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Dagmara Meyer-Warneke

Dr. Dagmara Meyer-Warneke

LfbA: Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel

Interne Post: Raum 3046, Fach 67
Consultation Hours

nach Vereinbarung

Teacher for special tasks (since 2007)

Teaching assignment for the supervision, organization and conceptual design of the teaching internship (1998-2007)

Supervision as part of the Continuing Education Program (WBSP)

Courses in all modules on the following focal points (selection):

-   Action research: acting and reflecting (as part of the teaching placement)

-   Competence-oriented lesson design (as part of the teaching placement)

-  Success-oriented, learner-activating and autonomy-promoting task and exercise design

-  Language skills

-   Development of intercultural skills

-   Teaching and learning vocabulary

-   Teaching and learning grammar

-   Introduction to the practice of teaching and research

-   Working with literary texts

-   Holistic learning

-   Regional studies and their didactics

Supervision, organization and (together with Michael Koenig) development of the concept based on action research for the teaching internship in the subject area DaFZ

[together with Holger Schiffel - University of Kassel] "Mündliche Kompetenz fördern ja - aber wie? Kreative Vorschläge zum Übungsdesign für analoge und digitale Lehrpraxis" Workshop as part of the FaDaF-DAAD-Förderprogramm, 48th FaDaF Annual Conference (digital), 2021

"From listening (visual) comprehension to fluency: analog, digital, but definitely creative!"
Workshop as part of the digital conference Digitales Lehren und Lernen im DaFZ-Unterricht: Herausforderungen, Potenziale, Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie, University of Kassel, 2021

[together with Prof. Dr. Karin Aguado - University of Kassel] "Aufbau und Vernetzung lexikalischer und grammatischer Sprachkompetenzen" Short presentation at the Erich Schmidt Verlag stand at 48. FaDaF in Freiburg, 2021

"Systematic, competent and reflective design of GFL lessons" (Part 1); "Teaching and learning GFL: cooperative-creative-principle-oriented" (Part 2). Workshops at the 11th German as a Foreign Language Conference "More efficient, more cooperative, more communicative:  German as a foreign language today" (Ellinogermaniki Agogi School, Athens, Greece 2019)

"Action and interaction-oriented exercise design in heterogeneous learning groups." Workshop as part of the ISW Workshop Tasks in a Multilingual Learning Context, University of Kassel, 2016

"Language awareness and linguistic fluency in lessons with a grammatical focus." Workshop as part of the ISW Workshop Tasks in a Multilingual Learning Context, University of Kassel, 2016

"Learner-activating and success-oriented exercise design." Workshop as part of a training course for DAAD lecturers from the UK and Ireland - Reinventing teaching
(Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, London, UK 2015)

"Action research, lesson observation and feedback. Methodological-didactic deepening." Workshop (Bosch Institute of Cultures and Languages, RBEI, Bangalore, India 2010)

Audit (Bosch Institute of Cultures and Languages, RBEI, Bangalore, India 2010)

"Cooperative learning in teaching German as a foreign language." Workshop (University of Kassel, Department of German as a Foreign Language 2009)

Audit (Bosch Institute of Cultures and Languages, RBEI, Bangalore, India 2008)

"Action research and classroom observation." Workshop (Bosch Institute of Cultures and Languages, RBEI, Bangalore, India 2008) 

"Action research in teacher training. How can systematic observation and reflection of GFL lessons  improve professionalism and quality of life at work?" Workshop (Universita di Siena-Arezzo, Italy 2007)

"Lesson organization and implementation: goals, groups and methods." Workshop (University of Kassel, Institute for Continuing Education in German as a Foreign Language 2005)

Intercultural communication training in the subject as part of the DAAD's "Program for the Promotion of the Integration of Foreign Students" (PROFIN) (evaluation of further training on intercultural training for administrative university staff; evaluation of cultural mediator training, 2010/2011)

Teaching German as a foreign language in primary and secondary schools:

Elementary school (Sopot, Gdynia, Poland)

Grammar school (Gdynia, Poland)

Teaching German as a foreign and second language at language institutes:

Academic education platform (Kassel, Germany)

Bengi (Kassel)

Language Center of the University of Kassel

(2023) Review of Sambani's & Walter (2022): Make it work! In: Zeitschrift für Interaktionsforschung in DaFZ (ZIAF), Vol. 2 No. 1: Methodische Zugänge zur Interaktionsforschung in DaFZ:, 139-142.

(2021) [together with Kristina Peuschel & Nadja Wulff] [Heftherausgabe]: InfoDaF 2021/48 (6): Aktuelle Forschung in DaF und DaZ: Von A(lphabetisierung) bis Z(ugriff auf Korpora). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

(2021) [together with Karin Aguado]: Building and networking lexical and grammatical language competences: Current developments in the specialized discussion and conclusions for teaching practice. Fremdsprache Deutsch 64: Wortschatz. München: Erich Schmidt, 3-12.

(2021) [together with Karin Aguado] [issue edition]: Fremdsprache Deutsch 64: Wortschatz. Munich: Erich Schmidt.

(2007) Action research and practical relevance in GFL teacher training. Dissertation. Kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

(2005) Instructions for action research - steps towards more conscious teaching. In: Ascarelli, R., daf-Werkstatt - Halbjahresschrift des Zentrums für die Didaktik der deutschen Sprache an der Universität Siena, Herder Editrice e Libreria, 3-19.

(2004) Review of Barbara Ziebell (2002): Classroom observation and teacher behavior. In: German as a foreign language 41/1: 40-44.