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Loving God passionately. Analyses at the intersection of theology and cultural studies, Freiburg/Br. 2025. |
Mary in history and the present. Liberating Perspectives on the Mother of Jesus, together with Peter Walter, ed. by Michael Hauber, Freiburg/Br. 2022 (together with Peter Walter†). |
Diversity and the question of justice. Pastoral Theology Course, edited by Theologie im Fernkurs, Würzburg 2022 (together with Annegret Reese-Schnitker). |
Invented in truth. Dichtung als Ort theologischer Erkenntnis (ratio fidei 30), Regensburg 2006. |
People. Faith. God. On the philosophical theology of Saskia Wendel, together with Martin Breul / Julian Tappen, Freiburg/Br. 2024. |
Sacred spaces. Verständigungen zwischen Theologie und Kulturwissenschaft, together with Ilse Müllner / Annegret Reese-Schnitker, Stuttgart 2024. |
People - Faith - God. Zur philosophischen Theologie Saskia Wendels, together with Martin Breul and Julian Tappen, Freiburg/Br. 2024. |
Sacred Texts. Verständigungen zwischen Theologie und Kulturwissenschaft, together with Ilse Müllner / Annegret Reese-Schnitker, Stuttgart 2023. |
Journal articles / book contributions
What you can see from here. Perspectives between theology and literature: Isabella Guanzini/Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer/Isabella Bruckner (eds.), Kunst trifft Theologie. Begegnungen in der Fremde (Theologie im kulturellen Dialog 24), Innsbruck (announced for November 2024). | |
Sacred spaces - an introduction, together with Ilse Müllner and Annegret Reese-Schnitker: Mirja Kutzer/Ilse Müllner/Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.), Heilige Räume. Understandings between Theology and Cultural Studies, Stuttgart 2024, 9-18. | |
The never-ending story. Fictional narration as communication about the "how" of redemption: Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift 75 (2024) 401-412. | |
Trauma, poetry and prayer - poetic work on the image of God: Theologie der Gegenwart (1/2024) 2-16. | |
Living allegory. The Song of Songs in Christian mysticism: Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie (JBTH) 38 (2023) 373-397. | |
Liberating new beginnings. Mary in the history of theology and the church: Herder Korrespondenz 77 (10/2023) 27-30. | |
Speaking of God in the language of love. Theological-literary border crossings: Jürgen Boomgaarden/Martin Leiner/Bertram Schmitz (eds.), Konfigurationen der Liebe. Concepts of love in religion, philosophy and literature, Leipzig 2023, 157-177. | |
On the culturality of the theological or What does it mean and to what end does one study the history of theology? Limina. Grazer theologische Perspektiven 6:1 (2023) 66-91. | |
"If you do not become like children..." Learning the art of living from Jesus: Journal for Integrative Gestalt Pedagogy and Pastoral Care (IIGS) Vol. 28, No. 108-23, 5-6. | |
TextBody. Sacred texts as spaces of subjective experience: Mirja Kutzer / Ilse Müllner / Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.), Heilige Texte. Understandings between Theology and Cultural Studies, Stuttgart 2023, 179-199. | |
Heilige Texte - eine Hinführung, together with Ilse Müllner: Mirja Kutzer / Ilse Müllner / Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.), Heilige Texte. Understandings between Theology and Cultural Studies, Stuttgart 2023, 9-34. | |
Believing God without faith. Simone Weil's treatments of emptiness: Internationale katholische Zeitschrift Communio 51 (2022) 672-682. | |
Eroticism of the love of God. Mechthild of Magdeburg's "The Flowing Light of the Godhead": CGL unterwegs. Journal of the Community of Christian Life 54 (2022), No. 1: Faith. Love. Desire, 20-21. | |
Building the good in the big city. Inhabiting the confines of the home and the spaces of the world: Anthropotes 37 (2021) 335-347. | |
Dancing over the abyss. Impulses of Christian mysticism: Herder Korrespondenz Special "Pious and free? Spirituality today" (October 2021), 35-37. | |
