Anniversary event on April 27, 2022

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Feminist theologies at the University of Kassel

On the occasion of the anniversary of the University of Kassel "50+1", the festive event of the Institute of Catholic Theology took place on April 27, 2022 in the Gießhaus.

The focus of the review was the Feminist Theologies at the University of Kassel with the subtitle: "Vergewisserung, Konkretisierung, Perspektiven".

Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien

The opening was addressed by President Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, Equal Opportunities Officer Dr. Sylke Ernst and Prof. Dr. Tom Kleffmann from the Institute of Protestant Theology. Bishop Dr. Michael Gerber had a greeting read.

They expressed their congratulations on the occasion of the anniversary and looked back on the Feminist Theologies at the theological institutes of the University of Kassel as a significantly formative place of research. This important legacy has been worthily continued by the currently appointed professors Ilse Müllner, Annegret Reese-Schnitker and Mirja Kutzer.

Dr. Aurica Jax, Director of the Office for Women's Pastoral Care of the German Bishops' Conference, gave the keynote address, recalledin her historical review the beginnings and protagonists of Feminist Theology and took current positions.

Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien

Moderated by Helena Fernys-Adamietz, the evening continued with the presentation of professors Ilse Müllner, Mirja Kutzer and Annegret Reese-Schnitker.

From their theological disciplines - biblical theology, systematic theology and religious education - they took a look at current feminist-theological research projects and debates.

Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien
Image: Martin Richwien

The program ended with a discussion among all participants on the current situation of feminist theologies and gender studies.

Afterwards, the Institute of Catholic Theology invited its guests to a small culinary reception, where alumni, students, staff and friends of the Institute could meet to look together at the past and into the coming.

The entire event was wonderfully accompanied musically by three students from the Institute of Music.

In the meantime, a recording of the presentations and the discussion can be seen at Offener Kanal Kassel under the following link: