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Maria Hummel (M.A.)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache

Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5
34125 Kassel

Interne Post: Raum 3046, Fach 65
Consultation Hours

nach Vereinbarung

Oral GFL skills at primary school age

Language education outside the classroom

Interaction in German as a second language


[together with Karin Aguado, Kathrin Siebold, Florian Thaller & Olga Czyzak] Foundation, publication and editing of the digital Open Access Journal for Interaction Research in DaFZ (ZIAF):


[together with Karin Aguado]: Interactions between teaching and lifeworld. Introduction to the fourth issue of ZIAF. Journal for Interaction Research in German as a Foreign and Second Language, 4, 1-9. DOI:


[together with Ralf Schneider; Mark Weißhaupt, Elke Hildebrandt; Barbara Müller-Naendrup, Kathleen Panitz]: Perspectives on research in learning workshops. In: Peschel, Markus; Kelkel, Mareike (eds.): Fachlichkeit in Lernwerkstätten. Child and subject in learning workshops. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 187-212.


[together with Ralf Schneider] Open project work in the learning workshop as a form and place for language education and educational language. In: Kekeritz, Mirja; Graf, Ulrike; Brenne, Andreas; Fiegert, Monika, Gläser, Eva, Kunze, Ingrid (eds.): Lernwerkstattarbeit als Prinzip. Possibilities for teaching and research. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 133-146.


Extracurricular learning opportunities in all-day elementary school as places for integrative language education. In: Dittmann, Alina; Giblak, Beata & Witt, Monika (eds.): Bildungsziel: Mehrsprachigkeit. Towards the Aim of Education: Multilingualism. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 285-296.