Sacramental bodies. From the Christian contribution to a Christian theoria of culture: Lukas Kaelin / Andreas Telser / Ilaria Hoppe (eds.), Bubbles & Bodies. New Public Spheres between Social Media and Street Protests. Interdisciplinary explorations, Bielefeld 2021,123-150. Link to the document → | |
Why Christmas should be invented ... or the theological value of fictional storytelling, in: reli+plus. Religionspädagogische Zeitschrift für Praxis & Forschung 11-12/2020, 4-7. | |
Fictionality and theology: Lut Missinne / Ralf Schneider / Beatrix van Dam (eds.), Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Fiktionalität, Berlin (DeGruyter) 2020, 380-408. | |
Marica Bodrožić: "With my head". Condensations: Communio 49 (2020) 109-111. Link to the document → | |
Gratia plena. On the ambivalences of an inescapable relationship: Zeitschrift für Gestalttherapie und Seelsorge 24 (2019), No. 95: Geschenktes Leben - erfüllt von Dankbarkeit, 115-117. | |
On the (powerless) power of love. Political implications of an emotion: Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel / Rita Perintfalvi / Hans Schelkshorn (eds.), Macht und Machtkritik. Contributions from a feminist-theological and liberation-theological perspective (Concordia. Series Monographs 70), Aachen 2018, 205-217. | |
With different eyes. On the contribution of Christianity to religious tolerance: Annegret Reese-Schnitker / Daniel Bertram / Marcel Franzmann (eds.), Migration, Flucht und Vertreibung. Theological analysis and religious education practice (Religionspädagogik innovativ 23), Stuttgart 2018, 51-65. | |
"That was love. Waiting for love". Theology of relationship in Arnold Stadler's "Komm gehen wir" and "Salvatore": Jan-Heiner Tück / Andreas Bieringer (eds.), "Auch der Unglaube ist nur ein Glaube". Arnold Stadler at the intersection of theology and literary studies, Freiburg/Br. et al. 2017, 169-190. | |
The pleasure of the sacred text. Textual practices and subject positions in Hugo von St. Viktor and Bernhard von Clairvaux: Ilse Müllner/Paul-Gerhard Klumbies (eds.), Bibel und Kultur. The Book of Books in Literature, Music and Film, Leipzig 2016, 79-99. | |
When the WORD becomes sociable. Kurt Marti's theology of poetic form: Pierre Bühler / Andreas Mauz (eds.), Grenzverkehr. Contributions to the work of Kurt Marti, Göttingen 2016, 70-89. | |
Consecrated to the body of Christ. Gender-theoretical implications of transcendental openness: Saskia Wendel / Aurica Nutt (eds.), Reading the Body of Christ. Eine geschlechtertheologische Relecture, Paderborn 2016, 193-205. | |
Love of God - love of man. On the connection between theology and anthropology: ThPQ 163(4/2015), 368-378. | |
It could have been like this. On language and death in Anna Mitgutsch's Wenn du wiederkommst: Alfred Bodenheimer / Jan-Heiner Tück (eds.), Klagen, Bitten, Loben - Formen religiöser Rede in der Gegenwartsliteratur, Ostfildern 2014, 66-87. | |
Love in life and death. Fragile relationship worlds in Peter Handke's work: Andreas Bieringer / Jan-Heiner Tück (eds.), Verwandeln allein durch Erzählen. Peter Handke im Spannungsfeld von Theologie und Literaturwissenschaft, Freiburg/Br. u.a. 2014, 115-135. | |
"I and I": Knut Wenzel (ed.), Code of the Road. Dylan interpreted, Stuttgart 2013, 198-216. | |
Liberation of creation? The search for a "new cosmology" in response to the ecological crisis: Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel et al. (eds.), Götzendämmerung? The crisis of civilization and its victims. Documentation of the 2nd International Workshop "Theology of Liberation from a European Perspective" (Concordia. Series Monographs 56), Aachen 2013, 89-105. | |
On the unavoidable physicality of the images of God: Impulse für die Pastoral 4/2013, 26-30. | |
Hildegard as a projection surface. Approaches to a medieval visionary: HK 66 (6/2012)294-298. | |
"Redemption has not taken place...". Skepticism and longing in contemporary literature: geist.voll 3/2011, 8-11. | |
Amor ordinatus. Negotiations on the value of the world as world: Knut Wenzel et al. (eds.), Glaube und Skepsis. Contributions to Heinz Robert Schlette's Philosophy of Religion, Ostfildern 2011, 346-357. | |
