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Handbooks of Linguistic Knowledge (HSW)

Edited by Ekkehard Felder / Andreas Gardt
De Gruyter, 2015ff.
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Editorial activity

  • Reality or construction? Linguistic and interdisciplinary aspects of a controversial alternative. Edited by Ekkehard Felder and Andreas Gardt. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2018.
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  • Handbook of Language and Knowledge. Edited by Ekkehard Felder and Andreas Gardt. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2015 (Handbooks of Language Knowledge - HSW 1).
  • Paradigms of current linguistic history research. Edited by Vilmos Ágel and Andreas Gardt. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (JGS 5) 2014.
  • Book Culture and the Communication of Knowledge in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. Edited by Andreas Gardt, Mireille Schnyder and Jürgen Wolf, with the collaboration of Susanne Schul. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2011.
  • Structuralism in Germany. Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft 1910-1975. ed. by Hans-Harald Müller, Marcel Lepper and Andreas Gardt. Göttingen: Wallstein 2010. 
  • Rhetoric and Stylistics. An international handbook of historical and systematic research. Rhetoric and Stylistics. An international handbook of historical and systematic research. Edited by Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt and Joachim Knape. 2 parts. Berlin, New York: Mouton-de Gruyter 2008, 2009 (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, HSK, 31.1 u. 2).
    Einleitung und Inhaltsverzeichnis / Introduction and Contents
  • Nation, Europe, World. Identitätsentwürfe vom Mittelalter bis 1800. ed. by Ingrid Baumgärtner, Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, Andreas Gardt and Franziska Sick. Frankfurt 2007: Klostermann.
  • Globalization and the Future of German. Edited by Andreas Gardt and Bernd Hüppauf. Berlin, New York 2004: Mouton-de Gruyter.
  • The Word. Its structural and cultural dimension. Commemorative publication for Oskar Reichmann on his 65th birthday. Edited by Andreas Gardt, Vilmos Ágel, Ulrike Haß-Zumkehr and Thorsten Roelcke. Tübingen 2002: Niemeyer.
  • Language History of Modern High German. Objects, methods, theories. Edited by Andreas Gardt, Klaus J. Mattheier and Oskar Reichmann. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1995 (German Linguistics Series, 156).


  • German in the language families. Classifications in the history of linguistics. In: Wilfried Kürschner (ed.): Miscellanea Linguistica. Works on linguistics. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern etc.: Peter Lang 2011, 277-300.
  • Research funding in linguistics. In: Christoph König/ Marcel Lepper (eds.): History of German Studies. Communications. Double issue 39/40. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2011, 63-69.
  • The early modern period in historical linguistics. In: Marcel Lepper and Dirk Werle (eds.): Entdeckung der frühen Neuzeit. Constructing an epoch in the history of literature and language since 1750. Stuttgart: Hirzel 2011, 195-199.
  • Language theory. In: Encyclopedia of the modern period. Edited by Friedrich Jaeger with the collaboration of numerous scholars. Stuttgart: Metzler 2010, pp. 472-479.
  • Style and meaning. In: Rhetoric and Stylistics. An international handbook of historical and systematic research. Rhetoric and Stylistics. An international handbook of historical and systematic research. Edited by Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt and Joachim Knape. 2 parts. Berlin, New York: Mouton-de Gruyter 2008, 2009; 2nd part vol., 1196-1210 (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, HSK, 31.1 and 2).
  • Reference and communicative ethos. On the demand for truth in everyday speech. In: Steffen Pappert, Melani Schröter and Ulla Fix (eds.): Verschlüsseln, Verbergen, Verdecken in öffentlicher und institutioneller Kommunikation. Berlin 2008, 15-30.
  • Naturalness: A structural and pragmatic category of language standardization in early modern texts. In: German Life and Letters 61 (Standardization Issues. A Special Number in Honor of Martin Durell, ed. by Winifred V. Davies and Stephen Parker, 2008, 404-419).
  • Dialect and dialect in the language reflection of the 17th and 18th centuries. In: Peter Ernst and Franz Patocka (eds.): Dialect Geography of the Future. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the International Association for Dialectology of German (IGDD), Vienna 2006. Stuttgart 2008, 293-308.
  • Brevity in rhetoric and stylistics. In: Jochen A. Bär, Thorsten Roelcke and Anja Steinhauer (eds.): Sprachliche Kürze. Conceptual, structural and pragmatic aspects. Berlin, New York 2007, 70-88.
  • Linguistic interpretation. Constructivist theory and realist practice. In: Fritz Hermanns/Werner Holly (eds.): Linguistische Hermeneutik. Tübingen 2007, 263-280.
  • Nation Building and Language. In: Göran Bolin, Monica Hammer, Frank-Michael Kirsch & Wojciech Szrubka (ed.): The Challenge of the Baltic Sea Region. Culture, Ecosystems, Democracy. Huddinge 2005, 17-31 (Södertörn Academic Studies 29).
  • Begriffsgeschichte als Praxis kulturwissenschaftlicher Semantik: die Deutschen in Texten aus Barock und Aufklärung. In: Dietrich Busse/Thomas Niehr/Martin Wengeler (eds.): Brisante Semantik. Recent concepts and research findings in cultural studies linguistics. Tübingen 2005, 151-168.
  • Language and National Identity. In. Globalization and the Future of German. Edited by Andreas Gardt and Bernd Hüppauf. Berlin, New York 2004, 197-211.
  • Nation. In: Sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft / An international Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Edited by Ulrich Ammon et al. 2nd completely revised and expanded edition, 1st half-volume Berlin, New York 2004, 369-378.
  • The German language as a medium of cultural identity construction. In: Sylvia Heudecker/Dirk Niefanger/Jörg Wesche (eds.): Kulturelle Orientierung um 1700. Traditionen, Programme, konzeptionelle Vielfalt. Tübingen 2004, 31-46.
  • What actually is a synonym? In: Duden. The dictionary of synonyms. 3rd ed. Ed. by the Duden editorial team, project management Birgit Eickhoff and Angelika Haller-Wolf. Mannheim, Leipzig, Vienna, Zurich 2004: Dudenverlag, 15-25.
  • Our species- and race-appropriate language... Ideological interpretations of German. In: Der Deutschunterricht 4, 2003, 18-26.
  • When is a Germanist a 'Nazi'? Reflections on a difficult topic. In: Frank-Michael Kirsch / Birgitta Almgrem (eds.): Language and Politics in the Scandinavian and German Context 1933-1945. Aalborg 2003, 21-39.
  • Rhetoric and stylistics. Their tasks in linguistics. In: Angelika Linke / Hanspeter Ortner / Paul R. Portmann-Tselikas (eds.): Sprache und mehr. Views of a linguistics of linguistic practice. Tübingen 2003, 381-399.
  • Linguistics as a cultural science. In: Ulrike Haß-Zumkehr and Christoph König (eds.): Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik von 1960 bis heute. Göttingen 2003, 271-288 (Marbacher Wissenschaftsgeschichte, vol. 4).
  • "Introduction" to Section 22: Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik (together with Christoph König). Proceedings of the X. Internationale Germanistenkongress Wien 2000: Zeitenwende - Die Germanistik auf dem Weg vom 20. ins 21. Jahrhundert. Vol. 11. Bern etc. 2003.
  • Language Criticism and Linguistics. On the history and inevitability of influence. In: Jürgen Spitzmüller, Kersten Sven Roth, Beate Leweling and Dagmar Frohning (eds.): Streitfall Sprache. Language criticism as applied linguistics? With a selected bibliography on language criticism (1990 to spring 2002). Bremen 2002, 39-58.
  • Word, text and meaning. Aspects of the semantic indexing of texts. In: Ágel/Gardt/Haß-Zumkehr/Roelcke (eds.): Das Wort. Its structural and cultural dimension. Tübingen 2002, 111-132.
  • The word in philosophical language reflection: An overview. In: Lexicology. Lexicology. An international handbook on the nature and structure of words and vocabularies. Edited by D. A. Cruse, F. Hundsnurscher, M. Job, P. R. Lutzeier. 1st half-vol. Berlin, New York 2002, 89-100.
  • The rationalist concept of specialized languages: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. in Law and Language in the German Enlightenment. Edited by Ulrich Kronauer and Jörn Garber. Tübingen 2002, 37-52.
  • Language and national identity. In: Jahrbuch 2001 der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Göttingen 2002, 124-132.
  • The category of the word in 17th and 18th century German linguistics. In: M. C. Davies, J. L. Flood, D. N. Yeandle (eds.): "Proper words in proper places". Studies in lexicology and lexicography in honor of William Jervis Jones. Stuttgart 2001, 31-59.
  • Does language influence our thinking? An overview of positions in linguistic theory. In: Language in everyday life. Contributions to new perspectives in linguistics. Dedicated to Herbert E. Wiegand on his 65th birthday. Edited by A. Lehr, M. Kammerer, K.-P. Konerding, A. Storrer, C. Thimm, W. Wolski. Berlin, New York 2001, 19-39.
  • The foreign and the own. An attempt to systematize the concept of foreign words in German language history. In: G. Stickel (ed.): Neues und Fremdes im deutschen Wortschatz. Yearbook of the Institute for the German Language 2000. Berlin, New York 2001, 30-58.
  • German as a language of science. Examples of historical descriptions. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 47, 2000, 249-256.
  • Language nationalism between 1850 and 1945. In: A. Gardt (ed.): Nation und Sprache. The discussion of their relationship in the past and present. Berlin, New York 2000, 247-271.
  • Nation and Language in the Age of Enlightenment. In: A. Gardt (ed.): Nation und Sprache. The discussion of their relationship in the past and present. Berlin, New York 2000, 169-198.
  • Confidence in language. The necessary illusion of the 'correct term' in scientific language. In: Language and languages in the sciences. Past and present. Commemorative publication for Walter de Gruyter & Co. on the occasion of 250 years of publishing tradition. Edited by H. E. Wiegand. Berlin, New York 1999, 462-486.
  • Linguistic patriotism and linguistic nationalism. An attempt at a historical-systematic definition using the example of German. In: A. Gardt, U. Haß-Zumkehr, T. Roelcke (eds.): Sprachgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte. Berlin, New York 1999, 89-113.
  • Together with Ulrike Haß-Zumkehr and Thorsten Roelcke: "Vorwort" zu: Gardt / Haß-Zumkehr / Roelcke (eds.): Sprachgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte. Berlin, New York 1999, 1-10.
  • The conception of specialized languages in the language conceptions of the Baroque. In: Specialized Languages. Languages for Special Purposes. An international handbook on specialized language research and terminology studies. Edited by L. Hoffmann, H. Kalverkämper and H. E. Wiegand, in association with C. Galinski and W. Hüllen. 2 half-volumes. 1st half-vol. Berlin, New York 1999, 2410-2420.
  • J. A. Comenius' conception of language as part of a lexicographical project. In: Comenius-Jahrbuch 6, 1998, 67-74.
  • Begriffsgeschichte als Methode der Sprachgeschichtsschreibung. In: Journal of German Philology 117, 1998, 192-204.
  • The language societies of the 17th and 18th centuries. In: Sprachgeschichte. A handbook on the history of the German language and its research. Edited by W. Besch, A. Betten, O. Reichmann, S. Sonderegger. 3 half-volumes. 2nd ed. 1st half-vol. Berlin, New York 1998, 332-348.
  • Linguistic foundations and trends in specialized language research. In: Journal for German Linguistics 28, 1998, 31-66.
  • The specialized language of literary studies in the 20th century. In: Specialized Languages. Languages for Special Purposes. An international handbook on specialized language research and terminology studies. Edited by L. Hoffmann, H. Kalverkämper, H. E. Wiegand, in association with C. Galinski and W. Hüllen. 2 half-volumes. 2nd half-vol. Berlin, New York 1998, 1355-1362.
  • Das Fremdwort in der Sicht der Grammatiker und Sprachtheoretiker des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. A lexicographical presentation. In: Journal of German Philology 116, 1997, 388-412.
  • "Sprachtheorie in Barock und Aufklärung. On the status of a lexicographical project. In: K. D. Dutz, H. J. Niederehe (eds.): Theorie und Rekonstruktion. Trier studies on the history of linguistics. Münster 1996, 87-100.
  • "Ausführliche Arbeit von der teutschen HaubtSprache", by J. G. Schottelius. In: Dictionary of works on literary theory. Edited by R. G. Renner, E. Habekost. Stuttgart 1995, 48f.
  • Questions of style. Annual conference of the Institute for the German Language. Mannheim, March 15-17, 1994, in: Journal for German Linguistics 22, 1994, 369-374 (conference report).
  • From the right German word to gallant speech. Christian Weise's concept of language. In: Christian Weise. Poet - Scholar - Educator. Contributions to the first Christian Weise symposium on the occasion of his 350th birthday, Zittau 1992. ed. by P. Behnke, H.-G. Roloff. Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt a. M., New York, Paris, Vienna 1994, 79-101 (Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik, Reihe A: Kongreßberichte, 37).
  • The concept of "Eigentlichkeit" at the center of baroque linguistic theory. In: Gardt/Mattheier/Reichmann (eds.): Sprachgeschichte des Neuhochdeutschen. Tübingen 1995, 145-167.
  • The translation theory of Martin Luther. In: Journal for German Philology 111, 1992, 87-111.
  • together with Ingrid Lemberg, Oskar Reichmann, Thorsten Roelcke: Sprachkonzeptionen in Barock und Aufklärung: Ein Vorschlag für ihre Beschreibung. In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, Phonetik und Kommunikationsforschung 44, Heft 1, 1991, 17-33.
  • German Expressionists in the translation of Michael Hamburger. In: Michael Hamburger: Poets and Translators. Contributions to the Michael Hamburger Symposium at the German-American Institute Heidelberg. Edited by Walter Eckel, Jakob J. Köllhofer. Frankfurt, Bern, New York, Paris 1989, 103-116.
  • Possibilities and limits of a pragmatic theory of translation. In: TextconText 4, 1989, 1-59.
  • Translation and Intercultural German Studies. A conference report and contribution to the discussion. In: TextconText 3, 1988, 1-31.
  • Literary translation in foreign language philology. In: Perspectives and methods of intercultural German studies. Akten des 1. Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Germanistik. Edited by Alois Wierlacher. Munich 1987, 551-556.
  • On the didactics of literary translation. In: Yearbook German as a Foreign Language. Edited by Alois Wierlacher. Vol. 13. Munich 1987, 239-253.
