-Tagung 2020 - Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung, Potsdam, 24.03.2020; canceled at short notice due to COVID-19).
  • "Fake it until you believe it." The literary staging of writing-speech processes in Janne Teller's "Komm" and Matthias Göritz's "Parker" (Interdisciplinary conference "Schreiben, Text und Autorschaft - Zur Thematisierung, Inszenierung und Reflexion von Schreibprozessen in ausgewählten Medien und historischen Selbstzeugnissen", University of Giessen, 27.02.2020).
  • Structuring actions in application presentations. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Modellierung von Präsentationskompetenz (together with Olaf Gätje, Elke Grundler, Patrick Voßkamp, Tobias Ringeisen, Sonja Rohrmann; annual meeting of the AG Mündlichkeit of the SDD e.V. in Hofgeismar, 18.01.2020).
  • "#Merkelmussweg" - Tweets in the course of time. A keyword and speech action theoretical analysis (together with Olaf Gätje; lecture series "Recht extrem? Dynamics in civil society spaces", University of Kassel, 16.12.2019).
  • "The whole world is burning brightly." Die multimodale Inszenierung männlich-privater Bewahrungssehnsüchte in Feuerwehrmann von MoTrip & Ali As (Workshop "Ästhetischer Konservatismus im Deutschrap", a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities of Cologne, 05.-06.12.2019).
  • Climate Thinking. Presentation of a multidisciplinary research project (together with Martin Böhnert, Paul Reszke, Murat Sezi; conference of the "GeKKo - Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Promotionskolleg des Fachbereichs 02" in Hofgeismar, University of Kassel, 11.10.2019).
  • Quality TV and humor. Naive Kammer-Reflexionen im "Tatortreiniger" (Guest lecture at the Institute of German Studies, University of Szeged, 19.09.2019).
  • Rap - text - analysis. Germanistische Zugänge zu einem populären Phänomen (together with Dagobert Höllein and Nils Lehnert; Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZAB), Szeged, 17.09.2019).
  • "Reality breaks into the game through video." On the multimodal in-game staging of the documentary in Path out, The Deadly Tower of Monsters and The Beginner's Guide (lecture series "Verspielte Realität. Interdisciplinary approaches to video games", University of Kassel, 15.05.2019).
  • The technologized creation. Das mythologische Fundament des Transhumanismus bei Ex Machina (together with Murat Sezi; conference of the "GeKKo - Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Promotionskolleg des Fachbereichs 02" in Hofgeismar, University of Kassel, 27.04.2019).
  • Präsentationkompetenz aus sprachdidaktischer Perspektive (together with Olaf Gätje; symposium "Präsentationskompetenz" at the University of Kassel, 08.04.2019).
  • Collaborative coherence building processes in multimodal presentations of high school students (Disputationsvortrag an der University of Kassel, 19.03.2019).
  • Commenting on visual knowledge in software-supported student presentations (together with Olaf Gätje, Elke Grundler, Michael Krelle; Jugend präsentiert Bundeskongress 2018: "Show oder Chance? Visual knowledge in school and science" at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, October 25-27, 2018).
  • Processes, patterns, strategies of multimodal coherence formation in presentation processes (22nd Symposion Deutschdidaktik des SDD e.V.: "Professionalisierung für den Deutschunterricht" at the University of Hamburg, 19.09.2018).
  • The technologized creation. Das mythologische Fundament des Transhumanismus bei Ex Machina (joint preparation with, but sole presentation by Murat Sezi; Ninth Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung: "Techniken der Fantastik", at the University of Freiburg/Fribourg (Switzerland), 06.-08.09.2018).
  • Multimodal procedures in presenting using the example of slide changes / bullet point changes. Fine analytical approaches to competence modeling (together with Olaf Gätje and Elke Grundler; expert symposium "Presentation competence - performance criteria from a theoretical and empirical perspective" at the PH Ludwigsburg, 29.06.2018).
  • Objektivierte Sexualität: Eine Diskussion zum Film "The Stepford Wives" (together with Caroline Frank; event series of the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, University of Kassel, 24.04.2018).
  • "No, I'll tell you first!" Pragmatisch-didaktische Zugänge zum multimodalen Sprachhandeln in der kollaborativen Vorbereitung softwaregestützter Präsentationen (Annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Linguistische Pragmatik e.V.: "Pragmatik und (Sprach-)Didaktik" at the University of Stuttgart, 06.03.2018).
  • Presenting in elementary school as a literary practice (guest lecture at the PH Karlsruhe, 17.01.2018).
  • "You can add pictures to witches." Interaction-analytical approaches to multimodal coherence formation in school presentation processes (Annual meeting of the SDD e.V. working group on orality in Hofgeismar, 12.01.2018).
  • Do Androids Dream of Nuclear Families? Adaptation as Reduction in the Case of the SF Series "Real Humans" and "Humans" (Lecture Series "Gender and Genre 3", University of Kassel, 22.11.2017).
  • Gender and total institutions: A Discussion on the Film "Four Minutes" (with Magdalena Apel; IAG Women's and Gender Studies event series, University of Kassel, Nov. 14, 2017).
  • "Oh my God, if I throw that out ..." Über das Verhältnis solitärer und kollaborativer Strategien in schulischen Präsentationsprozessen (Conference of the "GeKKo - Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Promotionskolleg des Fachbereichs 02" in Hofgeismar, University of Kassel, 20.10.2017).
  • Gender orders in total institutions: Eine Diskussion zum Film "Die unbarmherzigen Schwestern" (together with Henrike Buhr; event series of the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, University of Kassel, 30.06.2017).
  • A Kin is worth a thousand words. Videographische Annäherungen an den Lehrkörper (together with Paul Reszke; conference "Beschaulichkeit ist Trumpf? - Germanistische Perspektiven auf die 1950er Jahre", University of Kassel, 12.05.2017).
  • Gender and Essentialism in Film: A Discussion on the Film "Alles über meine Mutter" (together with Paul Reszke; event series of the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, University of Kassel, 15.11.2016).
  • The software-supported presentation. From learning form to research object (project presentation at the Hannah Arendt Comprehensive School in Soest, 13.09.2016).
  • Collaborative coherence-building processes in multimodal presentations of high school students (Conference of the "GeKKo - Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Promotionskolleg des Fachbereichs 02" in Hofgeismar, University of Kassel, 04.06.2016).
  • Gender und Essentialismus im Film: Eine Diskussion zum Film "Ex Machina" (together with Martin Böhnert; event series of the IAG Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, University of Kassel, 04.05.2016).
  • Masculinities, everyday non-places and the last dirt. Naive chamber reflections in "Tatortreiniger" (together with Martin Böhnert; lecture series "Gender & Genre 2", University of Kassel, 18.11.2015).
  • LdL in student writing consultation (Conference "Lernen durch Lehren (LdL) in der universitären LehrerInnenausbildung und in der Schule?! Limits and potentials of a didactic attitude", WWU Münster, 29.11.2014).
  • (Ab-)gespaltene Männlichkeit, oder: Die Konstruktion multipler Geschlechteridentitäten in der BBC-Serie "Jekyll" (Lecture series "Gender und Genre", University of Kassel, 19.11.2014).
  • Schreibprozesse in kollaborativen Kontexten (together with Ina Braukhoff, Anne Wahl and Katharina Wolter; lecture series "Über Texte nachdenken und sprechen - Schreibberatung in Schulen und Hochschulen Berichte aus Forschung und Praxis", WWU Münster, 25.11.2010).