Hunger for love. Theological reflections on a secular promise of salvation: Knut Wenzel (ed.), Lebens-Lüste. Von der Ambivalenz der menschlichen Lebensenergie, Ostfildern 2010, 68-97. | |
The dogmatic reception of the theology of liberation. Desiderata and future perspectives: Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel et al. (eds.), Theologie der Befreiung im Wandel. Revisionen - Ansätze - Zukunftsperspektiven (Concordia. Reihe Monographien 51), Aachen 2010, 184-194. | |
Between language criticism and world design. Poetic texts and their theological potential: MThZ 67(2009)327-337. | |
Justified by hope. On Bernhard Schlink's "The Reader": Communio 38(2009)399-411. | |
Truth in diversity: Young Church. Fachzeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpastoral, July 5, 2009, 6-7. | |
Can one offend God?: geist.voll 4/2009, 22-23. | |
Dogmatic theology - an attempt to determine the current situation, together with Josef Weismayer / Hartwig Bischof / Hubert Weber: Johann Reikerstorfer / Martin Jäggle (eds.), Vorwärtserinnerungen. 625 Jahre Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Wien, Göttingen 2009, 277-290. | |
Changes in the late modern culture of relationships. Literary observations in Botho Strauß: Communio 36(2007)371-381. | |
The counter-world of the invented. Fictional texts as a medium of biblical promise: Protokolle zur Bibel 15(1/2006)25-46. | |
Incarnation - thinking from God or from man: The apple. Newsletter of the Austrian Women's Forum Feminist Theology No.71/2006, 4-7. | |
"In toil you shall bring forth children". Birth in the biblical-Christian tradition: Gabriele Dorffner / Sonia Horn (eds.), Aller Anfang. Geburt - Birth - Naissance (Vienna Conversations on the Social History of Medicine), Vienna 2004, 17-32. | |
When experience becomes language. Blurring the boundaries between mysticism and poetry: Quart. Journal of the Forum Kunst-Wissenschaft-Medien 2/2003, 14-17. | |
Encyclopedia article
Art. Man / Woman: Bertram Stubenrauch / Andrej Lurgos (eds.), Handwörterbuch zur Theologischen Anthropologie. Roman Catholic - Russian Orthodox. Eine Gegenüberstellung, Freiburg u.a. 2012, 74-83. |
Art. Adam / Eve: Bertram Stubenrauch / Andrej Lurgos (eds.), Handwörterbuch zur Theologischen Anthropologie. Roman Catholic - Russian Orthodox. Eine Gegenüberstellung, Freiburg u.a. 2012, 114-118. |
Art. Feeling: Bertram Stubenrauch / Andrej Lurgos (eds.), Handwörterbuch zur Theologischen Anthropologie. Roman Catholic - Russian Orthodox. Eine Gegenüberstellung, Freiburg u.a. 2012, 291-295. |
Art. Power: Bertram Stubenrauch / Andrej Lurgos (eds.), Handwörterbuch zur Theologischen Anthropologie. Roman Catholic - Russian Orthodox. Eine Gegenüberstellung, Freiburg u.a. 2012, 434-438. |
Review: Jean-Luc Marion, God without Being:ThRv 112(2016/2) Sp.149-150. | |
Rec. "On the Road in the Name of the Lord" - Thomas Glavinic's Roadstory to Our Lady of Medjugorje: Communio 42(2013)111-112. | |
Review: Edmund Arens (ed.), Thinking Time. Eschatologie im interdisziplinären Diskurs: ThRv 106(2010/6) Sp.483-485. | |
Review: Marlene Crüsemann / Carsten Jochum-Bortfeld (eds.), Christ and His Siblings. Christology in the Environment of the Bible in Just Language: Lisa Isherwood et al. (eds.), Wrestling with God (Yearbook of the European Society for Women's Theological Research 18), Leuven 2010, 260-263. | |
Review: Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel / Renate Kirchhoff (eds.), Christologie im Lebensbezug: Hanna Stenström et al. (eds.), Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology (Yearbook of the European Society for Theological Research by Women 15), Leuven 2007, 273-275. | |
Review: Bernhard Fresacher, Communication. Verheißungen und Grenzen eines theologischen Leitbegriffs: TThZ 117(2008)171-173. | |
Review: Matthias Fritsch / Thomas Schärtl / Christian Lindwedel, Wo nie zuvor ein Mensch gewesen ist: Katechetische Blätter 128(2003)306. | |
Review:Ecumenism as touchstone in the 3rd millennium. Review of Silvia Hell (ed.), The Credibility of Christian Churches (Innsbruck/Vienna 2000): Bible and Liturgy 75(1/2002)70. |
Radio essays, interviews, etc.
