Publications & Lectures

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(2024, submitted): The Gendered Gaze in The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunkt 2077. A comparative analysis using the method of critical gazing. In: Spiel|Formen, special issue: "Gender & Spielkultur".

(2024, submitted): Critical Gazing as a method. Interactions between players, camera and game world using the example of Cyberpunk 2077. In: Rebecca Bachmann/Tamara Bodden (eds.): New Skills unlocked. Cultural studies theories and analyses of games. Published by Werner Hülsbusch.

(2023): Hysterical Feminists, Soy Boys and SJWs. Gender as a multimodal argumentation strategy in right-wing alternative YouTube videos. In: Aptum. Journal for Language Criticism and Language Culture. 19. vol. 1, pp. 2-17.

(2022): Gendered Gazes in Games - The (de)construction of gender through the first-person camera using the example of 'Cyberpunk 2077'. In: PAIDIA - Journal for Computer Game Research.



(2024): "I simply look at the matter logically-analytically from the outside. As a logical-analytical man" - Gender as a multimodal argumentation strategy in right-wing alternative YouTube videos. Presented at the conference "Genderpragmatik" of the AG Linguistische Pragmatik, University of Bochum, 27.02.2024.

(2023): "Langstrecken-Luischen" and "Gretl Thunfisch" - Multimodal argumentation patterns of right-wing alternative YouTube channels in climate discourse. Presented at the conference "Klären | Streiten | Argumentieren - Aktuelle Perspektiven der Argumentationsforschung" of the AG Sprechwissenschaft, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 05.-07.10.2023 (with Christine Riess).

(2023): Gaze Constructions in Cyberpunk 2077: The Gendered Gaze as Method. Presented at the conference "Gender & Spielkultur", University of Siegen, 07.-08.07.2023.

(2023): The Gendered Gaze in Games - The Gaze as Interaction between Players, Camera and Game World. Lecture as part of the digital lecture series "Multiplayer Mentors - Wenn Videospiele zum Gegenstand von Wissenschaft werden", University of Kassel, 31.01.2023.

(2022): From Gretl the little climate siren. Apathy ad hominem among right-wing YouTubers. Lecture as part of the lecture series "Apokalypse und Apathie. Handlungs(un)fähigkeit im Kontext des Klimawandels" of the iAG Climate Thinking, University of Kassel, 14.12.2022 (with Christine Riess).

(2022): Poster presentation at the colloquium for young researchers of the AG Sprache in der Politik, University of Marburg, 07.10.2022.

(2022): Enforcing realities. Communication patterns of new right-wing actors in social media. Presented at the conference of the doctoral program GeKKo, Hogeismar 22-23.04.2022.

(2021): Gendered Gazes in Games. Gendering the gaze in first-person games using the example of Cyberpunk 2077. Presented at the digital conference "Didaktik / Games / Wissenschaft", University of Kassel, 17-18.09.2021.