Radio essay on John 6:51-58, broadcast on 08.06.2023, program: Radio Österreich1, broadcast series "Art of Living |
Revolutionary Mother Mary. Interview with Betrix Gramlich: kontintente. Das missio-Magazin (May/June 2023), 32f. |
Radio essay on 1 Cor 12,3b-7.12-13, broadcast on 28.05.2023, program: radio Österreich 1, broadcast series "Art of Living" |
Radio essay on Joh 14,15-21, broadcast on 14.05.2023, program: Radio Österreich 1, broadcast series "Art of Living" |
"Mary was revolutionary in her time". Interview with Johanna Beck: Christ in der Gegenwart 74 (50/2022) 3f. |
Questionnaire "Theology for the Present": Christ in der Gegenwart 74 (40/2022) 16. |
Radio essay on Jes 35,1-6b, broadcast on 11/12/2022, program: Radio Österreich 1, series "Lebenskunst" (Art of Living) |
Radio essay on 2 Sam 2, 5,1-3, broadcast on 20.11.2022, Program: Radio Österreich 1, Sendereihe "Lebenskunst" (Art of Living) |
Radio essay on Acts 1,1-11, broadcasted on 26.05.2022, program: Radio Österreich 1, broadcast series "Art of Living |
Radio essay on Joh 20,19-31, broadcasted on 24.04.2022, Program: Radio Österreich 1, Sendereihe "Lebenskunst" (Art of living) |
Radio essay on Jos 5,9-12, broadcasted on 27.03.2022, program: Radio Österreich 1, broadcast series "Art of Living |
Corporeality - Passion - Integrity. Lenten sermon of March 13, 2022, Sankt Familia Kassel. |
Radioessay Acts 6,8-10,7; 54-60, broadcasted on 26.12.2021, Program: Radio Österreich 1, Sendereihe "Lebenskunst" |
Radio essay Mi 5,1-4a, broadcasted on 19.12.2021, program: Radio Austria 1, broadcast series "Art of Living |
Radio essay on Lk 16,19-31 (Of the rich and poor Lazarus), broadcast on 25.09.2016, program: Radio Österreich 1 / series "Gedanken für den Tag" (Thoughts for the day) |
Radio essay on Lk 10,38-42 (Mary and Marta), broadcast on 17.07.2016, program: Radio Österreich 1 / series "Gedanken für den Tag" (Thoughts for the day) |
In the gaze of the camera. On the 90th birthday of Marilyn Monroe, broadcast on 30.5-4.6.2016, Program: Radio Österreich 1 / Station series: "Thoughts for the day" |
Christian ideas of the afterlife following Joh 20,1-9, broadcast on Easter Sunday, 27.03.2016, program: Radio Österreich 1 / broadcast series "Erfüllte Zeit". |
Radio essay on Jn 13,31-35 (The new commandment), broadcast on 24.04.2016, program: Radio Österreich 1 / broadcast series "Erfüllte Zeit". |
Radio essay on Lk 24,13-35 (Walk to Emmaus), broadcast on 28.03.2016, program: Radio Österreich 1 / series "Erfüllte Zeit" (fulfilled time) |
Radio essay on Lk 1,1-4 (Prologue), broadcasted on 24.01.2016, program: Radio Österreich 1 / station series "Erfüllte Zeit" (fulfilled time) |
"If partridge, then partridge - if fasting then fasting". On the 500th anniversary of the birth of Teresa of Avila, broadcast 23.-28.3.2015, program: Radio Österreich 1 / broadcast series "Thoughts for the Day" |
"My soul praises the greatness of the Lord" - radio essay on Lk 1,39-56, broadcasted on 15.08.2014, program: radio Österreich 1 / series "Erfüllte Zeit" |
Exquisite journeys, broadcast 21.-26.07.2014, Program: Radio Österreich 1 / Station series "Thoughts for the day". |
November-Love, broadcast 11-16.11.2013, program: radio Austria 1 / broadcast series "Thoughts for the Day"; partial reprint in : Journal of Integrative Gestalt Pedagogy and Pastoral Care 18 (71/2013) 112f. |
The Carnal and Divine in Love:, posted online Dec. 20, 2012. |
"The End of the World - A Chance." Television discussion with Thomas Grüter and Ulrich H.J. Körtner, conducted by Michael Hofer, broadcast on 18.12.2012, program: ORF 2 / broadcast series "Kreuz & quer"; Wh.: 19.12./ 20.12.2012, program: ORF 3. |
Interview on the topic "The woman who never kept silent. Hildegard von Bingen becomes a church teacher". Feature by Petra Pfeiffer, broadcast on 30.09.2012, program: SWR 2 / broadcast series "Glauben". |
Interview on the topic "'Know thyself' through narrative - in search of traces with literary figures, philosophers and psychotherapists". Feature by Johannes Kaup, broadcast on 11. 07.2012, program: Radio Österreich 1 / broadcast series: Salzburger Nachtstudio. |
Interview on the topic "Veil, Sari, Off the Shoulder. The cultural dimension of nakedness". Feature by Angelika Calmez, broadcast on 08.07.2012, Saarländischer Rundfunk / broadcast series: Orientierung; on 28.08.2011, program: SWR 2 / broadcast series: Glauben; on 14.08.2011, Kulturradio RBB / broadcast series: Gott und die Welt. |
Interview on the topic "Intelligence. Vom Glück, schlau zu sein", broadcast on 16.03.2010, program: DRadio Wissen. |
Interview on the topic "Scientific language" by Lothar Bodingbauer, broadcast on Thursday, 16.10.2008, program: Radio Österreich 1/broadcast series: Dimensionen. |
Diversity and Diversity - in Dogmatic Theology. A contribution to the diversity management of the University of Vienna. |
Redeeming Literature. On the added value of parables: A plea to read the Bible literarily: Die Furche Nr.43 / 27.Oktober 2005, 12. |